Chereads / THE TWIST° / Chapter 2 - VACATION GONE WRONG II


mom can't damien help me with my bag its so fucking heavy

selina! have told you to stop cursing mrs oscavo shouted and besides why did you carry so many things its not like we aren't coming back

mom i can't do without these things


mrs oscave shaked her head helplessly

where are the boys

mrs oscavo ask selina

they are coming mom,

damien and mr oscavo rushed out after discussing in mr oscavo study room

why do you have a gloomy face mrs oscavo asked andy your son said we shouldn't go to the island

cause he has some bad premonition

mom i just don't think we should go ,damien said

is it because of celine ,selina asked grining

no its not!

alright enough with your nonsene everyone should get ready for the flight

damien let out a long sigh.

mean while in orlando's mansion

Mr olando is pacing back and front

with his son complaining

dad i thought you said i was gonna inherit old mr oscavo's will if i poison his drink

now i hear he already has a heir

how was i suppose to know that the foolish old mr oscavo has a son he hid is family well

damn aristocrats

that old man and his silly tricks

dad what are we going to do now

its simple we just need to kill the remainig oscavo's

do you think that will work? asked dimitri with a face full of doubt

have i ever failed you son

well that what you said before but am still not the inheritor of the oscavo's properties, dimitri muttered

what did you say

nothing replied dimitri

while on the plane

damien was staring out the window thinking of the call he heard his father making

carson i want you to protect damien at all cost

nothing must happen to him

mr oscavo i don't think its a good idea to go on this trip

no we must go ,the family hairloom is in the island i have to give it to damien

sir don't you think you would be putting alot of pressure on the young master carson said

he has to know his responsibility sooner or later mr oscavo replied


sir there is a probability that you and your family may no make it back from this trip

that is why i need you to search the island if we can't make it back.

after the call damien came into the room with an angry look dad i can't beleive you want to risk our family for some fucking hairloom

our family is already at risk with or without the hairloom

this family has made lot of enemies so we are bound to face troubles sooner or later

back to present damien still looking at the window


something don't just feel right.