Days went by and the prince began to feel the weight of his responsibility bearing down on him. He confided in his father's advisor, Shams, hoping for some solace. But Shams' words cut him like a blade.
"Why oh prince. -shams went. Why do you care about them so much? Why don't just live the luxurious life your father gave you, they're puny disgusting insects you see! That's why we keep them like that."
The prince was devastated. His heart shattered at the realization that someone his father trusted so deeply could harbor such vile thoughts about his people.
Then suddenly shams looked at Ahad with suspicion. He thought to himself "is he the rebel? I should clear my way fast"
That night, Ahad fled from the palace, leaving behind the life he once knew.
now he knew who was actually pulling the strings of this kingdom, who was behind this kingdoms calamities.