The other goblin tribe had arrived, there was a new confidence that had risen in the current goblin tribe.
It was as if they fully believed that now that their allies were here, there was no chance for their group to lose this war.
Unfortunately Primus reinforcement along with the alpha howl had changed everything, the only thing keeping them from not surrendering is the minuscule hope that Kirk wins the fight.
It was because of this the goblin heads were putting their best into killing Alexis so they could join hands to kill Eulise but even that proofed difficult, so rather than concentrate completely on Alexis that was in front of them, they chose to hit the closest Primus soldiers occasionally.
It was no longer a equal fight between both groups given the interference of the goblin heads.
Seeing this Alexis immediately tried to move further away from where Eulise and the rest of the soldiers were.