Chereads / Blood & Juniper (A Vampire Tale Remastered) / Chapter 9 - Unexpected (Part I)

Chapter 9 - Unexpected (Part I)

Accounts of Sam. First night of Fall.

The silence of the lonely streets makes for an insufferable recollection. I march on unaccompanied, watching the memory of Derek disappear into the forest like a tape on replay.

He's dead, I can't accept that.

I obsess over my failings, fury festering. Unable to ignore what I could have done differently and the thing that killed him, that *Reaper*.

How many has that beast devoured, for how long? It's time to end that mindless eater. I'm going to destroy him, I don't care if he's a part of The Thorn, was Thorn or has centuries of experience on me. I'm going to kill him. Somehow, someday, perhaps today.

Spiral Hood's arched entry hangs among the trees in a tangle of moss and overgrown foliage. Cooper tried to make me promise not to go back into these woods, but I don't make him promises I can't keep.

Inhaling the still air I catch wind of the faded scents from that mistake of a chase, I can retrace our steps from here.

I trudge forward, reflecting on the one who sated my hunger last night, the solitary intention that didn't go awry. I sought the most unappealing meal and found a pacing addict. Despite the quality, I almost took too much. But he'll live and I suppose that's what counts.

Regardless, it was irresponsible to let myself get to that state. I need to take more care if I'm hoping to turn over a new leaf.

Tracking absentmindedly forces me to reevaluate my actual plans. Am I really going to fight it tonight? Maybe stare into its domain like some kind of madman, stewing over things that can't be undone? I could lure it out of its little hideaway. It can't stay in one place forever, the Reaper has to journey out eventually.

I wrinkle my nose in annoyance. I'll admit Cooper had the right idea attempting to dissuade me from coming here. I should play it safe, and be more inconspicuous.

The wound is too fresh, I'm driven by anger. Not wise, too much experience prevents me from justifying that. Hunting a being this ancient and resilient will take clever plotting. Going back to the juniper wall on a consecutive night could tip the damned monster off.

But reason alone isn't enough for me to turn around just yet. Foresight and impulse are mine to bear though they certainly do not go hand in hand. I guess age doesn't always equate to wisdom.

The scents I seek come together as I near the trampled path. They twist together in the low atmosphere to create a unique perfume, triggering the recent event for the hundredth time. I play it out once more.

That girl's rare fragrance still hits me like a club. Although her inviting blood is long gone with her melodic beat, the memory is enough to cause yearning. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that she was slaughtered, a tragic inevitability. The thought of her makes my mouth water in spite of being recently quenched.

That woman would have been too tempting, forever tormenting me, that is, if my will power held out. She would have turned into another permanent stain, no amount of scrubbing can remove a mark like that. Glowering, I breathe out in an effort to push her from my mind.

I continue off road down the way we came but can't get that woman's damn scent to leave me alone. It seems to be getting… stronger?

I listen for a heartbeat. It's preposterous. Derek had a higher life expectancy than she, and yet the dame's natural bouquet only continues to fill the wood. Could she have actually survived?

Aligning myself with a thick trunk, I lean back into the shadows to observe.

There, running full speed through the forest, the movements are clearly nonhuman. Fortune may have just smiled upon me for once.

Has the Reaper come out to play? I creep closer, feeling my eyes light with anticipation, stalking low as to not give away the advantage of surprise.

Disappointing. The energy about this stranger is too "new", not the Reaper. But who else would dare skirt a territorial vampire's hunting ground? I keep myself hidden, positioned so they'll run right past. I'm curious if they'll take notice.

The figure appears feminine, long hair swishing as she sails through the untamed terrain. Her sudden laugh is a contagious one, a giggle to pry a smile from the passive listener.

Gentle citrus assaults me again and the pieces come together. I gawk at the unexpected. It's her, that young girl who I wrote off as dead the moment I spotted her.

She leaps through the air, blowing past me, aroma surprisingly unaltered as it blasts in my face. I inhale the unforgettable scent, still luring me in but no longer abusing by calling to my inner demons.

She sweeps past gracefully and completely oblivious.

How did this happen? Did she somehow take in a bit of Derek's blood before dying? Is Derek still alive? I'm counting my eggs before they've hatched, too many prospects unanswered.

I make the snap decision to follow in secrecy. Let's see if she can lead me to a few answers. I slink through the wild brush silently, consciously maintaining distance while keeping pace with her supernatural sprint.

"I'm unstoppable!" she yells to the trees.

My lips twitch from a stifled snicker. She hasn't sensed me at all, believes herself alone. I get more daring and shorten the gap. Cooper's "lil' fireball" comment was right on the nose so it seems.

She slows, reaching the dirt trail. Expression going abruptly tight as the woman freezes in place.

Did she spot me? I shrink back in the shadows– must be getting too ballsy. She doesn't look my way, though. Instead, physically shakes off her concerns with a shudder, waving a hand in front of her face as if shooing away a pesky bug.

I raise an eyebrow, amused. But this is followed by discomfort– I'm imitating the work of a stalker. The thought has me considering confronting her immediately.

'Answers, she needs to take me to answers and this is the most efficient way to investigate.' I settle for holding out before making her aware of my company. 'Besides, we didn't exactly get introduced on the best terms.'

I feel a stab of guilt, but why? Sympathy, I suppose, that she's been affected by the ordeal, though I rarely concern myself with strangers. I don't admire this about myself but I think the passing years have made me more apathetic, borderline heartless. What is it about her that affects me so? The train of thought lacks direction, so I brush it away and focus.

She meanders down the path as I ensue. I'm barely sneaking around at this point. It's concerning how entirely unaware she is. If I were to get right up on her and breathe down her neck, I'm betting she'd carry on blissfully oblivious. I ignore the bizarre urge to watch over and protect, because I don't even know her!

We make it to the end of the trail. I observe as she takes in the altered world of the newly turned.

It was no doubt a hell of an experience– terrifying, being bastardized and all. I didn't have a clue and I'm lucky Cooper came along when he did. Who knows what I'd be like if he hadn't shown up and taken pity on me.

Dead, most likely. Or worse.

I eye her, wondering what could be churning inside that head as she stares up into an unattractive street light. Is she afraid? Does she understand what's going on? Then rises a wave of alarm for the major question. Has she encountered any humans yet, had her first drink?

'Shit,' I chew at the inside of my cheek, 'I hope I don't have to kill her. I mean, she died just yesterday. The girl's alone, doubt she knows the "unwritten rules". If she goes into a frenzy or becomes Bloodstruck…' The evaluating thoughts go on as I tail behind on alert. I don't want to have to take her out, but if she's massacring out of control the Thorn may show up to enforce.

'Great, this is just great.'

For now it's just us, the sidewalks are eerily deserted. It hasn't hit nine o' clock and most of the shops are closed down– small businesses that maintain irregular hours, perhaps. I shrug to myself but keep a keen eye out.

I frown as she heads for an Asian restaurant.

'That's not going to fill you up anymore.' I remark silently with a shake, trying to recall what Chinese food actually tastes like. All that comes up is that cute Chinese girl I encountered a while back, she was admittedly more than a little tasty.

Anxiety takes a steep incline as I smell exactly what I feared. I don't even have to look. There's an attendant filling a vehicle across the street. The quality of his blood is notably desirable, although good health could prove detrimental tonight.

I fix on the dame, she doesn't appear to notice him yet. Preoccupied and staring dreamily into the buzzing cafe logo.

I look towards the station. It's far enough from the store that she may not draw the attention of the clerk inside when the clueless attendant bites it. I plot, expecting things to get ugly.

To my relief the car is driverless, it must be the attendant's vehicle. Probably topping off before heading home… except he'll never arrive.

I'll have to help her hide the body, granted she'll cooperate, and what if she gains the attention of another employee?

She'll likely kill anyone else who comes out to investigate, I guess that makes it less complicated in a sick sense. Should I end her before it gets to that point? But isn't that just as wrong, as of now she's innocent.

My frown deepens with the scheming. Can I ask for a single night of calm?

Perhaps I can avoid bloodying my own hands. I fed recently enough to use "persuasion". Truthfully, it's been a while since I've attempted it… am I too out of practice?

'As long as the cops aren't called this will be doable.' I list all my options, counting the convenience store windows, guessing how many exits for a building that size. I calculate the perimeter and the time it will take to get from one place to another. Can this station afford security cams? I'll have to confiscate the data.

'This area is bordering on rural. It will take time for enforcement to show. Even with a few dead bodies it shouldn't be too tricky.'

I reconsider, reflecting on how invested I should be.

'Is interference a mistake?'

At any rate, there's no saving the one outside from becoming a causality– poor bastard. I gaze at the unfortunate girl again, wondering if she's a natural born killer or if she'll try resisting.

The human scent finally reaches her. I watch as she shape shifts before my eyes from an unsuspecting young woman to a bloodthirsty savage. She pivots, profile now visible to me. Total tunnel vision, heedless to my company.

But through the hungered and demonic expression, I see an undeniable purity. She's soft and delicate, never meant to be a murderer.

This shouldn't affect me, I'm normally desensitized by the evil I've witnessed and been a part of, but knowing I will spectate the loss of true innocence… is crushing.

Her irises take on a corrupted glow of striking yellow. I'm no stranger to the power of blood, even now this hapless man's heart sings its sweet song. She and I are captives to its entrancing pulse and unrivaled energy, the flavor will be nothing short of ambrosiac.

I watch her ride the wave of fresh blood, a small gust spreading it like a contagion. She moves to it like a zombie with no free will of her own, ready to sign her name off to the devil himself.

Killing the woman now would be a mercy, before she damns herself forever. But I'm not nearly so noble. If I were, I would've taken myself out of the picture decades ago.

This setting is all too familiar and I can do nothing but watch the mayhem unfold. Just as Derek ironically became prey to his own beast, she will too. For what some consider omnipotence we sure are powerless to our own monsters, *weak*. I crack two knuckles with my thumb in mindless brooding.

Godless, we are godless creatures.