Chapter 15 - Fight with Turtwig

After Gardenia introduced herself. Ash and team also introduced themself.

"Your turtwig looks strong can we have a battle"

"Yes we can have a battle"

"But Ash aren't we on our way to find the castle"

Dawn interrupted the conversation with her worries. But with Cheryls ok we started our match.

"Let's go with 2v2"

"Ok let's go turtwig we will win the match"

"Turtwig!! "

Gardenia also sent her first pokemon

"Go Cherubi"

It looks exact like a pink cheery with eyes and mouth. I know she is just using this pokemon currently for scouting the strength and I followed Ash's instructions for this fight

"Turtwig use tackle!! "

And the Cherubi didn't even dodge the tackle and got hit.

"Now turtwig use razor leaf"

Now attacking it with razor leaf, the Cherubi keep dodging the attack some times it got hit but not critical seeing this she retrieved Cherubi.

"Your turtwig fast but can you compete against this,

Go turtwig!! "

With another turtwig coming in front of them Ash and team were surpised.

"Oh you also have a turtwig then it will be great battle, Turtwig use tackle!! "

With Ash instructions I started running towards the turtwig accelerating myself.

This is the max speed I have shown to everyone yet , I don't want to loose my Trump card in not important battle but I knew this speed is not enough.

Even though for others I looked very fast the turtwig casually dodged my tackle.

That fast a turtwig can become when trained correctly.

It was even dodging Arial ace in anime.

If you can just dodge every attack that's just a bug or one can say over powered move.

This is speed advantage in the real life which I want to achieve.

With dodging some tackles Ash also realised that it will not work but Ash still used tackle because why not.

And this time when it dodged the attack I crashed into a tree.

It didn't hurt me a bit, my training is even harsher than this but acting as if I am hurt is also a great advantage to me, because of this opponent will lower it's guard.

And as Gradenia looked at me acting hurt, she gave instruction to the move which I was waiting for

"Turtwig use Leech seed"

With the seed shoot from it and fell on me I watched the complete process on how it did this move, also to know more about the seed and how it works I didn't even dodge the move.

With roots from the seed surrounded my body and started absorbing the energy I was completely focused on gaining more insights ignoring the damage being done to me.

After the seed is exhausted I also looked exhausted which I was not. Even if it absorbed my energy it still was a grass type move weak against me.

Seeing this chance again she used another powerful move.

"Turtwig use leaf storm and finish the battle"

A storms of sharp leaves started coming at me

"No.. Turtwig dodge"

And I made a quick dodge by jumping. Also catching some leaves in the process just to check if they are tempered.

With this I have now learned enough from this turtwig let's show it how to fight.

"Turtwig attack with another tackle"

"Turtwig!! "

Ash still trusting the tackle gave me instructions.

I again started speeding up.

Gardenia also waiting for me to get closer so she could instruct dodge at correct time.

And as I reached a particular distance I started attacking the turtwig with razor leaf and still not stopping the tackle.

You can say it's like a simple multitasking to a extent?.

But the razor leaves were not aimed at Turtwig and were passing through Turtwig like they have created a tunnel surroinding the turtwig, Only me and the turtwig in that tunnel.

"Oh no.. can't dodge now how cool is that move, but no worries Turtwig you also use tackle"

As it also started charging at me for tackle , a big collision happened as we both collided head on.

And the result was obvious even though that turtwig is fast it didn't have as much strength as me so it got flown backwards.

And as it was falling on ground the razor leaves which had passed from his side previously came back by changing directions and with perfect hit gave damage to turtwig.

"How?? "

From those razor leaves impact it again got thrown to my direction.

"Turtwig now finish it with bite!! "

Speeding towards the incoming I gave it a bite and consecutively gave it a crunch and as usual my absorb which I always use with bite finishing the match.

As turtwig fainted Gardenia took it back.

"That was a brilliant combo Ash, how did your razor leaves turned there direction they didn't look like magical leaf to me and what the hell with that razor leaf tunnel that was so cool. That's how a grass type pokemon should fight."

Well she looks like greatly inspired by my moves and lot motivated than before. Her eyes which were playful before now were filled with motivation to win this match. With this she took out the previous pokeball.

Looking at the pokeball I was waiting for that little devil to come out.

"It's ok, your turtwig is really stronge but you will not be able to defeat this"

"Go again Cherubi show them your strength"

"Cherubi!! "

This time as it came out this Cherubi looked a lot more determined. And with it's enterance sunlight started becoming more and more bright and intense and I knew these effects.

Sunny Day.