Chapter 47 - 43


Crossing the seas was hell. Osiris groaned as the ship swayed. He is now fifteen.

"Get him another wet towel."

Haldir sighed as he rubbed the teen's back.

"How come he lets Haldir touch him but not-"

Sunnie's cheeks turned red as she dragged Fibble away. He wondered that too, but the man was happily married with ten kids or something. He wasn't going to look at Osiris with bedroom eyes and Osiris could dream. Let a man dream. That's all he has left.

"Leave him be Sunnie, he's just being a brat." Osiris dry heaved. "I hate the water, but I want to swim."

"No you don't."


Through the small hole his head was stuck through he saw a creature with tentacles as thick as the boat pull from the surface.


"This passage is dangerous because it passes through eldritch waters."


Osiris dry heaved.

"How would you even fight them?"


Osiris stared at the deep black waters.

"I think I heard of a fire that can burn underwater."

His mana roared happily at the idea.


"So when do we make shore?"

"One more day."



"They found the capital. Their alpha is across the sea near elven lands so if we hit them now we can end the war today."

Osiris didn't care in the slightest.

He had seven rings and was working on the eighth, but that bastard's demands were beyond what Osiris could achieve right now.

"Here are your potions, and some temporary barriers."

Osiris took the bag with his men at his back. They were to be teleported right outside the city limits. If they finished this, it would be six months earlier than the original finished in the novel. Not much difference, but Osiris hasn't been aiming to end the war.

"Good luck."

A double glow caught Osiris's eye.

Cornelius was sending them off that day. He managed to survive, despite the many times Osiris had their platoon flooded with enemies.-

"Bye Corn!"

"Byeeee Coooorn!"

Vep waved.

-He's provided them with nothing but his best, and never faltered with a single potion.

Osiris looked over the colorful array of bottles. Like always, none were tampered with.

As he waved them goodbye, behind his mana earring sat a tinnie tiny tattoo of the Queen's eye.

The portal began to malfunction.

Osiris watched as the, now man, pretend to panic and 'fix' the portal. He was 'too late' to save them.