Chapter 51 - 47

Chapter Forty Seven


"They're a noisy bunch."

Osiris stood at the top of a hill amongst a valley of deep crevices and open, bright planes.

They were home.

The sooks watched a feverish heat bloom across the Prince's cheeks.


Sunnie put a hand on Fibble's shoulder and shook her head.

His mood was ruinous.

Even his anger from before could not match what she was feeling from him now. She snapped her aura up and the boys followed.

This wasn't their place.

Whatever beef he had with them had nothing to do with them, and she was going to keep it that way.

In the distance, still hundreds of miles away, the Lux Kingdom could be seen standing proudly in all its glory.

"Like ants."

He can feel the soldiers puffing up and come to stand outside of the Kingdom gate, some he recognized, others he didn't.

"It seems I've been away for too long."

Osiris smiled.

"Look at them, puffing up like little skunks." Osiris straightened his uniform. It was the only thing Haldir convinced him and his men to do. "And they haven't even felt my aura yet."

He was nothing but teeth as he took that first step.

"And eye for an eye, an ear for an ear, if the person is queer, give them a beer!"

The men at the bar cheered.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Leave them." The guard glared at the soldiers. "They're all funny in the head after that war."

"You mean a bit touched?"

The men at the bar cackled.


Everything with mana spazzed, some things going off, other things canceling out.

The world froze.


A soldier shivered before taking a swig of his beer.

"That bastard really came cocked out."

"Fuck. That's why Haldir took his wife and left."

"Haldir's with the King today, what do you mean?"

"He means he removed his wife and kids from the town because he knew this was going to happen."


"Another round!"

No one could move.

"Oh, right." The soldier walked up to the bar and poured himself a drink. He turned, splashing foam around the bar top. "Let's go boys, an order is an order."

"Was it always this heavy?"

The civilians all watched the soldiers leave. They still could not move. A few passed out on the floor.

As a parting word of wisdom the soldier laughed and hit his mate on the shoulder before saying, "He's not even in range yet."

The grass was as green as every old rich white man's american dream.

"What a tragedy, you're not strong enough for me to feel."

He tried again to feel the grass on his feet. The wind ruffled his coat, he hummed.

"I'm sure you can do it one day."

The wind caressed his cheek before it stopped.

He really loved mana.

Osiris tore one of his war tassel things off and spun it around his finger.

Everyone was as white as a sheet.

Heat flushed his cheeks, peeking at his ears, and running down the back of his neck.


The smell of fear wafted to him in thick, musky clusters as he stopped before the men at the gates. His little soldiers stood at attention, which in turn, seemed to have forced most of the guards to follow their lead.

"Welcome home Osiris!"


He was drunk on POWER.

"I'm just glad to have everyone home."

Everyone and the King chuckled together as they waited for his son in the throne room. For three years he fought for this country, so for three days they will celebrate. It was his gift to the men and his son for saving this country from annihilation. The war devastated their numbers, and if not for his son….

"How much longer til the boy arrives?"

The Queen tapped her fingers on her throne beside the King. She was against the celebration, especially after seeing how expensive that child was to their military. The war ruined their potion market. So many new businesses popped up in order to meet the demands of the Prince, and her profits have tanked.

Especially after that new guild formed. They weren't in Lux yet but she can already smell another political problem. Her jaw clenched. It's only been a few months since they started. How vexing.

"He's probably here now."


All the soldiers' eyes fell on Haldir, which caused the rest of the nobility to pause. Everyone under their command was looking at Haldir like he was their leader. They stood with a focus that blocked out everything else.


Haldir tisked.

Everyone has been treating him so well. Now he was downgraded to a fucking fire alarm again.

"You'll know when he's here."

The men only returned to a resting position when they noticed Haldir kept still. The Crown Prince turned to a soldier he recently hired on as a guard.

"What was that about?"

The soldier smiled awkwardly at the Crown Prince.

"Pr- O-Osiris's men are who you look at first when it comes to anything revolving around the P-Osiris. If they run, you run. If they jump, you jump."

The Crown Prince scoffed.

"Were all the men in the front so weak that they had to follow my little brother's orders?"


None of the soldiers could look their leaders in the eye.

Haldir snapped his aura up right before he felt it. The boy was near. Like a domino was pushed, all the soldiers started dropping their egos, including Brown and Yellow.


All nobility began to rise, a panic set in. Was the enemy here?! The King and Queen stood-

"It's just the Prince."

Bishop's calming voice stopped the immediate trepidation, but it did not stop the fear.

"What is happening?!"

Mercedes cried and held Luella's hand as they sat to Axel's left.

Every noble and royal alike has heard gossip of the war. Of stories of soldiers at the front needing to meet the little prince before they could battle. It all sounded ridiculous. No one believed that boy could make it past the first fight, let alone the entire war. Many even deemed the final battle a hoax created by the front to make the Prince look good.

That was what they all assumed.

That was, until this very moment.

"He's just outside the border."

A Platoon Sergeant broke the line.

"What?! What ring is he on now?!"

It was odd to see the men they grew up with turn into frantic mice on the throne room floor. The situation was so odd that even the Queen did not try to correct her own men, who had stepped toward Haldir. Not that she could. Everyone outside of her children and certain nobility became useless.


That got the entire room's attention on Haldir.


The Queen was in disbelief.

"Eight?!" Some of the soldiers chimed in. "Last time I heard he had four!"

"I heard six!"



The sergeants began arguing.

"Why isn't he wearing his buffers?"

"What about our families?"

The Prince was at the gate.

Those who the Queen thought would be useful became useless as the weight began a bruising pace headed straight their way. His steps were fast, long, and filled with purpose. A fear like no other burned across her chest.

The mana began to vibrate.

Like popping peas from their skin she felt every single one of her spells vanish. She looked around the room. Everyone looked to be in the same boat.

Bishop looked the most upset.

"He said I just needed to clear his castle."

The King and Queen pretended not to hear him.

Osiris could feel them, the little rats.

All shivering and shaking in place like a bunch of straw rustling in the wind. Osiris glided his fingers across the wood door before pushing through. They cracked and split against the wall, carving a place for themselves against the white and gold trim.

"I'm home!"

Osiris held his hands wide and stepped into the room.

There she was, the Queen.

The air grayed and scratched, slicing everyone in paper thin cuts. The one on the Queen's cheek bleed.

"Welcome home Prince Osiris!"

He started at the bottom of the line.

"Haldir, how are the kids."

The King watched his soldier give his son a nasty glare.

"They're vacationing in elven land."

Osiris stepped into his space.


Haldir glared into the boy's eyes. They were nearly level with his own.

He moved on to the next.

"Brown, Yellow, good to see you. Still not willing to kill the Queen for me yet?"

They both frowned down at him from their perch behind the woman. Osiris pouted.

"And here I was looking forward to seeing her face as she watched one of you gut her like a pig."

Even if anyone wanted to talk back, no one could.

Save for Haldir and the cowards, it was a risk responding to the Prince. He was unpredictable. He was chaotic. He was a menace.

"Apologies Prince."

The Queen hid her shaking hand between her armrest and leg.

Mikael and herself have met the King of Nox, so the child was but a flea in comparison. The Queen calmed herself and glanced at Mikael. He glanced at her. The two of them looked at the Prince. Save for a few, they were the only two who could deal with the boy if he blew up. They had their first war to thank for that. Fighting with beasts like the Nox's taught them a lot about that world. They survived it, after all.

Osiris could see the adults finally adulting.

He would be disappointed if it was anything less.


"M-my l-lord."


"My Prince." He took a step towards him and reached out an arm. "Welcome home."

Both the King and Queen's eyes sharpened.

None of the other children have managed to gain the favor of Bishop, and now her worst nightmare is happening right before her very eyes.

The boy has gained political power.

"I told you to fucking stop."

He pulled his hand away and rubbed his beard.

"I will shake your hand one day."

"No the fuck you wont."

Bishop chuckled as Osiris's ego flared. His laugh was nervous, but Osiris really liked to see the man sweat. Especially since he's been trying so hard to read him. Osiris has all the cards and he has none. But that fucker is a fan. He wasn't bothered by it.

"Kou would like to ask if you'll be needing him."

Damn clever bastard.

"No, let him open that restaurant. When I'm hungry I'll visit, which will probably be every day, but." He shrugged. "I'd rather keep him as far away from this cesspool as I can."

He turned to the room and smiled with his eyes closed.

"If anyone touches my food I will kill them." He clapped. "Great, now that we have an understanding-"

The Crown Prince felt like he was going to lose control of his bladder. He pinched his leg. Their intel was wrong. Even his Mother only knew he was a fifth circle, and at most, a B Rank Adventurer. He looked at Haldir. Even his Father was unaware of this development by how his face is filled with so much pride.


His Father, though he cares for them all, only loves that boy. It became clear who his real priority was when he left for war. They all had to cut back on their expenses just so he could send the boy food.

Disgusted. He was disgusted.

The hate in his heart spread to his neck.

Luella and Mercedes could do nothing but stare at the ground. Mer was folded in half while Luella fought with every fiber in her being just to keep upright. Neither of them had auras. They never needed them.

Luella felt her body compress further.

She can see the need now.

Luella tried to think of all the lessons she took at the academy.

Mercedes was about to pass out. She could feel her god laugh at her.

"-why don't you go do that."

Bishop's smile strained.


"Get to it, boogeyman."

Osiris grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. Everyone could hear his collar bone snap.

"Will you be eating there tonight?"

Osiris tisked and let the man go.


Osiris stared at him. He waited ten seconds.


"R-right then. King, Queen, if you'll excuse me."

Bishop walked with class as his limp right arm wiggled in the wind.

Osiris turned to the Queen.

"Claudia, how nice to see you again."

Her smile was just how he remembered it.

Beautiful, sharp, hate filled. He felt his stomach flutter. She was going to fight him to the bitter end.


The King looked at his son.

He was a spitting image of his mother.


It looked like his growth spurt came in. Kina was six feet, and he was six two. For a while there Mikael was worried his son would take after his side of the family and remain on the…. smaller side of things, but looking at him now….

He kept his hair long, just above his shoulders with half of it tied back. His suit was messy, but Mikael appreciated the sentiment. His feet now melted the floor, but it was hopefully within his power to fix….

He was just glad to have him home.

"I heard you turned Fifty." Osiris twirled his hair. "Have you started menopause yet?"

Mikael watched his wife's face flash red with anger.

"I heard you still like men."

The air turned to sand paper.

"I do."


Sunnie grabbed her boys' arms. All the soldiers' eyes fell upon them. The Duke and Marquez watched a room flip on its head.


"S-she… She said it's fine."

"This is fine."

Sunnie's legs shook.

Panic rose within the room, but no one could move.

His ego had them by the throat.

"Have you been checked for diseases yet?"

Osiris's eyes began to close, his smile was sharpening.

"Interested in a little boy's sex life, are we?" He unbuttoned the top three holes in his dress shirt. "Do you also want to know when I beat off? Your men make great material. Tell me, how are they?" Osiris hummed. "I heard you take them both most nights."

"It looks like you still have a dirty mouth."

Her neck strained the prettiest of colors.

"Not as dirty as yours. Speaking of, where is Darwin."

He put his hand over his eyes and glanced around like a captain looking for shore.


Osiris smiled. She didn't like that one very much.

"Scared? If I didn't kill him during the war, why would I kill him now."

Osiris gave her a look.

"Anyways." He moved onto his brother, Axel. He lowered himself to meet the boy's eyes. The man shook and kept his eyes to the floor.

"Who are you again?"

Osiris watched a confliction of rage, fear, and terror flood through the boy's ego. Axel Lux, age twenty four. Hand user, five star, five circle mage. He used to look at him with round, dirty, blackened eyes.

Osiris moved onto Luella.

"Luella, my love, how have you been?" He grabbed a piece of her hair. "Still spreading roomers about me raping your nursemaid? Or, what was the other one.."

Osiris hummed. The woman trembled. Luella Lux, twenty three. A hands user, four circle mage. As a princess she never needed her aura.

Osiris grinned down at her.

"Oh, rrrright. How I fuck every soldier sent to the front, and the younger the better, something like that."

Osiris stepped away, looking appalled.

"I'll have you know I'm still a virgin, thank you." He threw back some hair. "I'm saving myself for marriage."

He wasn't, but he still had far too many years away from being an adult. He wanted to cry about it.

His eyes glistened.

He sniffled before moving onto Mercedes.

He got close enough to touch.

"Still think I'm dirty, hm?"

He could see her try to pull away.

"What a sad little woman you are."

Mercedes Lux, twenty. She surprisingly had divine magic. She could see into the future, or something. No, wait, she receives prophecies from Lux, the she devil, through her eyes.


She's taught his sooks to never trust a god. He thanked her for her service.

Mercedes's gift was uncontrollable, and by the looks of it, will become void from here on out. He had the love of a god after all.

"Tell me," He got in close, just a hair away from her ear. "How many concubines do you have now?"

She sobbed.


She stopped.

"God you're noisy."

He pulled back enough to smile at the Queen.

Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned. She was going to come for blood after this. He'll need to leave his men with Kou tonight. He wasn't stupid enough to trust she'd listen to his threat. Even now she's putting up a fight. Osiris shivered.

The Queen thought she saw steam come out from that boy's mouth. She was repulsed. She looked at her babies. They were all a mess.

"And Zayd?"

The Queen's ego flared. Everyone froze. Osiris batted it away like a fly. It snapped right back against her flesh.

"Right, he's dead." Osiris turned to the crowd to perform his headline. "PRINCE ZAYD, DEAD, AGE NINETEEN. DIED TRAGICALLY TRYING TO SAVE THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE."

He turned back to the Queen's red, glistening face. She looked constipated.

"That sound about right?"


"I'd kill him if he wasn't already dead."

The room began to heat up. His little sooks shook.

"Letting someone else kill him before I got the chance, unforgivable."

The soldiers' knew he was a hundred percent serious. He once saved a man's life just to kill them himself. He was petty like that.

"I guess that's everybody then."

He clapped his hands.

"Thanks for the welcome, have a good night."

Osiris was out the door with his men before anyone could flinch. The weight did not let up, even as he made it to his castle. Their eyes all shook.

Haldir turned to the King.

"This was how it was at the front."

He used a bit of his aura to placate the King's. It was starting to curl under the stress.

"Do you think he'll stay like this?"


Haldir looked at the empty doorway.

"Probably? Honestly, he might change his mind in the next hour, or a month from now."

Haldir shrugged. The King looked at the other men. They all nodded and looked at the ground.

The King could feel his hair begin to gray.