"Desi i was wetting for you seat " I eyes and thought were on the office. until i heard his voice. and i turn to see the guy. He was standing to welcome us. I looked at him from top to bottom .
He was waring a gray suit pants with a white shirt that the first three button were unbuttoned at the end of his hand his shirt was collected, on the top of that he wore a gray suit waistcoat, his dark hair were Well-fitted, he also wore a luxury watch on his left hand.
'God he looks so gorgeous ' I cant take of my eyes from him.
" Is he the guy "Vivi weepers softly " Oh hell he looks so dum pretty."
" Please seat hear"the guy said. he was standing from his seat and suggest us to seat at the chair infront of his table.
Vivi seat before i didn't take a step. I glared at her and she glared back. Then i take my seat. He gave me a smile. Then he hand me my phone.
"Thank you Mr" I said and I rolled my phone. Thanks to god their is Notting happened to it.
"Oh please call me Orion." he said looking at me.
"Thank you Orion." I smiled. his smile was so cute. He looked like a greek god.
"If you accept me, I have a proposals for you." he put his crossed finger on his table.
"What is it "Vivi said.
"I wont to hire you us my personal assistant." he looked at me " I heard that your mother have to do hr surgery soon and i will pay for her bills, if you become my assistant and i will pay you how ever you like, if you call. "
"What?" my eyes went wide, i looked at vivi and she also look surprised. ' Is he joking and how did he know about my mom' i was curious and i remembered that my mom bills was paid by some one. ' No no is he the one '
"Are you the one who paid my mother's bill yesterday?" I asked him.
"Yes" he nodded.
"W-What now i was become more curious." vivi smiled looking at me.
"Why did you do it " I asked him. he didn't know me at all then what is he doing this.
"I like to help people " he smiled.
What do i look like i need help from him. he doesn't even know me how could he speak like this to me.
"I don't won't to be you assistant and i don't need anything from you, I will pay you back you money I'm enough for my mom" I said with anger. I stand from my set. " lets go " i said to vivi.
" Wait " Orion said and i turned " Think about it if you change your minded calk me " he hand me his biasness card. Vivi took his business card.
" I hope we will meet agai " Vivi said and she follow me to the door.
We went to the cafe, and we ordered two coffee.
" Are you crazy how could you decline this kind of proposal, you only get this tip of opportunity once in your life." Vivi get angry at me.
" Don't you see how he was talking to me, he thinks that i can't help my mother. he thinks I'm week " I replied with anger.
" Yes you cant help your mother, you don't even have a job, and stealing can't get you any where you need a proper gob. " she get angry even more." If you went your mother to be healthy, you have to accept his proposal " she take slap from her coffee.
She was right but i was angry at him for thinking that I'm week.
I returned to my home, and i was cooking a dinner.
" El came dinner is ready " i cold my brother him from the living room, and i start preparing our table.
My sister was already in the living room watching a move. " Ivy came " i called her and she came. And we all gathered at the table and start eating.
" How was your school " i asked Eliot.
" It's fine and we have a trip on the day after tomorrow. " he take a bite from the food.
" How much is it " i asked.
" $200" he said " but i don't won't to go "
" why" I asked he looked like he wanted to go
" look sis i know you don't have that kind of money i don't went to make you stressed."
Oh my boy he grown up so much. now he was concerned about me. But i have money i sold the bracelet that i stoled.
" Don't worry about me i will give you the money. " I gave him smiled " you have grown "
" Really " his eyes went wide and i nodded. Then he stand and hugged me " you know you are the best " I giggle.
Then the door bell start ringing and i walked to the door and opened it. It was vivi and i invited her to enter.
"Look what i brought " she show me the bugs on her hand. " I bought ice cram." She then wet to the living room and greeted ivy and Elliot. I return to the living room and vivi gave us the ice cram.
" Did you considered it " Vivi looked at me and ask. I was almost forgotten about it.
"No " i replied honestly. Vivi looked at me with wide eyes and she left the spoon in her mouth.
" What is that she considered about? " Eliot asked.
"Look at your sister, she found a job in a big company but she refused it" Vivi said with anger.
" W-what she found job? " my brother looked at me " Then why are you refused it you know our mother need to do her surgery. "
"Of coerce i know" I replied.
" Why" my brother asked and vivi crossed her arms wetting for my answered.
"I don't like the boss." I was mad at Orion saying that to me.
" Is this all your answer " Vivi said. I nodded. We argue for a while and finally i was agreed.