"What kind of pleasure do I owe you for your visit?" Gemory asked as she slowly flew down.
"I don't think it's necessary to tell you because she's going to come out soon enough," Elena answered as she looked at Amaryllis and then nodded her head.
Amaryllis reactivated the system inside Kiersha and brought all her powers back, including her pet. As soon as she had done that, the castle was covered in ice and froze the whole castle in less than a second. Gemory turned around and looked at her beautiful castle, which had been turned into a giant block of ice.
"What an amazing power," Gemory said with a smile.
Kiersha broke the ceiling and came out of the castle with the serpent slithering around her body. She looked at her own body and felt the familiar power run through her body as she chuckled in excitement. She then looked down and saw Elena and the others who were staring at her, but when she looked at Gemory, she looked furious and glared at her.