Bright eyes see no more.
An ocean of nothingness.
A dreary life
Like a darkened canvas.
See no more of the world
Of eons long ago.
Hear no more of the tales
That tongues of old used to share.
The fire no longer lit.
The golden lamp had lost its color.
Dancing shadows flutter along
With the abyss,
Bidding their hearty adieu
Along with the song of sadness.
The aurora has come—
Oh, bright eye still dwells
On the comforts of bygone years.
Playful lights then weep
The colors of gray—
Speaking of comfort,
Speaking of the truth.
Bright eyes see no more.
The tears have dried
And the pain subsided.
Look further,
For Atlas no more bears
The world on his shoulder.
The sun still shines, though,
And the moon still glows.
Bright eyes please do see
The beauty you had within—
See the hope that Pandora saved
Before the fall—
And see the father's hand
That reached forth
With lips breathing out
Saccharine words that chorused along
With the afterlife's bittersweet beginnings.