Chapter 84 - 79

Chapter Seventy Nine



Seth stood at his bedroom door staring at it with a face as hard as stone. It was the last day of his rut. He was back to normal and ready to talk. 

He wasn't very patient when it came to wanting to know things, and he was at his limit. He wanted to know how many people Osiris has been with. 

He needs to make sure he will be the last. 

Seth steeled his will and opened the door. 

He staggered into the room, hand covering his mouth and nose painfully tight. 


I should have waited one more day. 


Osiris felt the bed dip sometime around midnight on the seventh night. 


Because who else could it be?

His mind was still fogged by restless sleep as he tried to turn to face him. He was on his side facing the wall of windows. 

Seth slid his hands onto his hips and almost crawled on top of him with his upper chest and shoulders. He pushed his chest into his back so he couldn't turn to see him. 

Osiris felt him start to shift. 

The sound of bones cracking soon filled the air. 


He grew to a full nine foot, seven. 

Did he have a bad day?

Osiris turned his head slightly. 

He couldn't see his face with that hair blanketing across his back and over onto his own shoulders. He was as stiff as iron, with a painful grip on his waist. He could already feel some blood vessels pop. 

"Are you okay?"

Seth shivered and moved closer. 

He took great care keeping his waist away from his with those hands of his. Osiris could feel his lips ghost his neck. His breath sounded wet. 

Then the smell hit him. 

Osiris snapped his face forward. 

So that's why he was gone. 

He forgot the demi-snake was part animal. They had ruts and heats like the beastmen. Actually every race but dwarves, elves, and humans have some sort of mating kink going on.

It was one of those kinds of stories. 

Osiris looked down. 

He was hard. 

Seth's scent has always given him a semi, but now it was so potent he could taste it. He covered his mouth. 

This is bad, this, why is he here?!

Seth started to fucking pur. 

His chest softly vibrated, like he was trying to coax him closer. Osiris glanced at his waist. 

His fingers looked like they were going to break his skin. Osiris couldn't tell if he was hard or not. 

Maybe he doesn't have anyone?


Osiris felt something ugly uncurl inside him. 


I could take advantage of this. 

He felt his spine tingle. 

He'll leave me anyways, I can just blame this on him. 

His hands shook. 

I'm not the one who has ruts. 

Osiris shivered. 


He smells so fucking good. 

Seth has been with plenty of people during his ruts while he was growing up. But no one could cause him to shift just by their smell. Hell, no one has cause him to shift, period. 

Any hope he had of remaining calm flew out the window. The only reason he hasn't jumped him is because he hasn't responded to him. 

This is fine, he usually doesn't-

He shivered. 

Seth pulled himself up and pulled his shoulder back to see his face. He felt his hand unstick from his wait like they were engraved in it. 

I must have hurt-


Seth flinched like he was burned and pulled him back before he froze. 

"Ha, ha.."

Seth followed his hands with his eyes and he was cupping himself and crossing his legs while covering his mouth. 


Osiris looked at him sheepishly. 


Seth's snake form is just a giant version of himself with black, almost tattoo-like lines marking his jawline and parts of his eyes and body. 

Those lines that follow back, all the way to the back of his neck, are his actual jaws. He swallowed a rabbit hole once just because he asked. Osiris was sure he could fit a human body in him if he tried-

He slid a hand from his side, crossing his shoulder, and gripped his neck like he was going to kill him. 

He growled before he flushed his body against his own, hips grinding into his ass. He was hard. 


Osiris felt the painful contractions of his muscles beneath Seth's touch as his other hand ran up and down his sides before reaching and groping him. 


I didn't know avoiding physical contact so long would-


He felt himself pushing back and further into Seth as the man pushed Osiris's dick into his own stomach. 

He covered his mouth and he groaned. 

Can't let him hear me, it might ruin the moo-

The hand on his neck wrapped across his shoulder and shoved down, forcing his hands off of his mouth. 


Osiris glanced at him as his face pinched in pain. 

His touch was so painful, and rough, and, oh fuck, it felt so good. Osiris has been hypersensitive to touch since entering this body. 

Every hit felt like ten, every cut felt like a stab, he avoided contact unless he had to. Even when he touched himself to jack off he always made faces like he was hating every minute of it. 

"I can't-"

Seth started to play with his balls. 

Osiris shoved his face against the mattress and groaned. He never regretted not touching himself more than in this moment right now. 

A finger slid further. 

Osiris tried to move away. 

"H-hey now, I'm not a woman, I need, and prep, wait-"

He forgot about this part. 

The man ignored him and ran a finger along the rim. It felt like someone was trailing a block of ice across it. Not a moment later he felt something like lube. 


Oh thank fuck. 

He may be a masochist, but he didn't want his first time to be like that. This body deserves better. And he was getting better, oh fuck. 

The bastard was using a repeat spell, he could feel it. His one stroke turned to ten as they copied the movement while Seth started to push in. 


We haven't even kissed yet you bastard!


Osiris was quickly losing himself to pleasure. 

Seth purred harder as he watched painful waves of gratification rack through Osiris's body. He didn't know what to do with himself. 

He started to squirm. 

Was he not treated right before?

Seth loved the faces he was making. He's never seen the Prince scared. It made waves of pleasure roll through his gut and to his head. 

But no matter how scared he looked, that body of his was honest. Until he tells me to stop-


His voice was deep, gravely, and hot with heat. His face was flush, his eyes were wet, he was gritting his teeth, but those legs were spreading, he was pushing into him, and he was trilling delightfully. 

Seth shoved himself knuckle deep. 

Seth felt Osiris's hands fight to cover his face as he started to arch. Seth started to look for something. He may, or may not have researched in extensive detail how to please the male body. 

It was quite similar to a woman's, just a few different areas of interest, that being said-

"Aaow, fuck-"

Seth found it. 

He pushed into it roughly before starting smooth, gentle circles around the cluster of nerves. Seth could feel the boy start to hyperventilate. 

He forced that orgasm out of him. 



Osiris couldn't believe it. 

He was coming just from a finger?!

He was mortified. 


Not even in high school-


Osiris's eyes rolled back. 

Seth laughed against his back as his legs shook. He stopped breathing. A wave of Seth's musk smothered him as he started to come down.

Then motions began to repeat. 

"Oooh, fuck yo-"

Osiris tried to catch his breath as Seth started working him with two fingers, but it turned into a desperate whine for him to chill which got ignored. 

Osiris felt himself start to foam at the mouth. 

That second orgasm hit him as the third followed on its tail. Seth rolled him onto his stomach and pushed him down with a laugh that made his toes curl. 


Seth was in love. 

His body was hypersensitive. 

So those months in solitary must have affected him.

Osiris was a curious case. A man who spent an unhealthy amount of time alone without another living being, no sun or moon, no access to a date or time. Yet he functions normally, minus his eccentricities. 

Seth slowly worked a third finger in as he hiccuped and shook. He was almost prepped. 

He had to get him like puddy before he tried to enter him. Seth felt his stomach roll as he pressed himself between the boy's thighs. He was already large as a human, but now he would seriously hurt him if he entered without any prep. 

Not to mention my knot. 

Osiris will be the first person to take him in this form. 

He's tried plenty of times, but his size, plus his body heat becomes nonexistent, no one can handle it. 

He has to be able to. 

Seth needed him to be able to take him like this. He needed someone who can love him fully, just once-

He rolled Osiris onto his back. 

He was smiling. 

His eyes slowly dragged up to his. 


Seth grabbed his neck and fucked him with his tongue. 



Osiris sighed happily into the kiss. He could feel Seth start to bend his body until he was between his legs. That god of a man started to tear off his remaining clothes and toss them somewhere. 

Seth's clothes were already gone by the first finger. 

Osiris let him do whatever he wanted, grope him, kiss him, the man started on his neck. Osiris ran his fingers through his hair and pulled. 

Seth's hips snapped against him. 

Osiris moaned as he felt the man's dick brush against his own. Osiris wasn't small, not by a long shot, but Seth, the bastard, wasn't human. 

Osiris has seen it flacid a few times. It was probably the only thing with a bit of color on his entire body. It was smooth with few, prominent veins, but its head almost looked like a star. He could even control the little ends. In his snake form it's twice as big. 


How is that going to fit..

He looked at Seth who was busy biting his neck, some painful, some soft. He sucked harder than a vacuum. His two kanines nicked his skin. 

Right, mating. 

He needs to be careful not to accidentally bite him back. Too many races have mating bonds that set after a bite to the neck. He didn't want the man to hate him after this. 


It was finally time. 

Seth pulled back and Osiris laid there looking at him with a goofy smile. Seth ran his hands through his seman filled chest, making sure to smear it into his skin. Osiris shivered, nipples peeking up. 

Seth smiled down at him as he spread that bendable body of his however he pleased. 


He giggled but Seth could feel his muscles turn to jelly. His edges became a little more round and jiggly. Seth's smile turned his eyes into slits. 

He growled when he saw that very active dick of his jump across his stomach. No matter how many times he came he stayed hard for him. 

Seth grabbed his legs and bent them back. 


Seth let the legs go and Osiris left them there. 

"Good boy."

He got a nice little shiver out of that. 

Does he like praise?

Seth wasn't sure. 

Sometimes his body reacted better to pain, then pleasure. Seth looked over Osiris's skin. He was littered in bruises, each one darker than the last. 

His face was a mess of tears, spit, blood, and a blush so bright he looked feverish. 

He looked delightful. 

Seth added nearly a bucket of lube on him and in Osiris before he lined himself up. Osiris was still lax as he watched Seth start to enter him. 

Please fit. 

He was honestly worried he wouldn't stop even if it didn't fit. He wanted this man so badly he was losing himself to it. 


The head was in. 

Osiris felt those feelers instantly latch onto his walls and start to stroke. Osiris continued to watch Seth's face. He looked worried. 

Osiris spread his legs a bit wider for him. 

He was big, probably as big as his forearm, but after the first scare, Osiris was sure he would fit.


He was hoping he would fit. 


They were a quarter of the way in when Osiris started to come. 


Seth groaned as he tried to keep his hips still as Osiris's legs crossed between their bodies and squeezed. Seth grabbed those legs and pushed him into the mattress until he got the air out of his lungs. Osiris liked a bit of breath play, he's learning. 

The boy covered his eyes and came with a sob. 


He suddenly grabbed his hair and their teeth clashed. Seth hummed for him as he started to push in again. 


Seth felt himself tense as he bottomed out. 

He fit. 

His hands shook as he held that waist for dear life. 

He was worried he would come. 

Osiris tried to roll his hips, he hissed. 



Osiris could see all that man's bravo disappear once he was flush against his ass. Osiris squeezed him. His hands became painful. He groaned. 

So I'm not the only one coming at the first-

His hips snapped. 



The man prepped him too well. 

His speed was bruising. There was nothing soft or sensual, it hurt and Osiris was in heaven. 


Osiris clawed at his chest, back, neck, arms, and even his face when he violently hit his prostate. He was about to come, but he was going to make sure he came too. 

He didn't have to wait long. 

Osiris started to scream and Seth said, fuck it, and fucked him through his orgasm until he started to come. He grabbed him and pinned him down and bit. 


"Fuck! fuck, fuck-" His breath became sparatic. "You bastard! You have a knoO-!"


Osiris was going to pass out. 


Seth growled into his bite and pushed Osiris into his neck. Osiris wanted to, oh fuck did he want this man more than anything now. 

Especially after this. 

But he, instead, kissed and sucked on his neck. Seth's hands shook around his hips as he felt his knot start to set. Osiris did a small nip, and Seth's dick bulged, and danced for him, cumming happily inside him. 

Seth groaned into his ear as more cum forced its way out of him. He sounded a bit pained. 

I hope he's not too mad later..

Osiris felt his body drop on top of his. 

Was it over?

"I can't cum again SEEEAAA-"

His body dropped as he passed out. 

Seth kissed the leg he had thrown over his shoulder as he smeared Osiris's own cum across his chest and into his stomach. 


He was-

No, he was almost his. 

He was close. 

If he could just get him to bite his neck he will be-



He nodded as he slurred awake. 

He can have him. All of him. 

He was beyond sated. It didn't matter anymore, nothing did. He was so in love he didn't know how to handle it. He let the man do whatever he wanted, however long he wanted. 

He didn't even know how many days it's been. 

It didn't work. 

Seth was getting desperate. 

No matter how much I pleases him he won't-


"I think that's enough."


Someone snapped. 

Seth was suddenly hogtied and left bucking at the end of the bed. Osiris blinked owlishly at the sudden shift. 

An elf with pink eyes and blond hair stared at him with a blank face. 

"So you're the one he chose."

Thanks to Haldir, he was used to their fucking flat tone. 


He was buck ass nude covered in cum, spit, and blood. 

The elf raised a brow at Seth who was foaming and trying to get to him, face and body fully poised and straining to attack. 

"I wouldn't be here if you could control yourself."

He flinched. 

"You look fine, except for some scratches. And that attitude of yours tells me you are as fine as a daisy."

He turned to Osiris with a different look. 

Osiris couldn't place it, but he was suddenly yanked to the edge of the bed. 


He startled. 

Seth didn't like that. 

"Ignore him." The elf waved him off. "He's grouchie."


The elf started to manhandle his body. 


"I'm Dain, Dain the Doctor. You can call me Doc." Dain lifted his arm and checked for muscle tearing or broken bones. "I'm sure you are aware of why I am here."

Dain could see the Prince's neck littered with bite marks while Seth's laid bare. 

So that's why it got out of hand. 


Dain glanced at his face. He looked at him shyly. 

"Am I supposed to know?"

He scratched his ear. 

I'm going to kill those kids. 

"You are, but-" He could feel Seth's glare. If he made this boy cry he would regret it, is what it said. "-it seems no one told you."

Dain started looking at his face. 

The boy was surprisingly cooperative, especially since Dain knew who he was. Unlike Seth, Dain has heard plenty about this child. 

The boy kept his eyes on him with his face slowly shutting down. He could see him regressing into himself and preparing for something. He looked like he was going to run. 

Dain moved onto his chest, stomach, and ribs. 

"I told the little prince and princess to make sure you were told what Seth, over there, was going through."

He has severe bruising and irritation, with his nipples red and raw. 

"But clearly I trusted them too much."

  He's severely dehydrated, and starving. 

"Seth has an obsession with yo-"

"You're lying."

Dain felt his ego drop and smacked it away. 

"I am not."

So he knows what it is at least. 

"It seems it started sometime at the beginning of the war." The Prince looked like someone was dying. "Unfortunately I, nor Seth, can change this fact."

He gently looked over his penis. It was irritated, raw, and red. 

"Seth's rut should have ended seven days ago, but the fool must have come on his last day."

Osiris crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I need to look in, can you turn on your side?"

The Prince looked like he was going to fight it, but broke eye contact and turned to the side. 

"Since neither Seth, nor his children, told you, and I can tell you need time to process this."

Dain found little tearing. 

"Here." Dain tossed him a ring. "If you wear this, no matter how hard he looks, Seth will not be able to find you."

Seth started to freak out. He was trying to cast spells, but Dain was a tenth circle mage, neither of these two could do anything to him, let alone break his spell. 

"I'll hold him for three days. I'm sure you understand what it will mean if you stay, am I correct?"

The Prince held the ring, but gave him a small nod. His eyes stayed planted on the ring. 


Dain went through his satchel and pulled out some vitamins, salve, and pain meds and handed them to the Prince. 

"Use these, you're surprisingly healthy." 

Dain expected to find Seth fucking a corpse. 

He wouldn't be the first of his kind to do it. 

Dain handed him some creams and gel. 

"Apply three times a day, as needed. The rest, take one a day, and those." He pointed to little red pills. "Take for pain, as needed."

The Prince was still staring at the ring. 

Dain took a step back and levitated Seth as he turned to the door. He stopped by the dresser and left a book.

"It's not much, but it will help if you have any questions."

Then he left. 


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