Chapter 61 - 57

Chapter Fifty Seven



Osiris started a rumor.

"Isn't it weird." He huddled around some girls from a fan club of his. The crazier ones. "I know beastmen mature at one, but doesn't that mean people fuck babies?"

"What do you mean? Don't beasts-"

"Then why do they always act so cute and happy?"

"Isn't it because they're dogs?"

"What about cats then?"

"Cats are different. They act different."

"If you fuck them at one and they don't even know how to read and write, isn't that.. wrong?"

"Then what age would be right?"

He got them.

"At least eighteen!"

"That's a long time!"

"Then get the older ones? What?"

And he let them go off. They'll argue and then end up indoctrinating his words into a commandment. He was sure his sister will turn it and say, how can he go for something eighteen when, legally, humans become adults at nineteen.

He couldn't wait to see people turn on each other once it hits main stream.

"The joys of having a platform."

Osiris hummed a tune as he headed to the Headmaster's office.


Horus Nox sat and waited as his father finished speaking to the Headmaster through a telescroll. It's been a year since the war and his father wanted him to start preparations for the next, thus forcing him to come to school here.

It was unbelievable hot.

He had to constantly cast a cooling spell to keep face. His dad warned him but fuck he hated it. He thought he hated the ice and snow, but he found he hated the heat even more.

"Thank you, until next time."

The scroll burned as the Headmaster smiled his way.


"Where's my jerky old man."

Osiris broke the eight tier spell the headmaster had on the door with a single push.

Osiris Von Lux, age seventeen.

The last he heard, the Prince was only a sixth circle.

He walked into the room with a face he's seen on the people who live in the ghettos. His father liked to make those faces too, when he's in a bad mood.


"Osiris." The headmaster frowned. "I told you to knock."

"If it's not your wife or son in here why should it matter?"

Horus watched the Prince start going through the headmaster's desk.

"I apologize, Crown Prince." Osiris pushed his legs to get to the bottom drawer. "Crown Prince Horus Van Nox, this is Prince Osiris Von Lux. You two will be taking a few classes together."

Osiris found the bag and started to open them while he moved to lean against the man's bookshelves behind him. Their eyes met. Horus could feel the hairs on his neck stand.

The Prince was strong.

He only made it to the seventh ring thanks to his dad's teachings, but the Prince's power was born through war. Horus let the fear pass as he held the Prince's stare. He's lived with his dad his entire life. An eight ring feels like water off a duck's back.

Osiris was impressed.

The kid was holding his own with him. He saw a moment of fear pass, but once it was gone, it was gone. Horus Van Nox, age fifteen with seven rings and three stars. He is the son of the main villain, and a possible second villain, according to Isabella, after the war arc. He falls in love with Dove sometime this year and none of the fans were a 100% sure he actually became obsessed with her.


Descendants of the Snake God are in the Dracon family. Creatures in this family tend to form obsessions with things. For dragons it can be people, places, things, for the Nox's, it was usually over mates.

Osiris smiled at him.

The boy finally broke his gaze to look at the headmaster. The boy didn't even see him as a threat. He expected no less.

"Osiris, why are you here and not in class?"


"Do I even need to answer that."

The headmaster sighed.

"Crown Prince Horus will be attending as a transfer student this year. Thanks to the treaty between our countries, we are recovering faster than ever after the war with the beastmen." Imhotep's smiled with his eyes closed. "So be nice."


"You worry too much."

Osiris pushed from the shelves and slid to the floor.

"Now it's like I'm not even here."

Horus could still see his pink head of hair.


"How can I not worry?"

Osiris was a force to work with. With his ties to Bishop, himself, and those mana eyes of his, the Prince knows pretty much everything within Lux. Even if he pretends not to know, Imhotep could see that mischievous glint in those heavy eyes of his when he was up to something. Which was every day.

"I'm just here because paradoxical sacrificial magic was boring and I fell asleep. I snore loudly, according to Sunnie."

That class was a philosophy class. A theory class. He fell asleep within five minutes. The teacher did have a great voice. Not his fault.

"Stealth and Camouflage is your next class, correct?" Imhotep straightened some papers. "Prince Nox is also-"

And he was gone.

Imhotep smiled at Horus who has yet to speak.

"He isn't a people person."


"Welcome aboard, Prince Nox."

Osiris was left in the teacher's office for class while he went through some letters Goss sent him. Her guild is struggling. They have a lot of good ideas, and some work really well, but she's starting to have trouble finding jobs to post. Without jobs, she can't attract recruits. He'll need to send her a few ideas he's had cooking, and have her spread more rumors to defame the Kingdom's guild. His plan was to have her eat up the good parts of Lux before he flattened it.

It was like shopping at a furniture liquidation sale.

"Everything must go!"

A fan whirled.

Osiris started a response while he tried not to think about the Nox king.


Horus Nox reminded him a lot of his old body. He had a squared face, sharp jaw, and monolid eyes. His hair was black with twisted, knotted looking hair. He had gray, desert brown skin with silver eyes. He looked the exact opposite of Osiris.

"-eh! So, okay, this is a different plot in the story that hasn't been officially released, but there's hints all over the plot about it!"

"So what is it?"

"Well, my theory is, okay, wait. Let me explain some things first."

Adam motioned for her to continue. He was painting her nails. She wanted to impress a guy at school or something. They liked orange, she hated orange. The things we do for love.

"So there is a hint that the gods make bets over which of their creations are stronger. Each chooses a champion at their birth and when they die, they choose another. It is their destiny to fight and decide who the winner will be that round."


"So, okay, a round is the best way I can describe it. For example, when the King of Nox dies his title could be passed down to his children, or, if the god wants a fresh start, they will choose a newborn and a new path to take. It's like they choose a new character."


"Hm." She shrugged. "Because they can?"

Osiris is the sun and the King is the moon.


It was pretty gay, even for him.

Horus will only be shunned and bullied for he was colored amongst a sea of white. Dove ends up scared of him, actually nearly everyone isolated him because they are scared of him. He was, in the original, Osiris's rival. The OG came back with six circles, leaving Horus with seven and in the lead.


Osiris wanted to imagine the King as someone similar to Horus, but in this world, women held power over genetics when it came to looks. With men, it was their power that was passed on. His mana laughed at him.

Osiris's face turned nasty.


His mana only went harder.

The feeling of embarrassment flushed over him for three seconds before he pushed it away.

"I'll leave it a surprise then."

His mana nodded sagely to him.


"It's just the hormones."

Something red fell on his head.

A loud clutter and a scream filled the teachers office on the other side of the gym. Osiris, with his shirt missing, and tiny little red nail marks, came rolling out of the office.

"I thought I killed you!"

A little red raccoon came chasing after him.

Students and the teacher all started to laugh until his guards dropped their egos.

The entire class became paralyzed.


The three chimed at once.

Their attacks were parried by the tail. They were then thrown, oddly gentle, into the sea of students.

Osiris grabbed the beast and threw it as hard as he could into the wall.

It survived.

"When the fuck did you reach S Class."

Tenku went from flat to fluff, fixing his little business suit.

"It took me a year after you threw me across the continent."

Osiris covered his face with his hands like little napkins and faced his back to the class.

"Did I just pull a Queen.."

He looked back at the pest.

He was still very much a little tanuki.

"I may be after your heart, but I've come for another reason."

"Why come at all."

"I was sent by the little Princess!"



"How could you forget about your own daughter?!"


All four men piped in.

Every girl's face fell. Every. Single. One. The teacher wondered what this will do to the boy's reputation.

The cowards were almost detangled from the students.

"Yes, the-"

"What did you do to her."

Osiris's rings were off.

The entire city was put on hold.

Horus had to place a small barrier around him as nearly everyone fell to their knees. Horus stared. If his father didn't have those stupid rules he could tell him about this. Horus's lips pursed. He was going to have to tell the doc again.

Osiris waited for the thing to talk but it didn't.


He loosened his hand.

"S-She sent me to bring gifts."

Osiris dropped him and stood with attitude.


"In my travels I met the cutest little button of a goblin-" Tenku felt his spine ache. "- guild master. I was interested in her wares when she mentioned you! I couldn't believe it! So I offered to work for free as long as I got to see you."

"And the wives?"

"Dead. When you blew up the town you killed them and all nine of my cubs."

Osiris made a mouth with his hand and said, "So sad."

"But since you won my heart I let go of my pains and looked forward." He looked at Osiris with googly eyes.

"So I've sworn myself to serve your Princess." His tail rose. "I can't believe how much you've taught her! Her ideas feel like they're from another world!"

The sooks watched their boss's ego respond happily to the little fucking hell spawn that was the second battle Commander. He was always a sucker when it came to Goss.

"How is she?"

The world was back to normal.

The King AND Headmaster showed up out of breath. They looked at the Prince's hand. Anyone who helped in the war, whether physically or spiritually, knew immediately who that red bastard was. He enslaved nearly the entire front battalion.

They watched the Prince squat to talk to him. The little fox lit up.

"She's doing good! She said I can't tell you about her life, she wants to tell you, but with me I'm sure the business will-"

"I hope this isn't what it looks like."

"Hush, I'm trying to see how my daughter is doing."

The King spluttered.


"I-I plan to help her expand her hold!" Tenku took the chance to get the Prince's eyes back on him. "As you are aware, my slave market was very successful during the war. I mean, even after-"

Osiris could feel the bloodlust of many men.

"Hush. I don't care about that."

"Right! Your daughter!"

The King made a strangled noise.

"She turns three soon, so think! She's been really into mythirl, the really ugly ones."

Osiris nodded.

"I wonder if she's married yet?"

The tanuki's tail flicked.

"Ha, almost got me there."

His little sharp teeth shone.

"I can't afford to get fired from here."


Osiris squinted at him.

"You and her aren't-"

The rat looked appalled.

"We red panda NEVER go after a possible mates young!"


"Okay, dayum, call down."

His tail swooshed.

"We don't like inbreeding. Unlike those dogs, we care about our bloodline."

Osiris looked behind him. Everyone was staring. What a crazy, unexpected thing to occur.

"Did you want to kill it?"

Tenku's fur rose.

"I can't! I promised the Princess I'd return with pictures…"


Osiris grabbed it by its tail and started to walk off.


Osiris glanced at the King.

"Aren't you two coming or do you want to stay and cry about it."

The headmaster looked over the class before joining them. The sooks were swarmed.

"Does he really have a daughter?!"

"How old is she?"

"Whose the mom?"

"Do they come to this school?"

"Are they human?"

"Does he always talk about her that way?"

The sooks saw a variety of emotions on the girls faces. Some heartbroken, some more in love, it was, they didn't know what to do about it. They all shared a look. But that bastard did say they needed to take care his image when he's away.

"Ladies, one at a time." Sunnie grinned. "She's about to be three-"

"You have a daughter?!"

Osiris yawned as he made the rat hold up his feet.


"A-are you?" He made a motion.

"A virgin? Yes." Osiris raised his hands lazily in prayer and looked up. "We thank the gods for the virgin birth."

"She's a goblin he ado-"

"I never said to talk."

Mikael felt a piece of his chest ease.

A premarital child born in wedlock is frowned heavily upon by nobility and the nation as a whole. Though he always worried about his son's image, he was more hurt because he had no idea. Not even Haldir told him, if he even knew.

Mikael looked at the second battle commander.

That little bastard is deadly with economics. He managed to buy out nearly all the slave trade markets and try to sell them back their own people and merchandise.

"Osiris, why is this beast here."

Imhotep felt his hands shake.


"His daughter hired me on my journey to find true love-"

Osiris lifted a leg and slammed it down. You could hear the creature's neck break. It kept its post.

"A-At the battle of the cliffs I fell in love with the Prince at first sight! He left me for dead, but I managed to escape! HAHAHA!" Osiris could tell the little shit was starting to feel himself. "When I managed to find him again he threw me in the middle of no-man's land, and with the power of love I rose above and- well I ran into his daughter and here I am. I'm still on my conquest-"

Osiris finished breaking its neck, careful not to kill it. The thing went silent.

"There you have it."

"We'll have to-"

"No one touches him."

The Prince sat up.

"He's Goss's now."

"We can't-"

"You can."

"Osiris, he's pillaged so many villages! He's sold and killed children."


The headmaster flinched.

There wasn't a lick of remorse on his face or in his voice.

"You people do it here every day. I don't see the difference."

Osiris shrugged.

Imhotep's face pulled into a deep, conflicted frown.

"Anyone who touches him dies. Well, if my men kill him, that's on him."

Osiris could feel the dick sniffer shiver.

The bastard got lucky.

"Y-your daughter, can I-"


Osiris left the men with the commander. They could hear his little bones breaking and healing.


"I know."

He looked at the beast.

During the war it was a C Rank, and now it's S.

"It still looks like a D and C Class."

"It's because I wanted to keep this form."

The beast jumped to the table and stood proud, suit and all.

The headmaster glanced at Mikael before continuing.

"Beast can chose?"

Tenku livened up. Someone wanted to listen to him. Maybe if he gets close to them, he can find out what his love likes.