After the girls learned of the cause of Kaneki's sudden change, they made the decision to "heal" him and bring back his Demon half by making him love himself.
With that in mind Natsuki made the suggestion to make a feast for Kaneki to which everyone agreed upon.
Now the girls and the insect familiars had finished cooking the feast and are ready to show it to Kaneki.
Natsuki: alright, everything is done! Great job everyone!
Miku: it took a while but it was worth it.
Sachi: Kaneki will definitely love himself more now! Who wouldn't love themselves when cute girls cook for them!
Shino: c'mon don't say something embarrassing like that.
Yuuka: yeah it kinda sounds like Kaneki thinks as us as objects if you say it that way.
Sachi: hehe~ you two are right.
Chikao: Looks like Bakachi hasn't changed much.
Sachi: Don't call me Bakachi!
As the girls were being proud.
Batta: alright what are you all standing here for? Aren't you supposed to get Kaneki?
All 6: You're right!
The girls completely forgot to get Kaneki.
Natsuki: I'll go get him!
Miku: no I will!
Sachi: race you guys to Kaneki!
Shino, Yuuka & Chikao: Don't make this a race!
Sachi: too late!
All 5: Oi! Get back here!
After Sachi ran to Kaneki's room the others followed.
Batta: it's great that Kaneki has awesome friends who cares about him.
Ku-kun: Wata ga Ku Kaneki.
Batta: wait seriously? They love him?
Miracle: Mira Mira Sachi Kaneki.
Batta: seriously?! For that long?!
Heike: Hei! Ke he Yuuka.
Yanma: Ya, Yan manya Shino.
Batta: Wow! I'm really shocked and Kaneki got two more girls who love him? Good for him.
At Kaneki's room*
Kaneki: ...
Kaneki was sitting in his bed, he may be silent but in his thoughts.
Kaneki's thoughts*
(I'm sorry for everything, you guys shouldn't suffer because of me, you all deserve better! I am not worthy of standing next to you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for causing all of you problems. Please don't hate me! Please don't hate me!)
Kaneki negative thoughts were spiraling out of control.
But suddenly.
All 6: Hey Kaneki!
Kaneki: !!!
Natsuki, Miku, Sachi, Shino, Yuuka and Chikao bursted into Kaneki's room surprising him.
But he was still very upset so he tried to make them leave.
Kaneki: what did I say about you guys shouldn't be involved with me?
He thought that would make them go away but they replied saying.
Sachi & Chikao: there's no way we could ever leave you alone.
Miku: that's right, you're really hurt right now yet your worried about us more.
Kaneki: Why wouldn't I? I only brought misfortune and misery to you guys.
Yuuka: C'mon don't blame yourself Kaneki, it's not your fault.
Chikao: That's right! And besides you don't make us miserable, in fact it's the opposite!
Natsuki: that's right Kaneki, ever since we became friends with you we always felt so happy.
Kaneki: ...
Sachi: Anyways, it's dinner time! We should go ea-
Kaneki: I'll eat later, I'm not feeling hungry.
Natsuki: C'mon Kaneki, join us! We made a feast for you!
Sachi: that's right, there's Yakisoba.
Kaneki: ?!
Miku: Omurice.
Kaneki: !!!
Shino: Fried chicken.
Kaneki: !!!
Yuuka: some beef curry.
Kaneki: !!!
Chikao: And some grilled salmon sandwiches for you.
Kaneki: drool~
Even though Kaneki entire personality was changed there was one thing that didn't.
His love for food, and hearing the girls say the names of the food made Kaneki drool.
Kaneki: nevermind, I'm hungry.
After hearing Kaneki say that the girls smiled and.
All 6: we did it! Alright let's go to the table!
Kaneki: alright.
As Kaneki was getting off his bed he...
He fell of and hit his head.
All 6: Kaneki?!/Onii-chan?!
The girls were worried since his head was hit but surprisingly.
Kaneki: what's wrong? What happened?
Kaneki didn't felt it.
Yuuka: oh yeah, Kaneki lost most of his senses so he doesn't feel physical pain anymore.
Kaneki then got up on his feet again and then.
Kaneki: Click!
Began clicking his tongue.
Kaneki: Click! Please move.
All 6: huh? Okay?
Kaneki: thanks. Click!
Kaneki then walked out of his room.
Yuuka: he must be using echolocation to find his way.
Natsuki: that's impressive.
Miku: anyways let's head to the table now too.
All 5: okay!
And so the girls followed Kaneki to the table.
Kaneki: click! Here's my seat.
Kaneki had found his seat after getting down stairs, and the girls say down at their seats too.
Sachi: let's all eat!
All 6: Itadakimasu~
Kaneki: itadakimasu~
Sachi: here Kaneki, I made this Yakisoba.
Sachi handed Kaneki a plate of Yakisoba for him to eat.
Kaneki: thanks.
Chikao: are you sure you don't need help on eating? You are blind after all.
Kaneki: I can manage.
Kaneki his chopsticks and separated them and he started using them.
Kaneki: time to dig in.
Kaneki went in to get the Yakisoba and.
Kaneki: got it.
He was successful.
Sachi: great job! Now eat?
Kaneki: okay. Slurp~!
Kaneki slurped the Yakisoba into his mouth and began chewing.
All 6: so how does it taste?
The girls questioned Kaneki but...
Kaneki: !!! Slurp~!
Kaneki made a worried face and took another piece of Yakisoba and slurped it but.
Sachi: huh? Kaneki what's wrong?
Kaneki: I-I... Can't taste it
Everyone: What?!
Hearing Kaneki couldn't taste the Yakisoba shocked everyone.
And what's more.
Kaneki: I can't taste it... And you worked so hard to make it for me.... I'm sorry.
Kaneki felt guilty because he couldn't enjoy the Yakisoba that Sachi worked so hard to make for him.
Sachi: it's alright Kaneki, if you can't taste my Yakisoba you should try everyone else's dishes!
Natsuki: Yeah! You might only not taste Sachi's Yakisoba because she forgot to add flavor to it.
Kaneki: ...
Shino: here I made this fried chicken for you.
Shino placed her chicken in front of Kaneki to eat.
Kaneki: ...
Kaneki grabbed the chicken and took a bite out of it but.
Kaneki: Gulp! I... Still don't taste anything.
All 6: !!!
Yuuka: here what about my curry?
Yuuka gave Kaneki a bowl of her curry.
Kaneki: slup~ still nothing.
He didn't taste anything again.
Everyone: No way...
Chikao: here! My sandwiches will definitely work!
Chikao handed her sandwiches to Kaneki.
He bit into one of them but...
Kaneki: still nothing.
Without being able to taste the food his friends made for him, Kaneki got more and more upset.
And now the last food he didn't tasted yet.
Miku: here, my Omurice this will definitely be delicious!
Was Miku's Omurice.
Kaneki: ...
After taking a mouthful of Omurice and chewing it and swallowing it the result was the same.
Kaneki: I didn't taste anything...
He couldn't taste anything.
Kaneki: I became a burden to you guys again...
Miku: Onii-chan it's alright! You're not a burden to us!
Sachi: that's right! don't say that your a burden to us.
Kaneki: you all worked so hard to make food for me to enjoy but I couldn't enjoy a single dish... I'm sorry.
Shino: it's not your fault Kaneki!
Yuuka: don't blame yourself!
Kaneki: it's my fault, everything is my fault... I'm sorry for wasting your time.
Kaneki then stood up from his seat and began walking back to his room.
Chikao: wait Kaneki! Don't go yet! You haven't finished eating yet!
Natsuki: Kaneki! Please come back! You have to eat!
Kaneki didn't looked back at them and said.
Kaneki: I'm not worthy of eating food that you guys make.
After saying that he walked back upstairs to his room.
Miku: No way... We failed?
Yuuka: he also lost his sense of taste... He can no longer enjoy food.
Shino: what's worse he blames himself for not being able to enjoy our food.
Chikao: he got hurt again... Damnit!
Natsuki: Kaneki...
Their plan to cheer Kaneki up by cooking food for him has failed, what will they do now?