Chereads / Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki / Chapter 338 - commence operation snapping turtle

Chapter 338 - commence operation snapping turtle

After discussing his plan with his friends, Kaneki, Sachi, Chikao and Miku headed straight to school and their classroom and now.

Miku: thanks for walking here you two.

Kaneki & Sachi: no problem.

After Miku thanked them they sat down on their seatsand unlike the last time when Kaneki and Miku walked to school together, this time no one made a big deal about it.

Itsuki: man you're lucky guy.

Kaneki: huh?

Suddenly Itsuki started talking to Kaneki which surprised him.

Kaneki: what are you talking about?

Being completely confused with Itsuki's statement.

Itsuki: what else? You get to walk to school with some cute girls everyda-

Kaneki glared daggers at itsuki as if he's trying to say "if you try to say something weird I'll kill you"

Itsuki: I-I'm sorry.

Kaneki: good.

Shino: So you three walked together with Miku today? Thanks for that.

Shino and Yuuka suddenly came and started thanking Chikao, Sachi & Kaneki.

Yuuka: yeah, we wouldn't know what to do if something happened to her.

Sachi: no problem!

Kaneki: well, we did saw her walking alone to school and considering the threat of a bully, we ain't gonna leave her vulnerable.

Miku: c'mon you two worry so much!

Chikao: it's not bad you know? It just really shows how much they care about you.

Natsuki: yeah, it's really nice to have someone to worry about you, so why is it a problem?

Miku: it's embarrassing!

Seeing how the girls were happily chatting everyone couldn't help but look at them.

But there was 2 certain people were looking at them with Malice.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Dammit! Why are she near that Mob character?!)

Ryueki glaring at Kaneki with jealous eyes because Natsuki was directly behind him and just that made him really jealous.

So he decided.

(In that case I must show my dominance in the story as the protagonist!)

He began walking to them with the intention of showing off his "dominance"

Millie's thoughts*

(What? Are you kidding?! Miku is chatting happily?! Was my attack yesterday that weak?!)

When Millie saw how Miku was chatting happily with her friends, she thought her attack on her previously was ineffective but then.

She realized something.

(Wait no, that's not the case it's because of them!!)

She looked at the people around her and saw how they're happily talking to her and she made a conclusion.

(It's because of her friends my attack didn't work, as long their with her my attacks would be meaningless, in that case I'll have to actually get one of them in my side but who?)

She thought, if she somehow gets one of them on her side it could probably hurt Miku so much that she wouldn't trust anyone anymore.

So she decided to do exactly that, so she began looking at them all and then...

(That's it! I can use those two! Tanaka Shino and Mirai Yuuka!)

She picked Shino and Yuuka.

(Those two are pretty much her childhood friends and not only that they're also love rivals too! If I can bring them to my side, I can hurt Miku so much! Daddy will like this!)

She chose Shino and Yuuka, not because they're Miku's childhood but because they're her "love rivals".

It was widely known in Mato high that Shino, Yuuka and Miku were interested in Ryueki and because of that Millie saw a way to hurt Miku by using that rivalry between them.

(Alrighty then, here I go)

She then began walking to the group.

Ryueki: so Higanbana, how is the crown doing in your hands?

Kaneki: good, I've been using it as a paper weight at home.

Everyone: Eh?

Ryueki came to talk to the group as a way to show his dominance as the "protagonist" and what better way to do that? It's to talk to the "mob character"

But he and everyone else was surprised to lean that Kaneki was using the most powerful Demon knight relic as a paper weight.

Ryueki: seriously? You have the most powerful relic and you're using it as a paper weight?

Kaneki: I mean what else can I do? It's not like I get to use it everyday, and leave me alone.

Ryueki: c'mon I just wanted to ch-

Kaneki: bang!


Kaneki shot webs on Ryueki's mouth using his web gun.

Everyone: !!!

Everyone was surprised to see him bring his web gun with him to school.

After removing the web on his mouth Ryueki yelled.

Ryueki: Oi! What was that for?!

Kaneki: I told you to leave me alone.

Ryueki: I just wanted to talk!

Kaneki smiled and replied

Kaneki: and I don't want to, so please leave me alone or I'll shoot you again.

Ryueki: fine!

Ryueki then started walking away.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Dammit! That Mob character is so annoying! He even shot me! The protagonist! I'll never forget this!)

Keiko: did you really have to shoot him in the mouth?

Kaneki: at least, I didn't you this one.

Kaneki then suddenly pulled out the gun he used a few days ago.

Chikao: put that away before you shoot someone!

Kaneki: don't worry it's not loaded, but okay.

Kaneki then put away the gun.

Natsuki: seriously, Higanbana-kun you have a lot of weapons, how many do you have?

Kaneki: I don't know.

Itsuki: that's terrifying.

Shino: yeah, we don't know how many weapons you have.

Yuuka: and the fact even you don't know is terrifying.

Sachi: are you going to use them in the W.S.S.F?

Kaneki: probably, they said any weapon as long they don't kill, which my weapons are capable of.

Natsuki: that's still terrifying.

As they were talking about Kaneki's weapons, Kaneki noticed Millie walking towards them.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Alright, it looks like she's going for the bait, I

must signal them!)

Kaneki: do you guys like snapping turtles?

Shino & Yuuka: yeah they're cool.

Shino & Yuuka's thoughts*

(It's the signal!)

30 minutes earlier*

Before separating from each other Kaneki made a suggestion for the plan.

Kaneki: oh yeah we need a signal.

All 6: huh? Why?

Kaneki: so Shino and Yuuka could start operation snapping turtle.

Shino: is that what you call this plan?

Kaneki: yup.

Yuuka: in that case, ask us if we like snapping turtles.

Kaneki: I like it!


After hearing the signal, Shino and Yuuka prepared themselves.

Itsuki: that's a strange question to ask.

Kaneki: I like turtles okay?

And then she came as he predicted.

Millie: hello everyone.

Shino: hmm? Oh it's Millie-san.

Yuuka: what do you want?

Millie: nothing, I just want you two to be in my group for cooking class later.

Shino & Yuuka's thoughts*

(Wow, that's very straightforward.)

Shino & Yuuka: sure we'll join.

Millie: yay! Thanks!

And so Millie walked away.

Millie's thoughts*

(Good, I need to get closer to them now)

Shino & Yuuka's thoughts*

(Alright, time to go with Kaneki's plan I hope I can pull this off!)

With Operation snapping turtle now under way, will Shino and Yuuka be successful? Or will they fail miserably?

Sachi, Chikao, Natsuki, Kaneki & Miku's thoughts*

(Good luck, Shino! Yuuka!/ Shino-Oneechan! Yuuka-Oneechan!)

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