
Khalia Umbar Mercurion (The 7th Empress0)

Bathzul Mecurion (Emperor Mercurion)

Freya Al'Mercurion


Claudia Eshbah'Umbar

Diego Al'Mercurion

Ezra Eshbah'Umbar


Dalilah Aydal Mercurion (The Tenth Empress)


Alphea Mercurion Goldore

Eros Al'Mercurion

Warden Callum Al'Mercurion

Dathra Al'Mercurion (Council Head of Finance)

Arbiter (An Arbiter of the god Icarus [a.k.a god of cultivation])


Miksha the Adept Swordswoman

The Master

Mathilda Eshbah' Umbar




Prince 785 ( Later Sharath Metcurion Umbar)

Prince Ethan Mercurion MIstorn

Eskius Al'Mercurion

The Coachman


Huber the Grand Announcer


Mellissa Mercurion Aydal


Berius the Adept Scribe


Edmund Al'Mercurion

Ethil Mercurion Charthine

Severus Mercurion Corvallis

Empress Quintalia Shargott

Quitsia Shargott

Keyla Shargott

Empress Anuka Aesamir

Prince Khothar Aesamir

Princess Messiah Aesamir

Prince Nazaam Aesamir


Joldur Esh'Umbar