Chapter 291 - Small steps

July 7, 2042*

Kaneki: Yawn~ time to cook breakfa- sniff! Wait is that... Eggs I smell?

Kaneki who was usually the one cooking breakfast smelled eggs when he was going to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Kaneki immediately went to the kitchen when he smelled the eggs and he saw... Miku cooking.

Miku: Good morning Onii-chan.

Kaneki: Whaa...

Kaneki was very confused seeing Miku cooking breakfast.

Miku: alright time to eat Onii-chan, come take a seat.

Miku went to Kaneki and began pushing him to the table.

Kaneki then sat down.

Kaneki: why are you cooking?

Kaneki asked and Miku answered honestly.

Miku: well you've always cooked delicious food for me everyday, so I want to repay you by cooking breakfast, although I wish I could cook you more delicious food. Anyways here's Miku's special Sunnyside up eggs.

Miku handed out down a plate with her special Sunnyside up eggs that is in a heart shape.

Kaneki: you actually made heart shape eggs, I'm impressed.

Miku: hehe~ Thanks, now let's eat.

Kaneki: yeah.

Kaneki & Miku: Itadakimasu~.

They then started eating breakfast.

Kaneki: Soo good~

Miku: thanks Onii-chan.

Kaneki: you really are good, maybe later I should teach you how to make scrambled eggs.

Miku: I'm looking forward to it.

Kaneki: I can't wait as well!

After a eating and finishing breakfast they both prepared going to school.

Miku finished first as usual and went to school first but before leaving.

Miku: Onii-chan.

Kaneki: hmm?

Miku: thanks for teaching me how to cook, let's go Karaoke later when we get home.

Kaneki's eyes widened and and made a small grin, he then replied.

Kaneki: sure, let's invite our friends.

Miku: sounds fun!

Miku then left.

Kaneki: Miku seems more lively than usual huh?

In Kaneki's mind*

Quan: this seems off doesn't it?

Tomo: yeah, she's talking to me more than usual.

Shitsuren: and she's very sweet too, how nostalgic.

Kozo: I wonder what's gotten into her?

The 4 split personalities of Kaneki were very curious about Miku's sudden change but one already knows what's going on.

???: isn't it obvious? She knows how much she has hurt us and now she's trying to fix our relationship with her.

It was Kaneki's demon half who has no name.

Though he said what's completely true the 4 split personalities aren't convinced so they became one and.

Kaneki: Shut up.

Became Kaneki to tell his demon half to shut up.

???: well, it's alright you'll see anyways.

Back in reality*

Kaneki: well time to go to school.

Kaneki then left and went to school.

After leaving his house, Kaneki walked with Sachi in their usual route, met up and talked with Natsuki for a bit and separated when they got close to school, and when they finally went to school he immediately went to his seat and sat down.

Kaneki: Haa~ finally I can res-

Miku: Hey Higanbana-kun.

Miku suddenly came up to him which attracted some attention from their classmates.

???: hey look Tachibana-san is talking with Higanbana-kun.

???: yeah, but how will Itadori-kun react?

Ryueki: what the?

Ryueki noticed them as well.

Miku: thanks for yesterday's help and here's my end of the deal.

Miku gave him 5 bottles of pudding.

Kaneki: thanks! I appreciate it.

Miku: please I should be the one thanking you.

Ryueki: Hey Tachibana why are you giving Higanbana pudding?

Miku: I'm just keeping my end of the deal.

Ryueki: what deal?

Miku: I asked him to help me with some grocery shopping yesterday.

Ryueki was very confused because for 3 months Miku relied on him.

Ryueki: why didn't you ask me?

Miku: well before I could even ask you yesterday you were already gone so I had to ask tentacle boy over here.

Kaneki: don't call me that!

Ryueki: r-really?

Miku: yup, anyways thanks again Higanbana-kun for the help.

Kaneki: no probs.

Miku then went back to her seat.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Dammit, if she interacts more with Higanbana he might change from a mob character to a rival character I can't let that happen!)

Ryueki was determined to not let Kaneki become his rival.

Yuuka: You look in a very good mood today Kaneki.

Kaneki: yup, I taught my sister how to cook yesterday and she was able to cook perfect sunnyside up eggs, I'm really proud.

Shino: really? That's great to hear.

Keiko: hey can we meet your sis-

Kaneki: if you try to get close to my sister I'll kill you.

Kaneki said with a smile.

Sachi: Kaneki is a bit overprotective of his sister so don't mention her alright?

Everyone: got it.

A few hours later*

lunch break*

At the rooftop*

Sachi: finally we're eating alone here as usual.

Chikao & Kaneki: yeah, I prefer eating here than in the classroom after all.

Natsuki: yeah, it's way better eating here with you three. By the way Kaneki you've started teaching Miku how to cook?

Kaneki: yup, we're starting with eggs first, later after school I'm going to teach her how to cook scrambled eggs.

Natsuki: really? That's great, can I help out as well?

Kaneki: sure, also by the way you girls should go to my house later, Miku said we're having a Karaoke party.

Sachi: really?! I'm in!!

Chikao: same here!

Natsuki: I'll bring snacks.

Kaneki: great! I can't wait!

Natsuki: oh yeah, what class are going o have after lunch?

Chikao: cooking class.

Sachi: that's good, maybe Kaneki would be partnered with Miku so he can teach her even in school.

Kaneki: c'mon the likeliness of it happening is low since we always get picked at random from the ballots.

Natsuki: you can hope, though I want to be your group Kaneki.

Kaneki: well you can hope. Anyways I finished my bento first so I'll be going back now see you three later.

All 3: see ya!

Kaneki then left the rooftop and went to the lower floors.

And who does he see there?

Miku: hey Higanbana-kun.

His sister.

Kaneki: what do you want?

Miku: I just want to talk.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(What does she want?)

Miku: I want you to be in my group.

Kaneki: huh?

What is Miku up to now?