Levi stood tall, gazing down at Ethan with an air of authority. He posed a steady question, "Do you have any inkling of what the amber dance signifies? Why we kings gather companions? Or are you simply going along with the flow as you perceive it?".
Ethan's eyes remained fixed on Levi, and he retorted, "Are you planning to keep talking endlessly, or shall we resolve this matter once and for all?".
With a weary sigh, Levi asked, "What has made us adversaries? You could easily hand her over to me and choose to forget all of this ever occurred".
Ethan's brow furrowed in confusion, trying to comprehend Levi's cryptic words.ย
Levi waved his hand casually, his tone carefree as he retorted, "You can easily find another companion; there's no reason for you to fixate so much on just one, look at me, I have seven loyal tools".
"Tools?" Ethan questioned, his eyes widening in surprise, "Are you referring to your wives?".