Chapter 68 - 64

Chapter Sixty Four


Part One

Osiris stood with his hands behind his back as he waited, with the rest of his family, for the Nox's arrival.

It was finally time.

Osiris steadied his breath. For three days he's been anxious. He hasn't slept well, nor ate, and he's been so fucking excited. He could feel himself foam at the mouth.

"Dad, I'm telling you-"


Horus huffed and crossed his arms before throwing himself back violently. His dad just won't listen. Him and fucking stupid rules. Horus looked out the carriage window. His father will not learn about his marks. He only wants to know their Rank and Status. He leaves all personal details to Doc, and his men while he just creates things and, he guesses, runs a city or something.


He's been trying to warn him about Osiris.

That boy knows more than he lets on, and Horus is worried he knows what will happen today. But because his father would rather not make things personal he just….. Horus sighed. Maybe he's worried for nothing.

Descendants of the Snake God Apep tend to have cold personalities. They can detach themselves from any given situation and stay level headed. Because his father has human blood, he likes to keep himself away from anything that could suede him.

Masika bumped her leg with his.

He appreciates the gesture.

Their dad is ninety percent snake, and he and his sister, fifty. They were…..softer than him. And it seems no matter how hard they try they can never be him. Horus looked at a passing monster eating something off the ground. It looked like a human body.

Even if his dad won't listen now, he will soon.

Osiris schooled his face as the carriage pulled up.

This was it.

He's been dying to know how the King looks. He may or may not have gone through Horus's room once, but he'll take that to the grave before he admits that.

Osiris stood to the far right of their family, feet bare, but surprisingly, in a suit. He looked beautiful. Claudia turned her head toward the approaching carriage. Since that night, everyone has given each other space. They put a hold on the rivalry, for now.

He looks just like Kina.

Osiris grew from six feet to seven foot three. He was taller than any of them, but still thinner than he should be. He still had slight bags under his eyes, but not as bad as- was she worried about him….

Claudia's jaw clenched.

The carriage stopped at the plaza edge. The door popped open and out came a girl, sixteen, with black hair, black eyes, and pretty pale skin. She was lighter than Horus, but she still had similar eyes, ears, and jaw. She was tiny. Five, four. She was a three star, six circle mage, but she met everyone's eyes as she exited the carriage.

A little man with red cheeks and a loud voice began to announce their names.

"Princess Masika Van Nox, of the Nox Kingdom."


She bowed and stepped to the side.

Next up was Horus.

He grew to a whopping six, eight towards the end of school. And he was still growing. He could tell by the boy's hands.

Is he tall?

"Crown Prince Horus Van Nox, of the Nox Kingdom."

"Pleasure seeing everyone again."

He nodded his head.

"Now announcing the arrival of the King of Nox. Seth Van Nox."

Osiris felt his stomach twist.

He was big.

And he doesn't mean just tall.

Osiris could feel his mana start to spasm.

He was big, fuck. He was-

"Good evening."

-everything he could ask for.

The man had to be at least eight, three. His shoulder span was twice his own, with a body square and filled with muscles from hard work.

He felt his mouth water.

He had a mean face.

His hair was long.

He was handsome.

He looked like he could-

He stepped onto the ground and Osiris could feel his power. He was beyond even him-

It, he, well,heohFuckOHFUCKOH-

All ten of his rings popped as he released his most potent bloodlust yet. Osiris may or may not have an issue with his body not being able to tell the fucking difference!

He was mortified.

Their eyes snapped to him.

Luella and the rest of the family were about to unleash hell upon Osiris for what he just did, but when she looked at him-

He was redder than his hair.

"I-I, well-" Osiris flapped his hands in the air. "S-Sorry, I slipped or something. Anyways, nice to meet you-"

He fucking ran.

Mikael took a step toward the King, drawing his attention away from his stupid son.

"I apologies Seth, he has a mana leak and it occasionally blows his buffers."

Seth looked down at him.

"No need to apologize."

"It's true, he usually goes through twenty a month, sometimes more."

Horus lent the King of Lux a helping hand as he looked at his dad's reaction. He didn't see any changes, but he could see a slight question in his eyes.

At least he's not angry.

"I see."

Claudia will never get used to that weight he carries in his voice. He may be able to hide most of his power, but he cannot hide it there.

"It's true, he's a bit of a spit fire."

She tried to placate him more.


His gaze was heavy, as usual.

"Why don't we introduce you to-"

Osiris hid somewhere in his castle garden behind a tree in the far back. He had on twenty rings, one on each digit, as he fought with himself over what he just did.

"Why did I do that?!"

He pulled his hair.

"Am I stupid?!"

He held his face and steamed rolled out his ears. He knew being celebate would come to kick him in the ass, but not like this. He groaned. This was like getting a semi in fucking gym. He really liked that teacher-

Now is not the time to be thinking about that!?!

Osiris grit his teeth.

This was bad, this-

He stilled.


This was just a crush.

Osiris closed his eyes and sighed.

The man was straight, had two kids, and would want nothing to do with him.



He rubbed his chest. He was just lonely. He-

He rolled into a little ball that balanced on his toes and counted to ten.


There was no way he would look at him like that.


He may have a pretty face but he didn't have that type of body.


It will come to pass.


He would be disgusted by you.


Your voice is too deep.


He won't even touch you.


You ruin everything.


No one can love a fag.


You'll die alone.


You should just ki-

"Hey, are you okay?"

It was Sunnie. Behind her, Fibble and Vep.

Osiris stood and gave her a small smile.

"Y-yeah, just a bad day.."

He never met their eyes and turned away from them and walked away.




"Who hurt him?"

Osiris was running late.

He had to ditch his men, and when he was finally alone he lost track of time, so now he is running late. Everyone would be there and he won't be able to-


Was he thinking of hiding?

Rage filled his stomach. It wasn't as hot as it usually was, but it got his head straight. The man came to start a war tonight.

Remember that Osiris.

The guards at the door jumped when they noticed him standing there. The rings today were the best he could find, and they cost him an arm and a leg. He looked at his hands. They were simple silver bands. If he wanted, he could turn them invisible, but they never showed him how.


"A-Announcing the arrival of Prince Osiris Von Lux!"

It was his birthday.

Because of the Nox's, they really put money into this. He was kind of looking forward to their reactions after they saw what the man had planned.

Everyone looked at him.

His family was off in the back with him and his children. Below the stairs, in front of him, a sea of girls waited. He cringed a bit. He was about to get nasty when he briefly made eye contact with Seth. He broke the contact to look at the faces of blushing girls.

He didn't need to cater to them, but-

Osiris popped on his fan service persona and started talking with the ladies. He kept his distance and made sure to avoid any contact, but it was keeping him away from his family.

Osiris faked a laugh as he glanced towards the crowd.

His men had.. angry faces? What? He looked around, but saw no one.

Were they fighting?

But when he saw them meet and huddle he retracted his statement.


Osiris lasted an hour before he excused himself.

He wasn't feeling it and his mood was..

He sighed.

He's been looking forward to this.

People began to flee as he walked into the garden furthest from the party. It looks like it became a make out area for the students, but it became a ghost zone after he walked into the center where a fountain sat.

He was alone.

Osiris sighed as he took off his jacket and undid a few buttons of his dress shirt. He dressed up. Osiris caressed the stone and sighed again.

He should just go.

He can deal with the mess tomorrow. He didn't have to be here-

"Hello Prince."

Seth was waiting for his men to place the chests when the Prince arrived. He was dressed in formal wear, hair completely down and sitting at one side. He had on earrings and war stripes.

He looked uncomfortable.

Their eyes met briefly before he turned a smile to the girls below. Seth returned to talking with the King, occasionally glancing at the Prince. He wouldn't let anyone else touch him.

"-y know it's the elves-"

Only an hour passed and the Prince was leaving.

Horus wanted to roll his eyes.

If they had to stay he should have to stay. He went to tell his dad since he wanted all royalty trapped tonight, but when he looked he was already staring at the Prince. A few seconds later his dad spoke up.

"If you'll excuse me, gentlemen."

He turned and walked towards the restrooms.


Horus followed him.

So that's his type.

Claudia had been right.

He liked the rougher looking men. Where she preferred softer and slimmer features, he liked the ethnic flavor. She had an inkling after one of her bells got close enough to touch him.

The children haven't caught on, no, she looked at Luella. She caught it too. The boy was a stuttering, blushing mess before he ran. That was the first time she's ever seen him like that. Even as a child he was a shy, anxious little boy…. well until she-

Claudia noticed the boy leaving.

He looked lethargic.

She's seen him hate an event, even loathe, but this-

"If you'll excuse me, gentlemen."

Seth went towards the restrooms with his son trailing behind. She looked at Osiris heading towards the garden. It was a coincidence, but she felt slightly uneasy about it. She doubted that boy would stay in the King's presence if they happened to run into each other. He did embarrass himself.

Someone changed topics again.

This looked like the boy's first crush.

He acts like Mikael….

There were times, throughout the years, that he would get like this with her. Especially after Mercedes was born. Her chest tightened and a hand trembled on her fan. He saved her life and only asked them to leave him alone. She laughed along with a dead joke.

Seth found the Prince in the garden.

He had his jacket off and shirt open as he stroked the marble ledge slowly and sadly. His eyes were lost in his head.

Earlier, he only managed to get a glimpse of him before he vanished, leaving a magma skid mark on the way out.

He was strong.

Seth could feel he was going to be a problem when the war started. He stared at the Prince who had yet to notice him.

He could kill him now.

The chests were set, and now it was up to him to set the barrier and commence the attack.

"Hello Prince."

"Holy FUCK!"

Osiris jumped up and twirled around to see the King just casually standing behind him.

"You scared the shit out of me!"

Osiris clenched his hands over his hearts. They were firing at different speeds and making his head spin. This had to be the first time someone snuck up on him this badly. Osiris swallowed his bile and turned and looked at the man.

He was wearing a white robe with black borders that had silver etching along the edges. He had a cane, or wand, he wasn't sure, in his right hand, planted firmly in the ground.

Osiris met his eyes.


The Nox children definitely got their genetics from their father. Though the children were more squared, his face was more oval. He had monolid eyes with a slight hood. His brows and lashes were black, while his skin, hair, and eyes nearly blended in together in white. According to what he's heard in the halls, he's an albino. Osiris thought albinos had pink eyes, but then again, Goss was a purplish goblin instead of green.


He wasn't one for titles, and he wasn't going to start now.

Seth watched an array of emotions fly over the Prince's face before he hardened his resolve and faced him.

Their eyes met.


Wasn't that interesting. To ignore all diplomatic courtesies and skip to his name.

"Looks like we ran into each other."

The Prince scoffed and laughed at him.


Whatever he saw before must have been a fluke. He held his gaze without an ounce of fear. Even his ego was pushing back against his own.

"What brings you to the garden."

Osiris wonders if this is how other people feel with him. Instead he sighed and sat back down, feet dripping with orange magma as he stretched them out.

"It's their party. I'm here to give my dues then bounce."

He shrugged before dropping his ego.

"Why are you here."

Seth could say he enjoyed the look in his eyes.

He's heard his fair share of rumors about the boy since arriving. Some directly from his family's mouth.

He was eccentric.

Seth has run into plenty of powerful men who are the same. He, himself, also falls into that category. He was well aware that his way of doing things always conflicted with others. It came with the territory.

The Prince sat and waited for him to answer.

Another curious thing.

"I was curious."


Osiris couldn't fault him for that. He laughed.

He's done the same.

"Fair. I did make a fool of myself."

He hummed and looked at the water. It was full of copper and gold. A wishing well.

"I heard you had a leak."

"Yup." He popped his P. "Since I was nine."

He shrugged.

Seth looked down to see toxic orange mana sear into the ground, melting it. It seems the King placed a spell to try and counter that.


He wonders how much mana that costs.

"So what's with the stick?"

The Prince motioned towards it.

Seth looked at him.

"A staff."

"I thought it was a cane." He snickered. "Like an old man."

"I am a hundred and thirty-two."

"Ha! That is old." Osiris hummed. He turns forty four soon. "But I met an elf who was a thousand, so not that bad."

"Elves can live up to ten thousand years."

"Can I see the staff?"

Horus was hiding on eggshells.

He knew his father would come here.

He could see the questions starting to build with Osiris, and he wasn't one to be patient when it came to waiting for an answer. Horus also spotted one of Osiris's men hiding on the opposite side of the garden.

"Can I see your staff?"

Horus's eyes snapped to the Prince.

He was looking at the staff in his dad's hands.

No one touches that staff.

It was given to his dad by his father, and his grandpa got it from his.

It was a family heirloom.

It was a genuine question.

Seth flexed his fingers.

Against his better judgment, and for his own curiosity, he lifted it before stepping forward and handing it to him.

Osiris didn't mean to ask the question outloud, but he was pleasantly surprised when Seth walked up to him and handed it to him.

He smells like notes of lapsang souchong tea, aloeswood, smoked black amber, and aged dark patchouli.

He smelled good.

The staff was heavy.

He sniffed it. It smelled like wood. Osiris started to run his fingers down the side, tracing the mana veins soaked into the wood. Like his claws, it fed off the users mana and-

He laughed.

He could feel it guzzling down his mana in mouthfuls. It didn't seem to have a cap. Osiris glanced at Seth. His eyes were unreadable.

"Do you starve it or something?" He pushed a bit more mana in and the gulping slowed. "Oh, huh."

"It's a family heirloom."

Osiris hummed.

"I can tell whoever made this, put a lot of love into it."

He likes to watch the dwarves craft.

He can tell when they give up halfway and rush to finish it, and when they don't. They were students, but only a few of them cared about their craft. He looked at the bottom. He didn't recognize the signature.

"Was it a dwarf that made this?"

"No. My people made it many centuries ago."

He hasn't seen much of the other races' weapons. He was a bit biased when it came to that. He had his own weapon to thank for that.

But the crafting was wonderful.

His mana agreed.

Seth was sure handing the Prince his only means to instantly start his trap was a bad idea. He could do without it, he's done it before, but it will allow many to flee. Before he could feel regret the Prince handed it back to him and stood.

He was close.

"Well, thanks for satiating my curiosity, but." He stretched his hands up and back, pulling his dress shirt loose. When he relaxed the shirt clumped and cricked in disarray along his pants. "I think I'm going to go get shit faced and watch the fireworks from the plaza."

The inclination on the word fireworks caught his eye. Osiris could see mana, it was one of the few things he knew about the Prince. He wonders if he recognized it.

Seth tried to think of something to get the Prince to stay, it was a long shot but-

"How would you like to visit the Nox Kingdom?"

Osiris did a double take before looking away forlorn.

"If only you meant that."

And he walked away.


"Dad, what-"

"Let him go. I want to see his reaction when he realizes his friends are trapped inside."


"It's not going to go the way you think."


Sometimes his dad gets on his last nerve.

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