Chapter 3 - Start of unfamiliar

The morning sun shines bright, and the birds were singing to the welcome sound of the sun. The sun was the source of life. The warmth of light hugged the wet trees and soil, it gave them hope to start again.

Animals that were hiding came out. Under a tree, a young man was sitting his eyes were bloodshot red. His wet shirt revealed a skinny body half-covered with a disgusting scar.

The pain on his scar vanished as soon as the sun came out. It was not that surprising for Raven. He didn't sleep last night. Who can sleep with burning flesh?

He didn't go up when the sun came out because he knew that the gate would not open for the time being. And he got one hour nap. That was good news for him.

He got up and checked his stuff. All his clothes and books were wet. A few were covered in dry mud.

He sighed. He checked his scar to see any change. Last night was pure Hell. He thought he would go insane due to the pain but he withstand it.

' I should do something about the curse. Lez doesn't have full control over the curse yet. She might not even know about it. He will know when she attacks Klenk but that incident was a few years in the future. '

' And considering my situation I can get help from the priest. They won't probably let me in because of my status. What should I do? The eye of the Devil is my only choice. But that thing is too difficult to obtain. '

Raven thought were scattered. He revisited his memory to find the solution to the curse. At first, he thought he would only feel the heat since that is what Klenk said that Lez. 'He must be a monster calling that pain a little heat. '

' Maybe that was only a little heat for him considering he was the knight in previous life. '

Raven sighed in defeat. He dragged all his stuff and made his way to the gate. The place he stay and the gate were not that far. He stayed in the outer forest of the Academy. As he got nearer, he heard a lot of horse noise and a bunch of chatter.

On the road, he saw numerous students, who didn't wear uniforms since the school didn't make any rules about it. All wore fancy coats, shirts and pants. Some were with a sword on their waist.

Their perfume reached his nose. Seeing their clean and happy look, Raven felt a bit shame about his situation. He was dirty and smelled like a rat.

He walked to the side and dare not to step on the road since they could see him. He saw the old man laughing while talking to the vice student.

He didn't bother to make eye contact. And the old man didn't care for him Raven was just another loser he would find on the street.

Raven entered the gate. The space around him bent and morphed. He felt intense mana. Just like in Father Place but this time it didn't direct at him.

He could feel at ease but his heart pounded loud. Soon the surrounding laughter and chatter noise faded.

He found himself standing in front of the door. The door was not huge but it had distinct features. Looking at that Raven can say where he teleported to.

" You can come. " The face on the door said to him. The face was a wooden old man with a messy beard. This wooden face was the guard of the principal. How can that door be a protector?

Well, because that door is an artefact. Capable of hiding you and protecting you as long as you stay behind the door.

Raven nodded. He grabbed the door handle and twisted it. With a ' Clink' the door opened. Inside the door was not a grand office but rather a plain room. It had a desk and a few chairs to sit on. Behind that were what seemed to be offices for the principal.

He was young not like age 20 but early 30. His smile was unsettling. Snake-like mouth and long eyelashes cover his already small eyes.

" Sorry for the sudden teleportation. " He said as he signalled Raven to sit.

Raven told as he said. He didn't have any reason to complain. " Do you know the reason I called you here? " The principal asked.

Raven shook his head. Of course, he had a slight idea why he got here.

The principal sighed in disappointment. " I want you to leave my school. " Twist words were hard, so with a straight line he said.

" May I ask you the reason? "

The principal didn't say a word. He stared at Raven with a dumb look. And then he busted out a laugh.

" Don't tell me you don't know why. Look at you, Raven. You are trash. Your mana core was destroyed. And you are practising to become Knight. That dream was also crushed by your arm. You can't choose a mage from that core. You are trash. " He repeated.

At this insult, Raven just nodded his head. " I know about that sir. "

" Don't hope. The destroyed mana core can't be restored. I can't say the same thing for that arm since the priest could heal it but do you have the money the status and most important power to reach the priest? " His wicked tone was disgusting.

" Say something, will you? Don't just stare at me. I will give you the money back. " The principal proposed the deal.

This deal was not great for Raven. He needed the eye of the Devil. That thing can't be made anywhere. He needed this Academy. This is where the plot happened.

Sure with that money he can live an easy life for two years but when that war broke out he will become a slave. It was not worth it.

Raven shook his head. "Sorry sir. I want to stay here. "

The principal sighed. " Okay, you can stay but you can't attend any class. That's my order. I can give the knowledge to the trash. "

" Can I at least enter the library? " Raven asked. He can't back away from the library.

The principal thought for a moment then he nodded. " Sure. Now get out of my room. "

His voice pushed Raven to fly across the door.

He found himself in the small room. The room was filled with dust. There was no light in the room, no windows. " At least I have a roof over my head. " Raven smiled.

He looked around and saw his stuff. He decided to clean the room with dirty clothes.

After a few minutes, the room was clean. At least two grown men can sleep in this room so he has plenty of space. " Nice and clean. But there is no source of light. Well, I hope I can find some lighter lamps. "

He dressed up. His clothes were torn and slightly wet but it was wearable other than it smile like a rat.

He opened his room and walked his way to the library. He was in the castle so the library was not that hard to find. That place was described in detail.

On the left tower, the tower is the library. He made his way. He received a lot of stares filled with disgust. He didn't bother much about it other than feeling a little bit do insecurity and shame. But he can fight through that.

The library was huge. He didn't see any students, 'They must be attending their class. This place only gets people around lunchtime. I will leave that time. ' Raven didn't want to encounter the main cast. They always hang around in the library to study circles.

Especially Lez she wanted to combine magic and sword techniques. Everyone says impossible but she proved them wrong. That is the chosen one for sure.

He walked toward the magic area. Especially the one with formation. Sure enough, he found the basic formation.

He grabbed the book and sat in the dark corner to study. He could use the table and read comfortably but someone would find trouble with that.

The library didn't have any human guards. It was protected by the spirit. They loved nature so it was predictable.

When he opened the first page, he heard the giggle. A small fairy-like spirit was floating in from of him, she looked at Raven and smiled.

' Weird. ' He thought.

" Hey. Hey. What is your name? " The spirit asked.

" Raven. "

" Oh. "

Raven continued his reading, he didn't bother spirit. " Come on. You are boring. " The spirit shook his shoulder.

" What should I do? I am here to study formation. Besides don't Spirit hate human? "

" Of course, we hate humans but not all. "

Raven frowned.

She giggled covering her mouth. " You are like nature so I decided to talk. I have not seen that kind of human in hundreds of years. Oh. That brings back a lot of fun memory. "

She floated crossing her hands.