Chereads / Part 1: To change your destiny / Chapter 24 - Chapter 16.1: A different side of you

Chapter 24 - Chapter 16.1: A different side of you

"Ivy, there is a mistake spotted. You need to be careful when you post the entries into the accounts. The grouping of the accounts has its own specific terms. Else when the report generates, the grouping is wrong then I won't be able to analyse correctly or in your exams, you will lose the marks." Ivy nodded with her sleepy eyes as Jason reviewed his company accounts which were partially prepared by Ivy earlier in the day while tutoring her on her accounting concepts.

Over the past weeks, Jason had begun to admire Ivy more as he spent more time working with her and tutoring her. Knowing he would get too occupied, he had subcontracted his emcee jobs to one of his ex band members, Nick with the hope of trying to get his dealings with Ivy's father over soon but little did Jason know, things don't always go as planned.

Ivy was getting sleepy as it was close to midnight but it seemed Jason was not going to stop his reviews. Their discussion usually got carried away till late night and instead of having a good night sleep, Ivy would force herself to do extra practices in the guest room when Jason went to rest for fear she had sleep paralysis which would bother Jason.

Jason too was suspecting she could be dreading sleep due to her sleep disorders as he often noticed her dosing off on the table while studying alone instead of sleeping in bed. He would always remind himself to check on her in the wee hours of the morning to tuck her in bed while Lucky accompanied her as well.

"And when you generate the reports, keep them in the usual formats. Refer to the previous months' reports as an example. The same for your exam, even though you use shortcuts, show your workings. They will give you marks in case the end answers are wrong…" Ivy was dosing off when Jason realised the time. He caught her head on his palm in a nick of time before she nearly fell off the chair. He placed her lean back onto the chair.

"There may be a lot to learn but she was a quick learner from the way she entered the transactions with minimal errors." Jason thought. He just wanted her to understand each entry that he took a long time to review. He felt bad when she did not stop him from going on so late.

While browsing the last bit of the accounts, he decided to approve the partially completed accounts by notifying his accountant via an email and calling it a night. He wanted to wake her up to walk herself up to sleep but instead he was reminded of her bad habits. He carried her to her room instead and switched on her night light.

She slept soundly at peace after catching hold of his left palm, sending him surprises as he sat on the ground by her bed side to accompany her for awhile with Lucky snuggling by her other side. He shifted some of her fringe to the side as she stirred.

A glimpse of gratefulness dawned upon him, knowing at this point of time when he was in need of help, he found her but a part of him was still guilty from his initial plan to close his business deal with her father. He was still trying to buy time as the more he discovered about her, the more he didn't want to proceed with his plan. He let go of her hand gently as he tucked both Lucky and her into the blanket and thought about his stalled plans while he fell asleep.

Hours later, Ivy woke to her alarm drowsily as she pulled herself out of bed and walked to the washroom but midway, she got tangled with her blanket and tripped on to the ground. The pain on her arm woke her up annoyingly as Lucky came by her side to sniff on her. The sight of Lucky lightened her annoyance a little as she patted Lucky before she went to prepare.

She left the house quietly and drove off to pick up Sandra and Andrew by the bus stop near their house for their extra curricular on Saturday mornings. While both of them got into the car, a text message was received. She quickly checked and it was from Ryu asking her if she was in college. She was instantly reminded of the boys she met from Landsfield. Her hectic lifestyle these days had slowly made her forget them and that warm feeling felt from playing just a basketball game with them. She wondered if that warm feeling was how it felt to have siblings.

"Good morning babe!" Andrew greeted her when he hopped into the passenger seat next to Ivy while Ivy grunted as an acknowledgement after replying to Ryu about her arrival with her friends in a while.

"Didn't sleep well? You look like crap!" Sandra commented as she sat in between the driver and passenger seat facing Ivy.

"Yes, late night with Jason on my accounts tutoring and also work." She mumbled as her mind wandered back to a long haul of peaceful nights lately without strange dreams. She twirled her bracelet which reflected the street lights and wondered if it was really because she didn't sleep well or just because she slept late only when she was in Jason's house.

"Hey, pay attention when driving… If you can't drive, we can take the bus." Andrew offered as he noticed Ivy was daydreaming again.

"No worries. I'm awake, just tired…" Ivy yawned as the gloomy sky added more sleepiness in her.

"What made you work so late?" Sandra asked curiously as she sat closer towards Ivy's driver seat .

"I have been doing the data entries of documents and also following the entries from previous months. But there was some new stuff which no one was free at that point of time to tell me where to post, so I made the decision and he was reviewing them while explaining the logic of each transaction as part of tutoring. Something like one stone kills two birds." Ivy explained as she yawned again leaving the both of them yawned together while trying to digest her explanation.

"Oh, stop yawning… it's so contagious." Andrew lamented as he enjoyed the gloomy morning scenery which was making him drowsy and soon fell asleep. Sandra too was falling asleep as she sat leaning back towards the back seat.

Ivy noticed they both were falling asleep as she drove slower to avoid bumps and sudden jerks. While she was controlling the steering wheel, she felt soreness on her left arm as she held onto it to gently massage it but accidentally yelped in pain when she pressed on part of her bruise." Ouch!"

"What's wrong?!" Sandra yelped in surprise as she jolted up from her nap. It woke Andrew too who was turning to face Ivy.

"Nothing.. just a bruise from falling off the bed this morning…" Ivy mumbled. "You sure you can play basketball today?" Sandra asked while fussing with her growing bruise mark. Ivy nodded while wincing. "I doubt so. Look at her wincing. Let's just jog. Make sure you put the ailment on it or rub it with a hard boiled egg." Andrew nagged as Ivy nodded as she drove into the college's car park.

The moment she alighted she saw a familiar figure standing at the far end of the car park in red waiting for her. She smiled and waved knowing it was Ryu.

"Hey! Good to see you here!" Ivy greeted from far as she walked hastily closer to him while Andrew and Sandra trailed behind.

"Hello Ivy! How are you?" Ryu greeted her by bouncing a basketball for her to catch.

"Am well! What are you doing here?" Ivy caught the ball and bounced it back for him to catch as she tried to endure the pain from her bruise which she had forgotten about. "It is a simple gesture of greeting each other in a unique way…" She thought to herself.

"There's a national competition today. I was reminded of you on the way here this morning. Are you here for the nationals too?" Ryu asked.

Ivy chuckled. "Nope. Just extra curricular." She noticed Andrew and Sandra were behind her.

"Oh, here… My friends; Andrew and Sandra. And meet Ryu. We met in Landsfield over a basketball match with his brothers." Ivy introduced as they all nodded in acknowledgement.

"Well, Ivy, come and watch if you have time! Gotta go. Catch up with you later!" Ryu said as he hastily checked the time and saw the match was going to start.

"Sure! See you!" Ivy waved while Andrew had an idea.

"Yo, since when do you date national basketball boys?" Sandra teased.

"I didn't date anyone Sandra." Ivy laughed.

"Wait wait… since their match is going to start, let's just have a look. After all, we can't play basketball today you see." Andrew suggested.

"We can still jog… That's what we were here for after a change of plans." Ivy said as she walked towards the track field but instead got scurried away by Andrew and Sandra who hastily redirected her to the basketball court.

"Come on! Your friend is playing today! Let's go…." Andrew persuaded her while Ivy tried to fight them but to no avail.

"Ivy… please… just a while… We will get to jog eventually. Come on…" Sandra persuaded her that Ivy finally gave up going against them and arrived at the court.