Chereads / One Last Knight. A Series of Short Stories. / Chapter 79 - A day of duels. Part 1.5.

Chapter 79 - A day of duels. Part 1.5.

Hello again, and welcome back to the gates if Enverdolmal!

I hope that this newest installment finds you all as well as humanly possible.

I have been pretty busy as of late with dealing with a few health issues, and adopting a small cat lol

But I will do my best to get new content out to you all just as soon as I can, and as often as I can.

I hope that you all have been enjoying the Super Short Stories, and the newest addition: Bastion's War Journals. I think I will do journal/diary-type notes for many of the characters so that you all can get more of an intimate look at their lives and motivations and histories as well. 

I won't keep you, its been a while and this new chapter is a bit long lol.

I hope it suits you all!

Thank you for getting this far! lol 

Feel free to maybe 

I would be forever grateful!

Your support and love and loyalty are more than I could ever as for already! 

I will see you all back here at the gates soon enough.

I present to you: "A day of duels. Part 1.5.

And off we go!


Garth Verlore, Northern region of the Naeri Queendom.


Rayden sat alone at his desk in his private quarters a days time before the Mixed Magic and Melee Gala. It had been quite the week indeed.

A dozen candles burned around his room, their flickering light reflecting in his eyes as he pondered the immense task that he and his staff had completed. 

So many meetings, greetings, and introductions. 

So much planning, organizing, and collaborating.

Special quest had been summoned from near and far, many of which had arrived in great caravans within the past handful of days. All of which needed both room and board. 

So many heads to bed.

So many, many mouths to feed.

Delegates from Sout, Bant, and Klyptorin. 

Politicians from Lustria, Lumaleza, and Noordania.

Several groups of knights and mercenaries from various Knighthoods and Guilds, each representing either a single Kingdom, or a handful. 

Rayden yawned and stretched his arms over his head before bringing his hands to his temples afterword for a good long rub with his thumbs. 


He would be heading to bed within the hour, but before this, he had several things to see to.

First was his meeting with the Superintendent of Garth Verlore.

Tomorrow was the official first day of the "Triple M Gala" as the students had began to affectionately refer to the event as.

He liked it. It rolled off of the tongue.

He liked less the political role that was required of him when it came to said students. 

It was on him to not only care for and protect the students and walls of Garth Verlore -as it was expected of any and all staff of the facility- but he was also the Superintendents righthand man and keeper of knowledge.

It was his job to keep an eye and ear on any and everything that would or could be a threat to Garth Verlore and its students and staff.

He was very good at his job.

Rayden was many things.

An Astronomage of great renown and repute.

A Weapons Master known for his eccentric and intricate combate courses. 

The Master of Ceremonies for Garth Verlore's bi-annual Mixed Magic and Melee Gala, and one of the facility's finest Professors. 

Lastly, but in no way least, He was the head of an intricate and hyper affective network of spies who were known far and wide in the darkest of speakeasies as S.T.A.R. 

Very few knew that this stood for Subterfuge Tactics and Alternative Reconnaissance. 

All knew that this was not the group that you wanted investigating you. 

Each of Rayden's S.T.A.R. Agents were strategically scattered across Enverolmal, hidden in corners of places that no one would ever guess to look...

Posing in roles that no one would ever think to second guess...





Assistants to the richest of the rich.

Guardians to the poorest of the poor.

Where there was life in abundance, the odds were that so to was there a S.T.A.R. Agent somewhere nearby. 

Their reach and influence were deep and widespread. 

Rayden's reach and influence was deep and widespread.

The will and goals of his Superintendent could not be circumvented or sabotaged by anyone. 

This Superintendent who's only drive and motivation was to educate each generation about the many battles and wars of their worlds past, and the plethora of consequences and fallout that each and every one of them has had on both Naeri and Enverdolmal. 

Rayden's spies kept both the knowledge and when need-be, the peace. 

Both his and each of his members actions where issued and sanctioned by Queen Seerah Sywates IV herself. 

The Superintendent just happened to be the queens personal informant, and the founder of her majesty's "S.T.A.R.'s" 

She would be arriving any minute now.

Their meeting was long overdue.

It was at that point that a Rayden picked up the sound of a very faint taping at his quarters door.

"You may enter." 

He stated cheerfully to whom he knew to be his esteemed guest. 

With a jester of his left hand a rune-laced tattoo on his wrist gave a faint teal glow, the runic locks that held his door against intrusion gave way and it swung open silently on well-oiled hinges. 

From beyond its breach stepped a robbed and sandaled Madam Jillian Morgenthyn, her nightwear ebony in hue, laced with fine silver chains, and just as flashy and opulent as anything that she wore during the schools waking hours. 

The air seemed to lighten with each step that she took towards the reclined Rayden, her robe trailing behind her as a sudden breeze found the slightly ajar window at the far side of the room.

The candles grew just a bit brighter in her presence.

The door swung shut behind her by her will.

As she approached the table that sat in the center if the room, the chair moved backward on its own accord, welcoming the enigmatic ruler of the grand and sprawling school. 

She sat with single motion that was accompanied by an unworldly elegance that for a moment made Rayden believe that she had defied gravity. 

He sat up a bit.

Just a bit.

He was comfortable where he lounged.

Both in his chair, and in his relationships current standing with the always warm and inviting Madam Morgenthyn. 

She would take no slight at his casual demeanor for she in fact, was just as comfortable as he was.

If even more so.

As the door finally clicked shut behind her, both she and Rayden broke from their formalities and gave each other a healthy laugh. 

They rose and closed the small gap between them, embracing in a much needed hug.

The week had been far to long.

This nightcap was very sorely needed.

Returning to their respective chairs, Morgenthyn spoke first.

Her voice soft yet steeped in authority.

It seemed to be accompanied by a barely perceptible echo that had the unique effect of making whomever heard it listen just a bit more keenly.

"It has been to long my friend since we have meet for more then just matters of work. How have you been with the hustle and bustle of this weeks preparations?"

Jillian Morgenthyn was a human who had been raised among Elves and her common tongue was broken and imperfect as proof.

Yet in its own way, it had an air of regality. No doubt a side effect of her Elfish upbringing.

Some would call it a rare ascent.

Others an audible curse.

She personally loved it.

As did nearly any student that she crossed paths with on a daily bases.


It tickled him in a way.

He found it amusing in the way that a Giant may find the irritable prattling's of a Dwarf entertaining. 

He answered in his own perpetually bubbly tone. 

"All's well that ends well, as they say." 

He said with a flourish of his Aethereal arm, the motion triggering a spell that summoned forth a pair of wine glasses from a nearby shelf.

Morgenthyn answered with a spell of her own without breaking stride.

 The icebox that was located just below the shelf that was home to Rayden's wine collection popped ajar with a soft puff before opening fully in henges that were just as oiled as the Astronomage's door. 

A Hydra-bone flask of 150 year old Dwarven Sweet Red Battle Brew levitated its way over to the table with timing that match that of the two glasses. 

"Let us hope that all ends just as well as it possibly can then, yes?"

She said, plucking the horn-shaped flask from the air and removing its wooden stopper with a single fluid motion. She poured them both several fingers worth of the potent, Dwarven favorite. The bi-annual Mixed Magic and Melee Gala was never easy to pull off, despite being done so often. This was in part due to the constantly fluctuating state of the world outside of the schools walls.

In times of peace? Oh how grand the Triple M Gala would and could be!

Each Kingdom and Queendom would do their best to have their presence and generosity known by the end of the year, and the risk of a low budget was far from the front of anyone's mind. But this year was different.

Times were different.

Strange and wondrous things were accruing all across the world of Enverdolmal...and Queen Seerah had not been the first nor only ruler to take notice. 

It had gotten to the point that her majesty had gone so far as to deploy Madam Morgenthyn's S..T.A.R. Agents to places as far as the Beirklou Mountain range far to the South and East of Naeri. 

Information was becoming not only extremely important but equally as valuable both monetarily and practically.

Madam Morgenthyn hoped that her S.T.A.R.'s were shining brightly this night.

She spoke again, this time with a bit more formality than what they had thus far displayed. 

"And what of the recent happenings about our Queendom? Our Lady Seerah would have word of what moves and does not about her borders. What have our Agents reported this quarter?" 

Rayden took a deep draw from his glass.

Partially to quench his and partially to ready himself for the slew of things that he had to rattle off before their conversation was through.

He would do his best to condense it all into as digestible a form as he could. The night was no longer so young, and he would much rather spend his final private hours before bed within the confines of his tube with another bottle of wine and a novel that was just as old. 

No offence to the fine Madam.

"I'll keep it short and sweet love."

He said with a sly wink and a contiguous smile, his glass hovering near his puckered lips. He flipped open a black notebook that lay on the table before them, brushing aside the Griffin feather bookmark as he did as to not have it obscure the view of his rather impressive list. The bookmark slid off to the side of the large and detailed map that covered the better part of the table between them. 

" short as possible."

He started, taking in one last breath before the veritable avalanche of words that was to come. He tapped the edge of the map with the thumb of his left hand, and a thin and translucent veil of teal colored Aether rolled across the entirety of the tabletop. It hovered a quarter of an inch over the map, conforming to the geological shapes of mountains, forest, rivers, many dorpies and small villages, and sprawling cities. All at 1/100th scale of the real thing.

Madam Morgenthyn raised an eyebrow and gave a soft smile. Yes she had seen this before, yes it was just as impressive nonetheless. 

As Rayden spoke he tapped the map, summoning miniature figures that gave life to his words. 

"Agent Orionus reports activity to our South and West in the form of what appears to be a Cyclops that has somehow arisen from its hibernation. A Queens Shield Knight by the name of...Bastion Ridder has moved to intercept it of his own volition. The Cyclops seems to be one of the infamous Ye Eight...Yenoog the Tough? Orionus is standing by should Sir Ridder need support, but a strange Aether signature was noted in the same area just as the Cyclops was aroused prompting further investigation. The Agents is standing by for permission to do so."

Again Morgenthyn's eyebrow rose. A sign of intrigue.

Before her the Aether veil shifter to display a Knight riding atop a nag-like horse towards a small already-besieged dorpie.

She pulled from her sleeve a small silver notebook and quill which held an equally small black feather, taking a handful of notes to which the queen she would give.

"I hear this one seeks to serve the Queen herself...Let the Knight do what he is trained to do. It shall be his Test of Valor. As for the Aether signature? Have Orionus seek it out, dispatch Agent Saturna immediately to assist in that effort."

Rayden paused for just a second to consider her words before nodding.

She nodded in turn, a sign for him to continue.

He went on, tapping the map once more. 

Another figure appeared, this one an Elfym in a tall tree with an intricately carved knobkerrie in hand. 

"Agent Novala reports similar activity to our not so distant North near a mid-sized dorpie called Kabuterval. It appears that a magically enhanced Troll and several squads of Mudbugs are moving dangerously close to the settlements borders. Novala has requested permission to intercept, as there seems to be but a lone RLRC member in the immediate area to engage the thing head on at this time."

Again her eyebrow rose before they both furrowed just as quickly.

Again she took a series of notes, flipping the page as she found herself quickly filling the last.

She spoke in hushed and measured tones, thinking aloud more so than responding this time. 

"While the Riders of Kabuterval may be adequate enough for a gaggle of goblins...that Troll may be a bit beyond their javelins if it is 'enhanced' by some outside source...yes, these two events do seem rather similar...and the timing..."

She looked up, catching the waiting eye of her Astronomage and Spymaster. 

"Yes. Give Agent Novala the okay to engage at her own discretion. Kabuterval will no doubt move to check the goblins, let their ridders not worry about a Troll atop their other hassles. Outside of this, I am not familiar with this Ranger. There are no active Razor Leaf Ranger Company members in that region that I am currently away of. I would like to know who this person is, as I am sure the Queen would as well." 

He nodded again, tapping the map to call forth the next figure to accompany his report. 

A wagon appeared outside of the gates of Garth Verlore itself. 

Morgenthyn leaned forward a bit, her curiosity peaked by the pilot of said wagon.

An Elf or some repute.

A Senior Knight Instructor by the name of Sir Ivin Rue.

Madam Morgenthyn was rather fond of this one.

He reminded her of her childhood.

He was a knight of amazing skill and an Elf whose range of emotion was uncanny for one of his kind. Although she really did strive to avoid favoritism, he just happened to be her most favored Instructor thus far, as he was so very loved and respected by nearly every student whom had ever had the pleasure of crossing paths with him. 

Behind him and with his head in his hands sat a boy.

His shoulders bobbed with the spasms that come with crying.

Rayden spoke.

"The newest student to arrive this semester: Dunda...uh, well his last name is redacted for some reason...hmm"

Rayden shrugged, he would have it looked into just as soon as he had time.

"He hales from a small port town called Gren, located to our South and West, and just a weeks time behind where Sir Ridder now rides. He was due here over a month ago, and both his lineage and fathers will is thus that his attending of Garth Verlore is prerequisite to his inheritance of his families exceptional wealth. Agent Boriala was tasked with trailing the pair on their way to the school..."

Rayden's voice faded a bit as he pondered the best possible words to use for the next statement. He typically didn't mind being blunt, but that was not the type of delivery that this next piece of news required.

"Well...there was a bit of a...tussle between the boy and his uncle -a Fisher/Farmer- as he attempted to make his way here. In response to the boy fending the man off, he is currently being pursued by quite the sizable group of goons by the will of this beaten and embarrassed uncle of his. This group is due to arrive within the week."

That last bit of news was a bit more alarming.

The Aether shifted again, and a group of nearly 50 humans and humanoids appeared on the finely detailed map. They made their way towards the school on horse back and in lightly armored wagons. 

They were quite some distance away yet still, the very idea of a group this size -and with ill intent in mind at that- was no small matter. The Triple M Gala would began tomorrow and last until the end of the week.

The same week that this unruly mob planned on making a show.

That would not do.

Madam Morgenthyn laced her fingers together and leaned forward on her elbows, her hands supporting her head beneath her chin.

"See that they both make it to my quarters an hour after first light upon the morrow. I will see to this situation personally."

She said as she sat back suddenly, pushing herself away from the table and taking to her feet with a slight huff. 

Rayden was a bit taken aback, but he knew still that the hour was late and that they both needed what rest they could get before the events of the day to come were among them. He was not yet done with is list of reports, but he also did not mind putting it off till after the Gala. 

Morgenthyn made it to the door then tuned to address her Astronomage on last time.

"See to it that tomorrow and the remainder of the week passes without incident yes? It seems that we may have a few strange and active players about our land. We would be wise to watch closely who we let enter and roam about the school grounds this week."

Rayden could do nothing but agree.


I hope that this is enough to tide you all over till the next piece of content drops!

I will be posting some Character Dives soon as well so stay tuned yeah?

Feel free to check out some of my poetry if that if your sorta thing!

I love you all.

You have no idea.

This series just passed 33K and another 27K in Spanish!

I can't believe that we have come this far together!

I hope that you all will still be here and reading a year from now.

A month from now.

A week.

A day.

I am still waiting for someone to inbox me with a character idea lol FEEL FREE FOLKS! 

Feel free to buy me a coffee or a light meal via my cashapp or PayPal folks!

Cashapp at: $TeranceRedd

PayPal at: @ReddIvy44

As always, safe travels folks.

Stay safe.

 Stay healthy.

 Stay vigilant. 
