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The Goddess Kirtrana

chs / week
The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 7 chs / week.
A woman's journey to becoming the notorious and all-powerful goddess, Kirtrana. Follow her as she experiences betrayal, love, and sacrifice.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Sad brown eyes, surrounded by a halo of golden-blonde hair. That's what she saw as she looked in the mirror. She quickly looked away, not wanting to meet those eyes.

"My lady, please stay still so I can finish doing your hair."

She nodded, and turned towards the mirror again, this time closing her eyes. She sat there quietly while her hair was being done.

"All done, my lady. Can you turn towards me, so I can do your makeup."

She obediently did as she was told. As the final touches on her makeup were being done, there was a knock on the door. The woman stopped doing her makeup and looked at her. She nodded and the woman said, "Enter."

In walked a tall, blonde man dressed in his finery.

"Ellie! You look lovely!"

Eleanor smiled at the exuberance of her older brother, Elliott. A knight and the future Marquis of Valen.

"How long until you are ready?"

"My lady only needs a few more touch ups and she'll be ready to go."

"Then I shall wait. Oh, Clara, don't forget to add the circlet that father recently got for her."

"Of course, my lord."

As Clara resumed doing Eleanor's makeup, Elliott started talking: "Ellie, have I told you how many people are going to be here tonight? Lords and Ladies from all over the kingdom are coming to celebrate father's birthday. Isn't it great! Oh, and you'll finally get to meet some of my friends from the Academy. Father wanted me to invite them, probably so he could show off the glory of our family—"

Elliott winked at her as he said this, causing Eleanor to blush.

"—to as many eligible bachelors as possible…"

As Elliott continued talking, she thought to herself 'Glory of our family… How absurd. They say I'm beautiful, but no man would be interested in a wife who is mute…' The self-deprecating thoughts started to overwhelm her, so she forced her attention back to what her brother was saying.

"…he's a fairly decent swordsman, but if you're looking for the best swordsman I'd go with Michael. Michael Kent. I mean EARL Michael Kent. He was the best swordsman in our class and has been the Earl of Kent since about a year after our graduation. So about seven years now. I haven't seen him in quite some time. Since he became Earl, he hasn't left the Kent estates except for summons from the King. I'm surprised that he accepted the invitation. Then there's—"

At that moment the door opened, and in stormed pretty woman with brown hair and blue eyes. "There you are Elliott. I have been looking all over for you, I should have guessed that you would be here."

"Ah, Margrite, my love. It's good to see you. Were we supposed to meet before the party?"

"Of course, you're supposed to escort me. I am your wife after all."

"I know that. I was going to meet you right before. I would have come to find you. You needn't have worried about me."

"Hmph. Hello Eleanor."

Eleanor nodded at Margrite with a smile. As Elliott turned back to talk to Eleanor, she saw Margrite grit her teeth in annoyance. Eleanor pretended not to have seen it. She felt bad for Margrite, Elliott didn't give his wife the attention she deserved. She didn't believe he was doing it intentionally; he was just oblivious to how is affection for her was hurting Margrite.

"Almost done, my lady. Let me go get the circlet and then you'll be ready to go."

Eleanor nodded as Clara walked away.

"You're wearing a circlet tonight? Isn't that a bit much? This party isn't about you, you know."

"Margrite, that's enough. It was a gift from our father, and he wants her to wear it. This party is about him, so Ellie should wear it. Plus, what does it matter if she wears a circlet? It only accentuates her charm and beauty."

Margrite was frustrated, but quickly fixed her face before Elliott noticed.

"I was only concerned that people might judge her and think that she is being self-centered. Especially since this is a party for His Lordship, but if he requested her to wear it then I see nothing wrong with that. I apologize for mis-stepping." Margrite said in what felt like sickly sweet voice to Eleanor.

"I appreciate your concern for my sister's reputation. Ah, here it is!"

Elliott turned away from Margrite as Clara re-entered with a jewelry case. Margrite glared at Eleanor, then quickly turned her attention to Clara and the jewelry case.

'While my brother is neglectful, her behavior has been like this towards me since before they were betrothed. I honestly have no idea how it started, but it's definitely starting to get worse.'

Eleanor quickly shook her head and turned her attention towards Clara as well. Clara approached her with a green velvet jewelry case. She opened it and displayed it to the room. In it was a golden circlet encrusted with small diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. Clara took the circlet out of its case and placed it gently on Eleanor's head. Clara set the jewelry case on the vanity, then adjusted the circlet so that it would stay on her head properly.

"My lady, you look stunning! Please, take a look at yourself in the mirror."

"Oh Ellie, it really does suit you!"

"Yes… it really does."

Eleanor turned to look at herself in the mirror. This time she saw the same sad brown eyes, with a golden-blonde halo of hair, on the face of beautiful lady. The circlet accentuated the emerald green dress she was wearing. She truly looked the part of the daughter of a Marquis. 'I always feel like I'm playing dress up when I wear jewelry like this. But I really do look pretty. Is that really me?' Eleanor smiled at herself in the mirror.

"So, does that mean she's all done? I should take you to see father so that he can also admire your beauty before we go to the party."

"Yes, my lord, she's all ready."

"Excellent, come along Ellie."

Elliott stood up and headed out the door with Margrite in tow. Eleanor stood up and waited as Clara finished situating her dress. When she was done, Eleanor followed her brother out of the room.