F-: 1/25
F: 1/50
F+: 1/75
E-: 1/150
E: 1/200
E+: 1/250
D-: 1/300
D: 1/500
D+: 1/600
C-: 1/750
C: 1/900
C+: 1/1100
B-: 1/1500
B: 1/1750
B+ 1/2000
A-: 1/5000
A: 1/10000
A+: 1/25000
S-: 1/50000
S: 1/100000
S+: 1/500000
SS: 1/1000000
SS+: 1/100000000
above SS+ scales exponentially
X: 1/???
F rankings: Very little to zero understanding and control of the power or ability.
E rankings: A small amount of understanding and control of the power or ability.
D rankings: An average understanding and control of the power or ability.
C rankings: A decent and slightly above-average understanding and control of the power or ability.
B rankings: A quite good and well-rounded understanding and control of the power or ability.
A rankings: A very good and superior understanding and control of the power or ability.
S rankings: An adept and complete understanding of the ability with absolute control, usually requiring very little or no effort to use.
Above S rankings: Metapotent control and understanding of the ability or power, usually bypasses time and space. The user's use of the ability cannot be measured and often breaks the laws of reality.