Chereads / Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki / Chapter 275 - search for the crown

Chapter 275 - search for the crown

Kaneki and Yuuka arrived at Akuma Castle and are now currently waiting for their friends.

Yuuka: hey so uh... Do you think everyone is close by?

Kaneki: let me check.

Kaneki wore his suit again and looked at the locations of his team.

Kaneki: yup, here look.

Kaneki showed everyone's location to Yuuka.

Yuuka: hey you're right, they're all very close now.

Kaneki: yeah... You should get back into your suit.

Yuuka: I will.

Yuuka went back and wore her suit again.

Kaneki: everyone is gonna be here so let's be prepared to greet them

Yuuka: yeah.

They then waited a bit more till everyone arrives.

5 minutes later*

Shino & Miku: Yuuka!/Yuuka-Oneechan!

As Shino, Miku and Natsuki arrived both Yuuka and Miku went to hug Yuuka.

Sachi: wow, everyone is here.

Natsuki: yeah, I'm surprised Higanbana-kun and Mirai-san got here very quickly.

Chikao: they might've ran here.

Yuuka: yeah, we did but Kaneki actually just carried me here when he sensed Akuma Castle.

Keiko: wow, Kaneki is quite daring.

Itsuki: yeah, that's a surprise.

Kaneki: daring? Who's still missing?

Natsuki: Itadori-kun, Emi-kun and Azusa-san.

Kaneki: I see I guess we still have to wa-

Ryueki: oi I'm right here.

Shino, Yuuka and Miku: Itadori-kun!/Ryu-Oniichan! Are you alright?!


Natsuki's thoughts*

(Yuuka, Miku! You idiots don't do that in front of Kaneki!)

Natsuki was a bit worried because of Kaneki's reaction.

Ryueki: I'm fine although it really sucks to be alone.

Kaneki: yeah, sorry about that but luckily there wasn't any danger here so everything is good I guess?

Yuuka: that's true. Oh yeah Kaneki do you think Azusa is doing well? I mean she is a Demon.

Kaneki: don't worry she can handle this.

Emi: everyone!

Kaneki: hey Emi-kun.

Azusa: yo.

With Emi and Azusa's arrival everyone is now at Akuma Castle. Although...

Yuuka: Pres! Are you alright?!

Shino: yeah, are you alright?

Shino and Yuuka we're worried about Azusa.

Azusa: don't worry I'm fine.

Ryueki: why are you guys even worried about her?

Kaneki: Demons and Half demons are can sense power, thus if they were to sense a power stronger than themselves they would vomit and fall sick.

Yuuka: and Kaneki actually vomited very shortly when we got into range.

Kaneki: yup and it was the first time I've ever experienced that.

Azusa: I see, so this is Akuma Castle it is how I imagined it would be.

Sachi: yeah! It's so big and it even looks mechanical!

Shino: I still can't believe it, we actually found it.

Miku: yeah, the legends really were true.

Natsuki: to think we actually found this through manga and novels.

Yuuka: don't forget a mural and 2 certain family's.

Kaneki & Azusa: yeah yeah.

Itsuki: Kaneki we did so well!

Kaneki: you got that right.

Keiko: since we found the castle I'll forgive you for dyeing my hair red.

Kaneki: that is your own fault.

Azusa: what did she even do?

Kaneki: that's a secret.

Sachi: I'm going to take a lot of pictures is that fine?

Kaneki: knock yourself out.

Sachi: let's go!

Sachi then started taking pictures of Akuma Castle with Kaneki.

A few minutes later*

Kaneki: are you satisfied?

Sachi: yup!

Kaneki: alright, everyone! Let's go in!

Everyone: let's go!

They all then started going in Akuma Castle.

They were able to find an entrance and easily entered it and they are now inside Akuma Castle.

Everyone: Woah!

Everyone was shocked to see the inside of Akuma Castle.


Natsuki: And not only that Akuma Castle is really bright in the inside as well!

The ones who are most excited were Natsuki and Yuuka.

Shino: wow, those two are really into it huh?

Sachi: well, who wouldn't?

Azusa: you two behave! We don't want to damage anything here!

Yuuka & Natsuki: sorry!

Ryueki: let's just get the crown and leave already.

Yuuka: that's so mean! We can still check out all of Akuma Castle! Right Kaneki?! Uhh Kaneki?

Kaneki wasn't responding.

Itsuki: hey if you guys are trying to find Kaneki he's in another room.

Everyone: what?!

Itsuki: follow me.

They all followed Itsuki to where Kaneki is.

Ryueki: why did he even separated from the group didn't he say no separating?

Itsuki: I don't know, he just saw something and left.

Sachi: that's unusual he doesn't usually does that.

They then got to the room where Kaneki is at.

And when they entered they saw Kaneki staring at a mural.

Ryueki: oi! What are you doing?!

Yuuka: don't go yelling you idiot. Hey Kaneki why did you come here?

Kaneki: ...

Sachi: what are you looking a- oh....

Sachi looked at the mural he was looking at.

Everyone then followed.

Natsuki: trees? He's looking at tree's?

Azusa: those aren't just any tree's, those are the tree's of power and the fruits they bare is said to give the power to bring the dead back to life.

Itsuki: you mean like undead?

Emi: no, she means literally, those who had been dead can be brought back to life because of the power of those 2 tree's although growing them is nearly impossible.

Keiko: and why is that?

Kaneki: the conditions is "you have to be powerful and strong enough" those are the conditions that I'm trying to fulfill.

Yuuka: so that means.

Kaneki: yeah, these tress are the ones I'm trying to grow. To make my family whole again.

Sachi: Kaneki...

The atmosphere around became a bit gloomy.

Kaneki: anyways let's find the crown already.

Natsuki: yeah we should.

They then started searching for the crown.

They looked around until they reached the throne room.

Kaneki: the throne room, it must be here.

Ryueki: c'mon it might not even be here-

Batta: hey Kaneki! I found the crown!

Everyone: Ehh?!

Kaneki: really?!

Batta: here look!

Batta led everyone to the crown.

Batta: it's right over here in this podium.

They saw a crown that has 7 gems and had a black and golden color.

Azusa: why is just here in the open?

Ryueki: it might be a trap.

Kaneki & Azusa: no it's not.

Sachi: are you two sure?

Azusa: yes, the crown is emitting immense power.

Kaneki: yeah, only the real crown can emit such power.

Yuuka: amazing, it looks beautiful.

Shino: Yeah.

Miku: to think this was the first Demon knight relic.

Natsuki: im taking a picture for mom and dad.

Sachi: same here.

Itsuki & Keiko: so what are you waiting for Kaneki?

Azusa: yeah ask Heike to get it.

Emi: yeah do it!

Kaneki: I know I know. Heike you know what to do?

Heike: Hei!

Heike was able to take the crown until.


Everything started to shake.

Everyone: Wooaahh!!!!

Kaneki: earthquake?! Serious-


Yuuka: what was that?!

Sachi: no way!

Sachi & Kaneki: Dagon?!

Everyone: what?!

Kaneki: that was Dagons roar! But what is she doing here?!


Kaneki: Woaaah! What's going on?!

Shino, Yuuka, Miku: what's happening?!

Kaneki! Where are you?!

Kaneki: what the?! She's finding me?! Dammit!

Kaneki then ran and headed out.

Natsuki: Higanbana-kun wait!

Everyone then started following Kaneki till they got out.

Everyone: what the-?

Kaneki & Sachi: Dagon what happened?!

They all saw Dagon beaten up and full of injuries.

Kaneki: what happened?! And what are you doing here?!

Dagon: Cough!* Kaneki run!

Kaneki: oi! What's going on?!

Dagon: batta you didn't tell him?

Everyone: what?!

Batta: ...

Batta had a saddened look on her face.

Kaneki: Batta? What is she talking about?

Batta: ...

Dagon: fine then! I'll tell him myself!

Batta: fine...

Ryueki: oi stupid dragon what's going on?!

Kaneki: what are you talking about?!

Dagon: Kaneki... The clad of black wings are hunting you.

When Dagon said that the eyes of Sachi, Shino, Miku, Yuuka, Chikao and Natsuki widened.

Sachi, Shino, Miku, Yuuka, Chikao and Natsuki's thoughts*

(No way... He's being hunted by them?!!!)

But Kaneki's face showed one emotion.

Kaneki: those flying monkeys?!


But what is Kaneki's past with this so called "clad of black wings"?

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