Chereads / Part 1: To change your destiny / Chapter 8 - Chapter 5: A help from you

Chapter 8 - Chapter 5: A help from you

Jason parked his car at the carpark of Mane's college while hastily collecting his documents and bag to meet with the Dean. On the way to the Dean's office, he received a text from Gerald to join him and their ex-university mates for drinks later in the night. He thought long about the offer and decided not to join instead.

He watched a bunch of girls fangirling by the basketball court watching a team of boys shooting penalties. He thought to himself he must be growing old to reject a drinking party.

Ever since he started his own consulting business with the direction to grow the business, he had stopped all his night-life activities, holding his whole heart into his career. Not forgetting his part time emcee job as well where he could live his dream job.

He recalled his encounter with Ivy again. He was amused as he laughed out loud while passing some students who gave him weird stares. He told himself he would definitely need to work with her as he hurried his pace to the Dean's office.

"Stop teasing… Hush…" Andrew put a finger over his lips to tell Sandra and Ivy to stop laughing as he wiped away the stain of ketchup and sat back down on one of the staircase steps. The stairs which overlooked the college's garden have turned out to be their favorite spot in the college.

"Just eat properly else you would choke…" Sandra gave him a tissue.

"Do you really think that little girl would be so impressed with the way you bite into your burger while locking eyes with her?" Ivy asked abruptly in a serious tone while finishing up her mac and cheese as Andrew stopped mid air to ponder.

The girls end up giggling as Andrew chuckles at his sloppy moves to tackle girls. He was always shy among other girls but not with these two. He was glad he was still surrounded by them both despite his shortcomings.

"No wonder she didn't bother to look after that but I'm sure she might be smitten." Andrew mumbled to himself while chomping down the last bit of his burger. "Do you want to go after her?" Sandra teased as Andrew blushed and Ivy giggled. However, he also felt a strange anger and agitation when Sandra teased him that way.

His temper was cut short when Laura, Lance and Belinda came to meet them.

"Yo, Ivy!" Belinda cheered in her cool tone.

Things were tense for a while before Ivy stood as she anticipated they were up to no good and she had to act tough and calm otherwise both groups would end up bickering.

"Yes? What is it bringing you here personally?" Ivy walked closer to face Belinda as though trying to protect Sandra and Andrew from their harassment.

"Wow, chill it you two…" Lance jumped in to block Ivy from walking any closer as he knew Ivy was provoking Belinda.

Laura held on to Lance as though he was her boyfriend. Everyone from Mane's high school knew she had feelings for him but not him and yet they are still a hot topic in every education institution they attend.

"Well, we wanted to find you in your house last night but I guess you have moved from that scary haunted house?" Belinda folded her arms while she flinched at the thought of their encounter last night. Ivy raised a questioning eyebrow at her as Sandra giggled away recalling the event last night while hiding behind Andrew who was confused.

"Anyway, we are here to invite you to Laura's birthday party but you need to pay half of the expenses. I'm sure you can and no rejections are allowed." If someone didn't know Belinda was talking, they would have thought Belinda had just sung that whole verse to Ivy. Laura couldn't help but chuckle a little as Lance looked a little guilty at the acts of the girls.

Ivy was upset not with them but with herself as she had seen this coming her way and was on the verge of agreeing to anything they wanted. Besides, this would be the last year they were studying together as the three of them should be signing up for medicine faculty and the best education for this was in another city. Despite all of it, she did not want them to do the same after all those years in high school she had endured them.

Although she was appeasing them and returning the gratitude, it has been obvious lately that they were forcing themselves to deal with Ivy for such benefits. Ivy was pissed that they became daring to ask her in front of Andrew and Sandra, whom she has been keeping the secret away from. She decided for once she wanted them to at least acknowledge her genuine friends as well.

"How fair is that?" Andrew retaliated to defend but Ivy pulled him behind her.

"Let me handle this…" She gave him a stern look before crossing her arms and walked an inch closer to Belinda.

"I'll pay." Ivy said as she watched Belinda and Laura's reaction relaxed while Lance fell into deeper guilt. Andrew and Sandra were fuming behind her as they were crossing their arms. Ivy could tell the tension was building up among all of them.

"I am bringing them both. My money, my rules; else the highway. Get it?" Ivy raised an eyebrow, throwing everyone in surprise at her retaliation where this time she added her own criteria.

Laura feels defeated as she cannot spend too much of her expenses away, else her father would nag at her but still wants to celebrate her birthday in a lavish place, signaling Belinda to agree to Ivy's terms.

"Fine!" Belinda crossed her arms as she walked off watching Laura hooking her arm onto Lance's. He was clearly uncomfortable with the way Belinda treated Ivy as he sank deeper into his guilt.

"Ivy! Why do you even agree? Have you been fueling their expenses all those years?" Andrew scolded.

"I don't need such friends at a party! Come on, Ivy!" Sandra was furious as well as she smacked her lightly.

Ivy looked at Sandra with puppy eyes before she sat back down on the stairs thinking of her choices of part time jobs she could pick up and instantly thought of the shoe store.

"Ivy! I should have just fooled them even more last night! Serve them right!" Sandra was ranting while Ivy who was zoning out about her part time jobs was half listening to her, wondering what happened last night.

"Last night? What happened?" Andrew questioned Sandra while squatting in front of her curiously.

"No, nothing… Just tricking them into thinking Ivy's house is haunted." Sandra giggled as Andrew tried to pry further but noticed Ivy was zoning out too long.

"Ai Yee!" Andrew purposely called her by her Chinese name but Ivy didn't respond when Andrew decided to tickle Ivy but stopped half way when he saw two figures walking towards them. Andrew and Sandra froze, noticing who were approaching them.

"Ms. Sutol, please come with me to my office." A familiar female voice but yet not one which registered instantly in Ivy's mind made her snap out of her thoughts instantly.

She squinted a little and looked up to find the college's Dean, Ms.Sialan was smiling down at her as another familiar figure was standing beside her but she couldn't recall who he was. She raised an eyebrow as she stood and followed them both.

Sandra and Andrew were left puzzled as they shrugged at each others' questioning looks.

"What's going on?" Sandra asked Andrew as he shrugged again.

"Hey, tell me what happened last night in detail?" Andrew persuaded as he recalled Sandra's rant earlier. "We will be late for the maths lecture if I tell you now…" Sandra laughed and walked away leaving Andrew pestering her all the way to their lecture hall in agony of curiosity.

It was Ivy's first time visiting the Dean's office and it was so huge with all the top management's offices set up in the main building. She entered a spacious minimalist office of the Dean and stood in front of the Dean's table while her guest was seated next to Ivy. She dare not take a seat for fear she might not be able to escape in time if anything went wrong. Her nervous self was creeping into her mind as she tried to calm her nerves by holding on to her own grip till she could feel her fingernails were digging into her palm.

"Ms. Sutol, let me introduce Mr. Rahi from Rahi's business management and consulting firm. He is here to provide us with a career talk soon and I heard you have given him great feedback on his questionnaires." Ms. Sialan was complimenting her as she relaxed a little while was blinking in confusion trying to recall the moment she ever gave any feedback to him when she finally took a good look at who he was.

It was Jason whom she really didn't want to be associated with after the incident in the college's induction event.

"He would like to work with you to improve on the career talk. You are allowed to proceed on the discussion outside of lecture hours." Ms. Sialan was explaining while Ivy looked even more confused. She was very sure she certainly did not speak to him about any of her opinions on career talk during her induction night.

She wanted to refuse to help with the absurd offer but was interrupted by Jason.

"Thanks for the support and arrangements Ms. Sialan. I am sure we will be working well together. That should be the least of your worries." Jason thanked the Dean who looked very pleased as she sent them out of the room.

Ivy who was dragged out from the room was stunned and speechless at the situation while being furious at the same time as she cannot afford to waste more time especially when she had just agreed to pay so much for Laura's birthday party and she had to work really hard for a month at least she thought. She didn't have any chances to speak her mind earlier either, which she felt as though she was forced into it. She threw him a glare as she let her arm free from his grip and stormed down the hallway.

"Ms. Sutol! I'm sure you're free now?" Jason quickly called out but she was too furious to stop. So, he continued to follow her to the college's park.

"I thought we had an agreement with the Dean earlier?" Jason said as he tried to build a conversation while catching his breath with Ivy who abruptly stopped in front of him where he nearly bumped into her. She took a step back instantly.

"Since when did I ever hurl at you any opinions of your work?" Ivy scolded as she folded her arms while Jason wanted to explain but she gave him no chances with her continuous ranting.

"Why would you always get back at me at the wrong time? If you want to avenge what has happened in the hotel, there are many other ways! Why would you want to waste my time on such nonsense?" Ivy nearly screamed but managed to bring her nerves under control as she gritted her teeth.

He stood dumbfounded as he couldn't understand her reasons for being so furious but instead he passed her his old questionnaires and she took a look.

She realised she saw the pathetic questionnaire before and it was perhaps the same person standing in front of her whom she criticised with all honesty after a hell she went through in science class.

She sat to calm her nerves down as Jason sat next to her and laid out his amended questionnaire for her to look into it.

"Try to take a look at this amended version and I will text you the timing and address to my office later in the afternoon to discuss?" Jason politely offered. She took a look at the revised set which had a large improvement but she recalled letting the fact that she was running out of time to get a part time job slapped her in the face for a moment even if it meant skipping maths lectures.

"I have lectures." She decided to escape quickly with her half truth lie.

"It's the Dean's instructions. Your cooperation is highly appreciated." Jason tried to persuade her further as she rolled her eyes, snatching the amended version of the questionnaires and stomped off to get a part time job without answering him. She wanted to know the result of his amended questionnaire but a part of her was worried about getting more money. She let her mind focus on securing a part time job for money first before any other things as she chased after the bus she nearly missed to get to town.

Jason chuckled and was convinced she might come to be of help soon.