Chapter 5 - Monstrosity

Hours passed as Siltri slept, and when he woke up, he knew that there was something weird that happened to his body. He checked himself out in the mirror but found nothing was wrong, nothing had changed in his appearance and physiology.

Siltri shook his head, thinking that it must have been a dream. But as he started to go about his day, he realized that something was different. His thoughts were clearer, and he could remember things more vividly than ever before. He felt more in tune with his body and surroundings, as if he could sense things he couldn't before.

He knew something weird was going on. He then proceeds to ask Dr. Lewis about his condition. He then went to her office and found out that she was busy with something.

"Uhhmm Doc? I feel different. Something's changed, but I can't put my finger on it. Do you know what could be happening?"

Dr. Lewis looked at Siltri curiously. "What do you mean, different? Can you be more specific?"

Siltri hesitated for a moment before answering. "I don't know, it's like my senses are sharper, and my memory is more vivid. It's hard to explain, but I'm more in tune with my body and surroundings."

Dr. Lewis furrowed her brows, contemplating Siltri's words. "It's possible that the serum might have some unforeseen effects on your body and brain. We still don't know the full extent of its capabilities. I suggest we run some tests and see what's going on."

Siltri nodded, relieved that Dr. Lewis believed him. They spent the next few hours running tests and analyzing Siltri's body and brain. The results were surprising.

Dr. Lewis's eyes widened as she read the results. "Silt! this is unbelievable. Your brain activity is off the charts. Your neural connections are stronger, and your cognitive abilities have increased significantly."

Siltri was surprised as he listened to Dr. Lewis's words. "What does that mean? Am I some kind of superhuman now?" He laughs.

Dr. Lewis chuckled. "I wouldn't go that far dummy, but it's clear that the serum has had a significant impact on your body and brain. It's still too early to tell what's going on or will be, but we need to keep a close eye on you and monitor your progress."

Siltri nodded, still processing the information. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He might have a great understanding of things, but not to the point of having such. But now, it was different.

Dr. Lewis placed a hand on Siltri's shoulder with an unusual grin. "Don't worry, Siltri. We'll figure this out together. We'll make sure you're safe and healthy, and we'll learn everything we can about this serum and its effects."

Siltri smiled uncomfortably, knowing what was inside Dr. Lewis's mind. "Sylvie? I know what you're thinking. Don't you dare turn me into one of your guinea pigs."

"But Silt, we have to and you also know why right?" She smiled back at him, this time he knows that she was serious. "Don't worry, I've got your back."

Siltri was grateful for Dr. Lewis's support. But deep down, he couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty. He was no longer the person he used to be, and he didn't know what that meant for his future.

"Hey, why don't try to go to the lab, it's just a block from here. But don't go too far, you're still under my care for now." She jokingly said.

"Huh? Is that allowed? I am supposed to just stay at the hospital right?" Siltri surprisingly asked.

"I'm serious, you're looking fine and your vitals are already normal. The serum has also healed most of your wounds and that was really a miracle." She calmly said in a good tone.

"Uhhmm.. how about going to Vee doc?" Siltri uncomfortably asked.

"I said don't go too far right?" her brow raised while looking at him seriously. "Vee's been well-cared at the vet by doctors there, you can visit him after we confirm that you are really good to go."

Siltri felt like a lab rat, but he knew that this was necessary to understand the full extent of the serum's effects on his body and brain. He cooperated with the scientists, answering their questions truthfully and doing his best in the tests.

As the day went by, Siltri couldn't help but feel exhausted. The constant tests and examinations were taking a toll on his body, and he longed to just rest. But he knew that he couldn't let his guard down. He was still under Dr. Lewis's care, and he had to make sure that he was okay.

Finally, after hours of testing, the scientists released Siltri from their grasp, and he was able to leave the lab. He felt relieved to be free, even if it was just for a short while. He decided to take a walk around the city, hoping to clear his mind and enjoy the fresh air.

As he walked, Siltri couldn't help but notice how different things looked and felt. He felt more connected to the world around him, and he could sense things that he couldn't before. The colors were brighter, the sounds were clearer, and he felt like he was seeing the world in a new light.

He walked for hours, taking in everything around him, and thinking about what his new abilities could mean for his future. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care. He was just enjoying the moment and the feeling of being alive.

As Siltri walks around the city, he comes across a group of people who are protesting against a new technology that has been developed by the GeneTech Corp.

GeneTech Corp- A corporation of brilliant scientists and geneticists who mainly supplies the hunters with high-quality serums, antidotes, medicines, and enhancements needed for battle and hunting. They are rumored to have used an inhumane way of experimenting with individuals in the name of science and development.

The technology is supposed to enhance human abilities, but the protestors claim that it is dangerous and could lead to unforeseen consequences and cause pain to people indulging in it.

As Siltri tried to leave the area, he found that he couldn't escape the chaos. The protestors had grown even more violent, and they were now blocking off all the exits.

Suddenly, he heard a faint cry of a child. He paused and looked around, trying to locate the source of the sound.

Amidst the chaos, he saw a small figure cowering in a corner, crying and calling for help. Siltri felt a strong desire to help the little boy, so he decided to take action.

Siltri quickly made his way over to the little boy, pushing his way through the crowd. The child looked up at Siltri with tear-streaked cheeks and nodded his head.

"Hey there little one, are you okay?" Siltri asked the kid calmly.

The boy sniffles "N-no, I'm scared."

"It's okay to be scared. My name is Siltri. What's yours?" Siltri looks around trying to find a place for cover.

"Timmy, my name is Timmy."

All of a sudden the chaos around him escalate rapidly. The protesters became more violent, and he knew that he had to protect the little boy at all costs.

He quickly stood up and carry the child, hoping to prevent any harm from coming his way.

"Shit! If only I followed Sylvie's orders." Siltri is talking alone in his mind.

Amidst the chaos of the riot, Siltri could feel his heart racing with adrenaline as he shielded the little boy from the violent protesters.

But suddenly, his attention was drawn to a new threat - a group of police officers wearing masks and carrying shields and sticks was marching forward, beating anyone who dared to block their path.

He knew that he had to find a way to protect the little boy and himself from harm.

"The heck?!" Siltri cursed as he can see the situation. "This is getting worse."

Siltri looks worried and asks Timmy, "Timmy, do you have anyone here with you?"

"Yes, I got separated from my mom. We were just passing by." Timmy replied with a trembling voice.

The protesters did their best to fight back against the police, but it was clear that they were outmatched. Tear gas canisters were released, causing chaos and confusion in the area.

Siltri felt his eyes burning and his throat tightening as the gas filled his lungs, but he tried to stay calm and focused on protecting the little boy and moving away.

As Siltri looked around, trying to find a way to escape, he noticed a man with a massive muscular build watching from inside the building. The man seemed to be enjoying the chaos, and Siltri could see a sinister grin on his face.

The man then jumped into the chaos, punching and beating anyone in his path.

Siltri knew that he had to move away from the man, but just as he did, he heard the little boy shouting for his mother.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw the woman in front of the big man - the same man who was now wreaking havoc on the protesters.

"Is that your mom kid?" He shockingly asked the boy.

The little boy then nods as an answer to his question. "Mister, can you please save my mom too? Please?" The boy was crying in front of him.

"Do not worry, I'll try my best." He replied with a smile on his face, but deep inside he knew things will get rougher.

The woman was crying and trying to shield herself, but the man's massive fists were too powerful.

Siltri knew that he had to act fast, so he darted towards the woman, pushing her out of the way just as the man's fist came crashing down.

Siltri felt the impact of the blow as the man's fist hit him in the shoulder, but he tried to ignore the pain as he focused on protecting the little boy and his mother.

"Go! Get away from here." Siltri ordered.

The woman quickly stands on her feet and moves away, Siltri then covers them shielding her and the little boy with his own body.

Siltri's gaze hardened as the muscular man approached him with a fierce look in his eyes. Siltri stood his ground, ready to face whatever came his way.

"You're interfering in something that doesn't concern you," the man growled, his voice deep and menacing. "I suggest you mind your own business."

Siltri didn't flinch. "I can't just stand by and watch you hurt innocent people," he replied calmly.

The man sneered, flexing his muscles as he prepared to attack. Siltri braced himself, preparing to face the full force of the man's blows.

As the man charged towards him, Siltri quickly sidestepped and landed a swift kick to his side. The man stumbled, but quickly regained his balance and swung a heavy punch at Siltri's head.

Siltri ducked and weaved, his movements were quick and precise. He struck back with a powerful blow, hitting the man's jaw and sending him reeling backward.

The man's eyes widened in shock as he stumbled, but then something unusual happened. His muscles began to bulge, and his figure grew bigger as his nails became sharp claws.

Siltri's senses heightened as he saw the transformation take place. He analyzed the situation, keeping a clear mind despite the chaos around him. "What are you?" he asked, his voice calm yet serious.

The man snarled, lunging at Siltri with his sharp claws. Siltri blocked the attack with his arms, gritting his teeth against the pain.

The people around them stopped their fighting and watched in amazement as the man's transformation continued. Even the police stopped their march, their attention now on the two combatants.

Siltri's arms seemed to adjust to the pain, becoming stronger like steel. He launched a counter-attack, striking the man with a powerful blow to his midsection.

The man grunted in pain, but his claws remained sharp as he lashed out at Siltri. Siltri dodged and weaved, his movements were graceful yet deadly.

As the battle drew longer, Siltri knew he had to end it quickly. He focused his energy and launched a flurry of blows, striking the man repeatedly until he finally fell to the ground, his transformation fading away.

Siltri stood over the fallen man, his heart racing with adrenaline. He looked around at the stunned onlookers, then turned and vanished into the chaos, leaving behind the memory of his courage and strength.

As he walks away, he heard a sound of footsteps following him. Then he looks back and sees the little boy and his mother, "Thank you so much mister, thank you for saving me and my mother." The little boy then bowed in front of him.

"It's natural kid, next time stay away from those kinds of people." Siltri looked seriously at the boy's mother.

"I will sir, and I'm really sorry for bothering you. I was careless and I'm sorry." The mother bowed and they both left together.

As Siltri walked back to the hospital, questions were flooding his mind. Am I the same as that monster back there? Will I be able to control these new abilities that I had?


Meanwhile, in the GeneTech Corp, a group of people were watching the video about the chaos and the fight that happened.

They are talking about the young man who easily fought one of their enhanced soldiers. Questioning themselves, on how such a thing become possible and asking who could that young man be.