Chereads / Tales From The Obsidian Fields / Chapter 1 - New World

Tales From The Obsidian Fields

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Chapter 1 - New World

My name is George D. Helms. I was a member of the Homeland Militia who fought alongside the Union Of Angelica. That was before the Union Of Angelica along with the Homeland territory had both collapsed. The Mutata as they have come to be known have spread and mutated from this war. We have managed to form seven territories around the country protected by massive walls and large militaries.

Homeland was dissolved into six different other territories that neighbored them on all sides. When I had gone back to Homeland everything was burned to the ground and all of the people had evacuated their homes. This was where my story is picked up and you are all brought to current events. That is all for the introduction.

I found myself standing at the top of a tower looking over a smoldering heap that was known as home at one point. I had a scarf tight around my face so that I wasn't breathing in a ton of smoke. I looked down at my backpack and found that my ammunition was running low. These creatures that we are fighting can take shot after shot before going down, and at night they are worse than daytime. It is hard to get sleep as they have mutated to be able to take over humans or animals if they wanted.

Before getting back home I was stalked by three days by mutated wolves, and two of those fuckers using my squad mates voices. They haunted my nightmares when I was able to get any rest. The most rest I have gotten was when I got to the top of this tower, but it was due to the advantage that I got being up here that drew me in. Below me I could hear the growls of infected wolves circling below.

I couldn't tell you how long I had been up here, but I can say that all of my water has run out. It sounds stupid, but nothing is worse than being thirsty with no way to solve it. At least if I am hungry nearly anything can fix the problem. I was hoping while being here I would be able to restock on supplies. I also had a little hope that we would be able to find someone for companionship for a little while. Neither of those things are happening with those things down there.

I pulled my scope up to my eye ready to fire at one of the wolves down there when thunder roared through the sky. I had a smile on my face and sat down and laid my rifle beside me as ran started to fall. I pulled the scarf off my face and put it over my rifle as ran fell on my face.

The cool water felt so good after being in the fun for so long, and the clean air was welcome. Rain is something that almost gives you hope that everything could be okay in the end. Collecting my thoughts I pulled out my canteen and placed it in a spot where the tower dipped so that it will fill with water. Thunder roared again followed by howls and the sound of marching solders below.

Laying on my stomach I slowly went over to the edge of the tower and stared down to the street. I could see the Mutata soldiers marching by with a mix of wolves and regular foot soldiers. It was still insane to me knowing that they learned how to use our weapons in the the first year of the war. It put them beyond us even knowing they use the same weapons we use in our fighting. It doesn't make their fighting ability better than ours, but their power comes from how strong they are in being able to take damage.

I rolled onto my back and sat my rifle to the side. It would be dumb of me to take any shots at these things while alone. Well I don't think I would be alive long enough to realize how dumb it was. I don't know how people are still alive-including myself-but people have so far, and I hope we can find a way through this. With that being said when all the sounds of marching went away I fell asleep with the rain still falling on me.

When I woke up the sky had gone dark and a full moon illuminated the sky. No sounds came besides gunfire and screams every so often. It used to be crickets and dogs singing or howling in the night. The enemy ended up killing all of those animals long ago.

It was a horrendous sight to see all of the bodies laying around if the enemy didn't transform them into another creature. The smell was even worse than seeing it. Even in the cities it was something similar to what was happening in the countryside. The only difference was all of the bodies had no room to space out.

This led to bodies littering the streets and being packed in buildings. The rot allowed flies to build on the insides of the widows to the point where nothing could be seen inside. It is amazing to think that I am still alive at all or that the news of underground cities have been built around the country.