Chapter 270 - Suiting up

After Kaneki and his team found the gate, they celebrated in a hotel and the next day they returned to the site where the entrance to the gate is.

August 3, 2042*

And now, all members are preparing to go through the gate.

Kaneki: are you guys ready?

Sachi: well... Not really, I mean we're actually going to the Akuma Castle, I'm really nervous.

Azusa: I couldn't agree more this is a huge feat.

Yuuka: even so we must do this.

Ryueki: I honestly don't get it why are you so hyped about this? We're not even allowed to take anything?

Yuuka: simple, it's the adventure and also the fact that I'm fine with a fellow fan of the Demon knights having the relics.

Kaneki: thank you.

Shino: let's do our best everyone.

Miku: yeah!

Itsuki: we can do this!

Keiko: yeah!

Natsuki: can I take a picture of the Crown Higanbana-kun? I want to show it to my parents.

Kaneki: I'll allow it, I never said I wouldn't allow you guys to take pictures.

Natsuki: thanks! My parents would love that.

Kaneki: alright everyone get your suits and suit up.

Everyone: okay!

Kaneki: I'm so excited.

Chikao: yeah, same here.

Kaneki: oh Chi-chan, you were already in your suit?

Chikao: yup, while you guys were talking I immediately suit up. So? How do I look?

Chikao then made a pose.

Chikao's thought*

(I beg he thinks I look really beautiful in this suit he made)

Chikao was trying to impress Kaneki with her beauty even with the suit on and to her surprise.

Kaneki: I have to admit, you look really awesome and badass. The suit really shows how scary you are.

Kaneki's Thoughts on her looks were now what Chikao expected.

Chikao: Kaneki you MEANIEEE! Pout*

Kaneki: what? Did I say something wrong?

(He's so dense! Doesn't he see I'm trying to impress him?!)

Chikao: sigh~ forget it. Anyways are you nervous About this?

Kaneki: of course I am, we're going to Akuma Castle and we're about to find the Crown, why wouldn't I be nervous? But I somewhat feel guilty.

After hearing that, Chikao was stunned to find out Kaneki actually felt guilty about this expedition so much she couldn't help but ask.

Chikao: why do you feel that way?

Kaneki: I mean, this is the first I actually did a Relic expedition with Miyu-chan. I feel I'm betraying her since everytime we find relics it's always me and Miyu-chan who starts it.

Chikao: I see, so you're sad because Miyu-chan isn't here right?

Kaneki: yeah.

Chikao: don't worry, even though Miyu-chan isn't here, she is here.

Kaneki: huh?

Chikao: nothing, well then I'll help everyone suit up.

Kaneki: sure...

Inside Kaneki's mind*

Quan: what is she on about?

Kozo: who knows, we don't know what goes on in that head of hers.

Tomo: ...


Quan: what the?

Tomo: what was that?

Kozo: what's going on?

???: my my that looks important.

All 4: Shut up!

Shitsuren: I'm gonna take control for a bit.

Quan: whatever.

Tomo: fine with me.

Kozo: whateve's

Shitsuren: good.

Back in reality*

Shino: hey! Kaneki! Can you please help me put this suit on?

Kaneki: yeah yeah I gotcha.

Kaneki then helped out Shino with her suit.

A few minutes later*

Shino: thanks, I have to admit wearing these suits are really difficult.

Itsuki: yeah, I'm surprised you have an easier time putting these on.

Everyone else was also fully suited up.

Kaneki: well, your suits are different from mine after all.

Sachi: huh? How come?

Kaneki: ehhh, that is confidential.

Chikao: why is it everytime you don't want to tell us you say confidential?

Kaneki: whistle~

Azusa: just let him be he clearly doesn't want to tell you.

Sachi: my my, Azusa-cham you look really cool!

Azusa: thanks. Hydras are my favorite creatures so that's why I picked this helmet.

Keiko: what about Emi-san?

Kaneki: he's right behind her. C'mon show yourself.

Emi then came out from Azusa's back.

Emi: hey guys...

Emi came out in his suit with a fox helmet.

Miku: Wow, Emi-kun looks like a rider.

Kaneki: yeah. Anyways role call. I'll call you guys by your helmet names once you guys are ready I'll suit up. And we'll be going through the gate.

Everyone: okay!

Kaneki: Chameleon.

Chikao: here.

Kaneki: butterfly.

Sachi: I'm suited up.

Kaneki: Spider.

Shino: ready.

Kaneki: tentou Kabuto.

Yuuka: I'm suited up as well.

Kaneki: Fire moth.

Miku: ready.

Kaneki: Wolf.

Itsuki: I'm ready as a wolf.

Kaneki: haha. Kraken.

Keiko: I'm also ready.

Kaneki: Lion.

Natsuki: gawr.

Kaneki: what was that about? Well whatever. I don't really need to ask Azusa and Emi-kun. So that leaves Itadori!

Ryueki: I'm already suited up.

Itsuki: wow that looks expensive.

Ryueki was wearing a suit that is made out of mostly gold.

Ryueki: so what do you think about my suit?

Miku: Ryu-Oniichan I'm not going to lie but this is a bit too much.

Yuuka: I agree, I mean it looks good but isn't that a bit too much?

Shino: I agree, and isn't that a bit too dangerous to wear in hot areas? Since you know gold is a high conductor of heat?

Ryueki: don't worry it has some cooling elements so I'll be safe. So what do you think Natsuki?

Natsuki: it looks plain not interesting at all.

Ryuek: Wha-?! C'mon don't be joking-

Natsuki: I'm not.

Ryueki's thought*

(What are you kidding me?! This is the best suit in the market it's the most high-tech and she's not even impressed?! Shouldn't the protagonist look the coolest!? Even the stupid sub-heroins doesn't like it! What am I doing wrong?!)

Ryueki was not happy with the reactions he go see got a bit frustrated.

Kaneki: alright, it's my turn to suit up.

Sachi: wait.

Sachi checked the back of Higanbana Kaze.

Sachi: there's nothing here.

Kaneki: I didn't pack my suit in there.

Shino: then where is your suit?

Kaneki: everyone step back.

Everyone then took a few steps back.

Kaneki: Haa~ flick! Armorize.


Everyone: what the?!

Kaneki bursted into flames.

Sachi: Kaneki?!

Yuuka: don't worry, you'll probably get used to it.

The flames then died out revealing Kaneki's suit.

His suit is has the colors blue and black and has the helmet in the shape of a Kuwagata.

Kaneki: alright you guys ready?

Sachi: Kaneki! Can you please stop burning?!

Kaneki: sorry. Anyways, I'll open up the hole now everyone hey ready and don't chicken out.

Everyone: got it!

Kaneki then went inside the house again and pulled the lever.

After the hole opened they all went to the edge.

Kaneki: alright everyone, ready to dive?

Itsuki: it's scary.

Kaneki: want me to kick you down?

Itsuki: no thanks!

Kaneki: okay, everyone in the count of 3 we all jump! Ready?!

Everyone: yeah!

Kaneki: alright! 1!

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Alright time to get this crown!)

Kaneki: 2!

(I'll definitely fix my relationship with Kaneki!)

Kaneki: 3!

(It's now or never!)

Kaneki: Go! Dive!

Kaneki jumped and everyone else followed.


Kaneki: there it is! The gate!

Everyone looked in front of them and saw a swirling vortex.

Kaneki: everyone! Brace yourselves!

They then all passed through the gate, but what awaits them on the other side?

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