Chapter 2 - Chapter 3

The forest was serene and peaceful, devoid of any sounds except for the rustling of leaves as the wind gently caressed them.

While there were trees, flowers, and plants in abundance, the absence of animal life was noticeable. It seemed like a world where nature was in a state of equilibrium, with no predators or prey to disturb the calmness of this dark forest.

As I walked through the forest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of solitude. It was a blank world, lacking in the diversity and richness of life that I had come to expect.

The idea of a mod like Mo' Creatures crossed my mind, which would have added more animals to the game and made the world feel more alive. But for now, I appreciated the peacefulness that this world offered.

As I continued my walk, the sun shone brightly overhead, and a gentle breeze blew across my face, providing a welcome respite from the heat. It was a perfect day for a stroll in the forest.

Soon, my solitude was broken by the appearance of a group of pigs, grazing on the plants in the middle of the forest.

'Lucky me, I can finally taste pork meat !' I thought while looking at them.

I drew my sword and approached them slowly, preparing to hunt them for their meat.

With two swift strokes of my sword, I killed one of the pigs, while the rest fled in fear.

I chased after them, eventually killing three more and collecting five pieces of pork meat. It was a satisfying haul, and I looked forward to cooking it for dinner.

As I walked further into the forest, I noticed that the scenery was changing.

The dark oak trees, which had been prominent earlier, were gradually being replaced by more simple oak trees.

It was a subtle but noticeable shift in the forest's ecology, and I wondered what other changes lay ahead.

Continuing on my journey, I took the opportunity to break some plants and gather seeds to expand my farm.

As I walked, my hunger began to grow, so I stopped to dig down and gather some stones. Once I had enough, I used it to craft a furnace. I also gathered some wood, and using my furnace, I cooked the pork and fish that I had collected earlier.

As I sat down to eat, I glanced up at the sky and realized that it was already noon. I still had plenty of time to explore, so I finished my meal and set off once again.

After some time, I noticed that the dark oak trees had disappeared, and only oak trees remained. This was a clear sign that I had entered a new biome.


Suddenly, I heard a faint sound in the distance.

'This was a sheep right ?' I thought listening to the noise.

I followed the noise and soon discovered a group of sheep munching on some plants. I quickly dispatched them and gathered three pieces of wool, which I planned to use to craft a bed.

As I continued to explore, I decided to gather some wood to prepare for mining the following day. The sun was still high in the sky, and I had plenty of time to search for resources.

Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of something blue out of the corner of my eye. I approached the source of the color and emerged from the forest into a vast and beautiful plain.

To my right, a stunning beach stretched out before me, with clear, enchanting waters and waves rolling gently onto the sand. The plain was expansive, stretching out as far as the eye could see. To the left, it was bordered by a massive mountain range that reached far into the sky.

As I took in the breathtaking scenery, I knew that I had found the perfect location for my base. The beautiful sea and the imposing mountains would make for an awe-inspiring home, and I couldn't wait to get started.

As the sun began to set, I finally made it back home from a long day of exploring and hunting.

On my way back, I decided to plant some more seeds on my farm and hunt a few more pigs to ensure that I had enough food for the upcoming days.

Upon arriving home, I immediately got to work on my crafting table, using the coal I had collected earlier to make four torches.

Then using my other items I crafted a bed, and a chest. With the chest, I was able to store all of the useless items that I had picked up along the way, such as saplings, dirt, and flowers.

As I placed the torches around my small house to illuminate it, I set my bed down and prepared to rest for the night. But before sleeping, I took a moment to examine myself in my inventory.

'It's hard to believe that I'm really Steve…' I thought to myself.

Feeling inspired, I clicked on the icon in the corner of my inventory screen and began to design my new skin. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the first modification was free of charge, so I took my time and spent a few hours perfecting my new look.

Finally satisfied with my appearance, I crawled into my cozy bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. But even as I dozed off, I couldn't help but hear the faint sound of zombies in the background, a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked outside of my safe haven.


The following day was uneventful, but I found it to be quite productive. I continued my mining efforts, digging in a staircase pattern to collect a lot of stones, coal, and even some iron.

The iron was particularly difficult to break, but I was pleased to finally have some on hand. I'll need a ton in the future, creating an iron farm will be necessary.

Before lunch, I decided to spend some time expanding my farm. I knew that if I didn't find any animals, I didn't want to lack food.

To my surprise, I found that my crops had grown quite a bit overnight. It was exciting to see the progress and I hoped that they would be ready to harvest in just a few more days.

In the afternoon, I set out to collect some wood using my trusty stone axe. The task was not too difficult, and I managed to gather enough wood to keep me going for a while.

Even though I had to destroy some trees, I didn't feel too bad about it. I knew that I could replant them later on… maybe …

With the remaining daylight, I decided to melt my iron ores into ingots. It was a time-consuming task, but I had enough to make myself a shield, a bucket, and an iron pickaxe. I was quite happy with the results of my day's work.

As night fell, I retreated to my small cube to get some rest. It was about time to start thinking about moving on from this spot.

But for now, I was content with the progress I had made and the resources I had gathered.


Shorter chapter because the beginning is finished, we are starting a new arc.

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