They caught sight of Yeonsi in the forest with a bag in her hold.
"Let's go!" She said with enthusiasm as she marched through the forest to an unknown destination, while they both followed behind in silence. He grasped her hand in his, keeping her close.
"What's the location to the Void?" Hwarang queried.
"Location? The right question to ask is what path do we have to cross?" Yeonsi pointed out with a scoff, as she continued treading down the forest path.
"What path then?" He asked nonchalantly.
"The path of death, darkness, trials and temptations." She replied in a stern tone, depicting the guttural sense of her words.
"Right." Hwarang breathed out in a bored tone.
"I'm speaking in a literal sense, that's the only thing haunting our paths, every path we take toward the void is sufficed with a touch of death, darkness, trials and temptations." Yeonsi stated.
"We'll go through trials and temptations?" Nari queried with lifted brows warily.