Chereads / She devil / Chapter 2 - Completely mistaken

Chapter 2 - Completely mistaken

After two weeks, I was prepared to leave my outdated flat and relocate to my current residence. I was eagerly anticipating it happening.

I was so excited that I was unable to sleep at night, and even if I did, my heart would beat so loudly that it would be difficult for me to concentrate on falling asleep.

But even after fourteen days, I didn't feel the least bit worn out. Though overwhelming, this exhilaration was just caused by adrenaline.

My legs were trembling when I finally arrived at the entrance of my new flat. My hands were trembling as well. My entire body was bouncing wildly, as if it were shouting with joy.

I'll be at apartment number 345. I thought to myself as I put a key card on the reader and keying in the code number that was previously learned.

It was almost like walking into a beautiful garden or other hidden location. The place was so beautiful to behold, it was almost as if I were dreaming.

I looked around.

To my left, I saw a tall window with a stunning view of the landscape. Behind that, there was a door, which lead into the apartment itself.

Such a location... Only in romance dramas have I ever seen a wealthy CEO use it as a way to unwind after a long day at the office. He would walk over to the bar that was right adjacent to the kitchen area and pour some absurdly expensive alcohol into a crystal glass. This was where I was intended to reside going forward!

Beautiful ebony flooring, a large salon, pricey furniture, a contemporary-style electric fireplace, a window view that would kill, and an onyx fireplace. It looked like paradise on earth!

My heart began to soar, and I felt the exhilaration grow even greater as I closed the door behind me and sat on the darkly-stained black-marble floor.

The Wall-sized windows let in so much light that I thought I had just entered heaven.

At this moment, my feet began to sway slowly, and my hands stopped shaking. Everything was so nice, so peaceful, and so big. There was so much space.

I approached the window, cautiously touched it, and peered in. The view from the top floor was magnificent. "Wow" was all I could say as I quickly removed my palm from the window to avoid leaving a mark.

"God, cleaning the windows in this house will take a full week of hard work!" I pondered. I was certain that none of my new neighbors thought in that direction They only make a cleaning service call. But if it were me, I'd feel dreadfully uncomfortable in front of those slaving away to keep MY home tidy. In addition, I reasoned that it would be best not to spend money carelessly.

I had just paid a sizable money to rent this apartment for a period of six months. I could use that money to purchase a little house. Even though I was aware that this was perhaps the most reckless and unpractical decision I had ever taken, I was positive it was the proper one to take.

I imagined it as potentially the most costly trip I could go on. my once-a-month fantasy.

I decided to buy some groceries after unpacking a few boxes. Shen I compared what I wore to how expensive and amazing this house was, I realized I needed to change my outfit; it did not fit properly.

I decided to water something more befitting the extravagance of my new apartment. I wanted to look casual yet stylish.

I wore a simple white long-sleeved t-shirt, black jeans and white leather loafers. It felt rather odd to be wearing something like this since I was normally always dressed in a suit. I felt a little bit embarrassed, but at the same time, I also realized that at the moment, I didn't have much else to choose from, so I tried to act nonchalant.

"You can do this, Tony! You now have a place here, where you belong!" Just before leaving, I lifted my own spirits.

I ruffled my hair to keep it straight as I walked out the door.

Astunning, tall, stylish woman caught my eye as I made my way to the elevator. She had the appearance of a top model. She was incredibly graceful, beautiful, confident. Her hair was stunning, each strand captivating. I found it impossible to look away from her.

I smiled at her as she passed me and cocked my head a little, but she answered with a scathingly frigid gaze. "And a wonderful day to you as well!"

I felt irritated by what I observed. "Not to worry! I'm sure there are a lot of amiable people reside here!" I reminded myself as I ascended using the elevator.

An endearingly elderly receptionist welcomed me when I arrived at the front desk. She asked with a friendly smile, "How is your first day in your new apartment, Mr Smith? Is there anything I can do to be of assistance? You're aware that you can reach me at any time, right?"

"Mrs Patsy, thank you. I just got everything I wanted from you. That beautiful smile of yours was all I needed to lift my spirits a little bit." And I was being honest when I said that. Her smile was extremely kind and dazzling and it seemed to clear away my thoughts a little.

I grinned as I left the building, feeling as though I could do anything. "To celebrate my new house, I'm going to go out and get some vegetables, lots of coffee, and a bottle of wine. Then, with no one to stop or discourage me, I'm going to write a fantastic crime thriller! Not my bullying ex-coworkers, not my insulting aunts, and most definitely not my cheating ex-girlfriend!"

I gave myself a pep talk and got ready to march into the neighborhood store while mentally composing the opening sentence of my book.

I was strolling through some vibrant produce and fruit sections when my eyes landed on a startling object. A figure that is nearly monochrome...

She had broad shoulders and was tall. She had short, dark brown hair and had a curved, strong nose and deep brown eyes, that seemed to almost emanate an angelic, otherworldly radiance. I felt inexplicably compelled to approach her, but then I caught myself.

She appeared almost surreal because of his nearly white-toned complexion, black hair, black eyes, and black clothes. It was as though she was born with her icy coloration.

She reminded me of a vampire from a fictional series, or perhaps a vampire from an anime. Her straight and expressive features and angular and strong features, especially around the eyes, reminded me of the characters from those "fictional" series.

Almost everyone, mostly the men were in the store was transfixed by her crazily attractive face. And I was no exception.

She had the appearance of a top model. I think it was those striking eyes. It was like looking at a living, breathing, majestic sculpture.

The way this alluring woman was selecting firm tomatoes from a basket and handling them with his long fingers had a hypnotic effect on me; certain air of magic about it.

"God! What am I doing?"

My eyes were literally glued to her delicate hands. It felt as though I could control them.

I tried to move my hands, but they felt completely immovable.

This was insanity! Was I going insane?

Why was I completely fascinated by this freakishly attractive female?

I hit my head to get rid of the silly thoughts that were clouding my mind but unfortunately, she suddenly turned to look at me after hearing me strike my head. I winced as our eyes locked.

Her harsh, menacing stare abruptly shifted to one that was less threatening. She smiled and suddenly inquired, "Am I in the way of your getting to those tomatoes?"

My mind went blank because of how hypnotizing and deep her voice sounded. It took me a few seconds to come to my senses.

"Yes, I suppose... no! I'll wait, so take your time, but no! Wait! Let me wait." What in heavens name was I saying?

She asked politely, "Are you sure, Sir?"

I stood up and bowed respectfully. "Yes. Thank you."

I quickly turn my head in the hopes that she won't notice me blushing with embarrassment. I felt even more embarrassed when I caught a glimpse of her devilish smirk, which of course dashed all of my foolish hopes.

Naturally, she was still grinning as she said, "The basket is all yours."

In order to express my gratitude, I bowed my head slightly; however, I lacked the confidence to look her in the eyes once more. The only thing I noticed was her walking to another aisle. I thought I could finally breathe again as soon as I lost sight of her.

I gently grabbed some limp, thin tomatoes and placed them in my basket. I paid for them as well as a few more items.

The cashier handed me the change and I quietly walked away from the store.

I rushed out of the store, hoping I'd never see her again. Without a doubt, I am completely mistaken...