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Children of the Serpent

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Kelsier is an overworked teenager struggling to make ends meet, residing in an inn and paying off his rent as a bartender. During a particularly interesting encounter with a dangerous-looking man, he discovers information about his non-existent father, and that he isn't 100% human.

Chapter 1 - A Bitter Pill to Swallow

I have this dream. I'm in a room. There are six other people. I'm sitting in the midst of them. everyone else around us is dead. I have strong feelings for them as do they. they call me their little brother, even though I've never met them before. I don't protest nor do I object.

Quite the contrary. I LOVE it.

The boy wakes up from his half-hour nap. he walks into the bathroom and washes off his face. The exhaustion is explicitly visible. His violet eyes stare deep into the cracked mirror, overworked with exhaustion as well as depression. His silver hair, his face patchy with freckles and pimples, all point to how cute, cuddly and naive he looks. But looks aren't everything.

"Kelsier!!! Get your ass down here!" The loud voice of the innkeeper echoes through the thin walls of his dingy room.

"On my way, Mr. Renault." he answers, cleaning off his face.

In about thirty seconds, the boy is down the stairs, still trying to put on his shirt, which is torn in and out. He arrives at the bar where his boss is waiting.

"The hell were you doing, kid? Your shift started ten minutes ago!" the man says.

"I was bit tired, sir. I had another errand to run." Kelsier tries to explain.

"Well, that ain't my problem, kid. don't let me put you on the street." Renault says and walks away, tapping his shoulder.

The boy sighs. "Another exhausting day..."

The bell chimes and three hooded men walk into the bar. Two take seats in the corner and the last one walks to the counter, with the boy's back turned to the glass case.

"Welcome to The Ax and Bramble." The boy says as he turns around and faces the customer.

"You're a little too young to be in a dingy place like this, little man..." The man pulls off his hood, revealing a well-groomed, 30-something looking man, with pale skin, dark-shaded glasses, light-brown hair and a light beard.

"Um...I guess-" His mind begins racing.

"Relax, kid. I'm not with law enforcement. just kidding around."

"Any orders?" His mind calms down.

"Zebra Fizz."

"A shot of Zebra F-"

"A bottle."

"U-U-Um..." he is confused. he's met drunks before, but he hasn't met any who ordered a bottle of the most alcoholic thing on the menu.

"Kelsier!!" the familiar yell of Mr. Renault goes again. "Dammit, If the man wants a bottle, give him a bottle. as long as he can pay for it." he says from afar.

Kelsier looks to the customer. "Can you?"

"What do you take me for?" the man drops some bills on the counter.

The manager changes his focus and turns away. Kelsier turns to the bar and produces a bottle of Zebra Fizz. then turning to the man, he asks.

"Hey, what are those hoodies for? it's the middle of summer, and outside the crummy AC's in this place, the weather's pretty damn hot."

The man takes the bottle out of his hands. "Well, truth be told, my colleagues and I work for somebody." he motions to the two hooded men seating in the corner. "In fact, we're here looking for somebody. someone pretty important to our boss." he stares at Kelsier intensely.

The alarm bells start ringing in his head. This man is obviously working for someone dangerous. Better not to get on his bad side.

"Um, I wish you the best of luck. your boss seems like the really powerful kind. I wouldn't want to get in your way-"

"It's kind of funny thinking about it. The person we're looking for is also named Kelsier."

"Could it be that his last name is different..."

"Let me hear your last name, then."

think, Kelsier, think. A believable last name.

"Arroyo. Kelsier Arroyo."

The man opens the bottle, and in a single swig, gulps down a quarter of the bottle. "Come now, Kelsier. We both know you grew up without a last name."

The shock is enough to send shivers down his spine. That detail alone is known by only himself and his estranged mother.

"H-H-How-How do you know that?" his voice trembles.

"Because you never knew your father. your mother also hated him enough to not tell you."

"H-How do you know?" his hands are shaking profusely.


The man corks the bottle. "Because I know your father. Grimes."


"Grimes? My father?"

The chuckle comes out stifled, but it's still there. it's something the man expected but not still used to.

"First off, every one of us here in Grimory is familiar with the myth of Grimes and the Great Descent. Nobody here takes it seriously, because it's just that, a myth." Kelsier says, giggling under his breath between words. The man stares at him squarely, waiting for his rant to be over.

"Secondly, even if it were true, Grimes is primordial, he can't exist in human form, let alone procreate… and if I was his kid, I'd probably be super popular or have superpowers or some shit. Thirdly, Grimes is a God, I doubt he'd associate himself with a drunk, No offense."

The man sighs. "Some taken. But honestly, I expected a slightly better response."


The man's eyes make a crackling sound and flash blue, before he grabs on to Kelsier's head and pulls it closer.

"You're having the dreams aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The dreams. Those dreams." The eyes flash blue again and the dream is sped through his memory.

"Grimes is waiting, last born...let's go." The man says to him, letting him go.

"Who are you?" Kelsier asks in terror.

"Castillon. Leader of the Followers. Disciple of your father. Come now. Out of that counter."

"But my stuff..."

"It's not like whatever you have is high quality stuff. you're a pauper. It's not like they're necessary."

"They are for me."

"Okay, fine." he says and looks up to the staircase, signaling for one of his men to come down. the man upstairs is holding what seems to be Kelsier's travel bag. "He says it's necessary."

Kelsier's shock hasn't disappears as the two men in the corner seats are still there, making him wonder how that one got his bag in the first place.

The few people present in the bar pay them no mind, and as they all head for the exit, save for the two men in the corner, the innkeeper comes rushing out.

"Hey, where are you going with my bartender?"

the two men in the corner dart out and block his way, forcing him to come to a halt. they each bring out a stack of bills and hand over to the man. He looks confused.

Castillon turns to look at the man as Kelsier and the hooded man carrying his luggage walk out the door. "Consider that upfront for all your troubles. My patron appreciates you."

on hearing this, the man collects the money and turns away happily. "Pleasure's all mine. Grimes be with you!"


The two men walk out behind Castillon, and they get into an SUV.

"Hold onto your sanity for a moment..." Castillon says, flipping the car switch on.


The SUV speeds into the highway, and Kelsier is holding tightly onto his seat belt, trying as hard as possible not to fall out of the vehicle. When they arrive at an intersection, Castillion's men signal to him that they are being followed.

"Othica and De Chaim again? Can't they give up already?!" Castillon says in frustration. He turns left into another street and parks the SUV

"Let me handle this. Stay inside and don't turn your head to even look outside." He says to Kelsier and opens the door. Cautiously, he steps out and raises his hands up.

"I didn't think you'd make it very easy, today, Cas..." A tall, slender lady standing atop a neighboring building says.

"Tsaliya. Didn't expect you here so soon. How's Othica?"

"Fine. As she always is. She's a fucking Goddess, I don't believe you need to ask of her wellbeing."

"Well, even Goddesses at times need mental breaks from overbearing, over-reactive and gloomy-looking children."

She retorts with a look of anger. she jumps down, leaving a dent in the concrete as she lands on the pavement beneath her.

"You are beneath me. Beneath us. Grimes is no match for Othica, and you know it. The Countdown has almost begun."

"Why do I care? We'll see when the times comes, won't we?"

"What's with the SUV? Cargo?"

"That is the business of me and my colleagues alone. I suggest you keep yourself, The Librarians, and Othica, out of it."

She grimaces and steps back. "It's been a nice chat, Cas. Next time, bring some entertainment."

Castillon walks over to the car and starts the SUV.

"Who was that?" Kelsier probes.

"You'll find out soon enough." The SUV screeches loudly and zooms off into the distance.


The SUV arrives at a penthouse. Castillon gets down from the car and walks off into the lobby.

"I take it we've arrived." Kelsier says.

The men in the car put a bag over his head and push him out of the car. "H-Hey! the hell's going on?! what's with the bag?!"

One of the men whispers to him. "Sorry, Master Kelsier, but this is just protocol."

The men take him around the building to the back, using the service elevator to get up the penthouse. After landing on the highest floor, the men walk him into a dark room.

"Thank you all very much." Castillon's voice goes. "That will be everything."

Kelsier, still blind to the situation, whispers. "Castillon... The hell's happening?"

Castillon walks over to him and pulls off the mask. "Alright, kill the lights." He says, signaling other people.

the lights in the now-visible hall switch on one after the other, revealing people tied to seats, with bags on their heads as well-six in number, three on each side. the last light comes on and reveals a seat with someone sitting on it, facing the large glass window taking in the light of the night sky.

"Well, isn't it great to finally have some light?" The third guy on the left says.

"I'll say!" the female across from him says, denoting a matured voice.

"Does that mean our VIP is here?" the second guy on the right says.

"I hope so. I want to get out of this as quickly as possible." The second girl on the left says.

"You are all in luck." Castillon starts. "He's here."

"Cas! it was you! thought I recognized you! "the second girl on the left says again.

"Who did you think it was, dummy?" The tallest one here, the second guy on the right, replies.

"Hey! That was mean!" she retorts.

"You bet!"

"Anyway!!" Castillo tries to restore some decorum to the previously quiet room. "He's here. and now I believe we can get this meeting underway." He says, going round and taking off their masks. Kelsier is still frozen in place, staring blankly at the people here.

Castillon, after taking off the mask and cuffs from the third guy on the left, turns to Kelsier.

"I will introduce our VIP here, and then all of you will do the same. Got that?"

They all nod in unison. Kelsier is surprised. Why are all of them listening to him so calmly? are they afraid? in awe? what is making them listen to him like he owns them?

"This little silver-haired prince, is our last. Kelsier. 16. societal reject. more of a handle-with-care kind of person."

with that, Castillon turns to the last person he freed and stifles a cough in his general direction. The boy clears his throat and lets out "H-Hi...My name is Haleth. I'm 17. my birthday is March 8th."

Haleth is tall and tanned. The bags around his sky blue eyes, accompanied by his goth-style of dressing makes it obvious that he's a victim of childhood trauma, probably more so than Kelsier.

The second girl on the left, that had been talking this entire time rushes over to him so quickly that he's almost knocked on his back by shock alone.

Her hair's a bright bloody red, and he can't tell if it's natural or dyed. Her Irises are also bright red, but much brighter than blood, be that the result of the bright room lights or her natural eyes, he doesn't seem to know. she's short as well- shorter than he is, at least -and from the get-go, he can see the optimism and the eccentricity brimming.

"You look cute! very cute! Hello, Kelsier. I'm Orome, and I'm 16, just like you. my birthday is December 19."

"I'd suggest you don't get too close, Orome." The first girl on the left says. "You never know if he's more dangerous than you." The girl turns to Kelsier. "I'm Fringilla. I'm 18 and I'm an assassin for the Ivory Jacks. My birthday's April 3."

Fringilla a few inches taller than Orome. Her hair's jet black and her skin a light brown color, her eyes, dark brown. Her elegant dressing points to her etiquette and possibly her wealth from the job she just mentioned.

"Damn, Fringe! Didn't know you were an assassin! you're more dangerous than me." Orome laughs.

"Assassin?" Kelsier mutters to himself, scared shitless.

The girl on the farthest edge of the right side picks up where Fringilla left off. "I'm Agatha. I'm 20. My birthday is September 15."

Agatha seems to be the most normal of all of them. She's seems okay where she's sitting, not feeling intimidated or upset at her predicament or at Castillon. She seems rather interested in the others and hasn't taken her eyes away from Kelsier for too long. Her hair is long and straight, Dark brown. Her makeup is average and nothing special. Her eyes are a dark green, and her dressing is reminiscent of a regular college student.

The second guy on the right stands up and faces Kelsier. "I'm Logen. I'm also 20. my birthday is July 13."

Logen is the tallest person in this room, the presence, among all others, that carries a sense of dominance. His bright yellow eyes speak volumes to Kelsier, and his big, trained body, to everyone else.

the final person, the first guy, still sitting, stares deeply at Kelsier. everyone in the room falls silent for a moment, waiting for his introduction.

His icy-grey eyes pierce Kelsier's soul. with a loud sigh, he looks once more at Kelsier in the eye, gets up, and offers him a hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you. It seems you are not a bad person. My name is Tyr." He says, voice so gentle and polite it strikes the others. "Forgive my rudeness. I'm 19, and my birthday is June 8."

Castillon nudges Kelsier. "Your birthday."

"O-Oh." Kelsier says.

The hall goes silent again as they all await his answer. "October 30."

Castillon claps his hands. "Well done, everyone. I believe family should know these things about one another."

"Family?" Orome asks.

"Yes, you told me that earlier, before I got here." Haleth says. "Funny. Family isn't carried around with sacks on their head-"

"I do apologize for that, Haleth, my dear boy, but I can't afford to have the others know who any of you are to me." The voice puts the entire hall in a tomb of silence, everyone turning and focusing their gaze on the person in the seat that has been turned away from them all this time.

"Who are you?" Logen asks.

"Logen dear, you needn't worry. Kaela's cancer is gone. she's with my good friend, Thome."

"Thome? Isn't that the patron deity of the Thome ci-" Fringilla says and is cut off quickly.

"How do you know my mother, asshole?!"Logen goes into a fit of rage. Agatha pulls him back. "Excuse me, sir. How do you know us? who are you?"

"That's what a good big sister would do. Even if you aren't my first, you sure act like it."

"What?" she is confused.

"Well, my dear. Haven't you figured it out already?"

The chair turns to face them all, revealing a 30-something year old handsome man, with great blue eyes without a cornea or sclera, and a chiseled jawline, with wavy hair that has in it, all the hair colors of the people present.

"I'm your father. You are all my children."