The winds hurried across the skies, like little travelers in the night. Three dragons stood above 6 babies, they were HUMAN. "So, he sent us these? To fulfill the prophecy?" A dragon asked in disgust. His shoulders shrugged, not wanting to take care of these little humans. "Why couldn't it be dragons instead?!" He complained. Another dragon nudged him softly. "Calm down, Cosmo.." She whispered, like the trees sending secrets along the weather, "If our leader sent us these, he must be correct." She paused and then said, "How do you feel about this, Shallow?" Shallow shrugged her shoulders and replied, "Honestly, Cosmo and Destiny, I have to agree with both of you, but mostly Cosmo. I justâŚ.don't know," he shuddered with unsureness. But suddenly, a knife dropped from the underground cave and swung at Shallow's throat! "Shallow!" Destiny cried. "I'm..sorry..I won't be able to take care of our dragonets and the prophecy humansâŚgoodbye." Then when Shallow finished speaking, he lost his life. "I WILL GET REVENGE! SHALLOW, DONT LEAVE US!" Silence fell in the cave, except the little cooing of baby humans. "He's dead, Destiny.." Cosmo sighed, "It's up to us to care for them," He pointed at the babies. "Alright!" Destiny sounded confident, "We will make them the best warriors in all of Warpes!"