Chereads / Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki / Chapter 267 - Everyones opinion on Yuuka

Chapter 267 - Everyones opinion on Yuuka

After having lunch the Relic Expedition team started finding the gate to the home of the Demon knights, Akuma Castle.

Ryueki: so how exactly are we going to mix these flowers?

Kaneki: maybe we need to turn them into a juice?

Natsuki: but non of us brought any juicer with us.

Kaneki: true. Does anyone brought anything that can mix the flowers?

Miku: sorry, I don't have anything.

Sachi: same here.

Shino: I don't have anything but if I remember correctly Yuuka had a mortar and pestle set, maybe that will work?

Yuuka: yup! I do have does two.

Kaneki: can you get it?

Yuuka: sure.

Yuuka got up and went to the back of the can to get the mortar and pestle.

Itsuki: hey Kaneki are you getting along with Mirai-san?

Kaneki: yeah, so?

Itsuki: so what's your thoughts about her?

Keiko: you shouldn't talk about Yuuka behind her back you know?

Itsuki: what? I'm just curious about what Kaneki thinks about her.

Yuuka: hmm? What are you guys talking about?

Yuuka came back and heard their conversation.

Chikao: Itsuki was asking Kaneki about how he thinks of you since you two are getting along?

Itsuki: really? Now I'm curious can you tell us?

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Dammit they're getting a long too well at this rate he'll get highlighted and might become my rival I don't want that to happen, I can't let him have Natsuki)

Kaneki: I ain't sharing unless all of you share your thoughts, I am not sharing mine.

Natsuki: in that case, I think of her as someone I can respect.

Yuuka was happy hearing that.

Sachi: I'm just curious on how she looked before becoming a gyaru. And I'm just thankful for her helping Kaneki when we were researching.

Yuuka: hehe~ I'll tell you another time and thanks.

Keiko: well, I think Yuuka is really beautiful.

Yuuka: hehe~ thanks.

Itsuki: sometimes I feel jealous of Mirai-san because Keiko hangs out with her a lot.

Everyone: wait really?

Kaneki: now that I did not expect.

Keiko: yeah, I kinda understand but that is still surprising.

Yuuka: oh sorry.

Itsuki: it's alright.

Miku: well, I think of Yuuka-Oneechan as well, you know as one of my big sisters.

Shino: same here, she's like the sister I never had.

Yuuka: really? Thanks you two I feel the same way!

Azusa: I don't really have any opinion on her besides she seriously needs to wear her school uniform properly, seriously it's annoying seeing students wear clothes the wrong way.

Yuuka: hehehe~.

Emi: no comment.

Chikao: I think she's a kind person.

Yuuka: thanks! So what about you Itadori-kun?

Ryueki: I think you're pretty average.

Yuuka: eh? Average?

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Why do I feel hurt? It's it bad being average, why am I feeling this way? Is it because I love him?)

Yuuka was confused, she was hurt but she doesn't know why.

(I don't get it, how am I hurt? I don't understand)

Kaneki: alright, since you all told your opinion on Yuuka-san, I'll tell my honest thoughts and opinion about her.

Everyone listened closely.

Kaneki: she's probably one of the people I respect the most and she kinda reminds me a bit of my best friend.

Yuuka: eh?

Natsuki: what do you mean?

Kaneki: well, she has a few similarities with Miyu-chan, they're both helpful, both smiles a lot, and most importantly they both like the Demon knights. The only difference is Miyu-chan is frickin smarter and looks way better.

Natsuki: really?

Kaneki: yeah, that's probably the only reason why we get along really well.

Sachi: honestly, I'm not really surprised.

Chikao: same here.

Yuuka: that's what you think of me?

Kaneki: yeah, but hey it's not bad, I mean I kinda think of you as a friend? I guess? I don't know, I never really had any other friends besides Sachi, Chi-chan, Miyu-chan, Shita-chan and Miha-chan.

Yuuka: well, thanks!

(I feel better now, is it because it was Kaneki's words that made me feel better, and he thinks I looked better before I became a Gyaru... Hehe~ I'm relieved)


Everyone go surprised with Kaneki suddenly yelling.

Natsuki: Higanbana-kun really wants to find the gate huh?

Yuuka: okay here.

Yuuka gave her mortar and pestle to Kaneki.

Kaneki: alright! Let's start!

Kaneki grabbed the bouquet of flowers and began removing the flowers and turning them into a paste.

Kaneki: this is gonna take a while, so can you guys help and remove the flowers from their stems?

Everyone: sure.

All of them then started removing the flowers from the stems and putting them into the mix.

30 minutes later*

Kaneki: finally! Done!

Kaneki has successfully mixed the 4 flowers into one paste.

Ryueki: so what now?

Yuuka: we need to get that mixture into Contact with Kaneki now.

Kaneki: so I need to touch it?

Yuuka: yes, if that doesn't work try eating

Kaneki: sure.

Kaneki then touched the paste.

Chikao: do you feel anything?

Kaneki: nope.

Shino: a bust huh?

Natsuki & Miku: alright eat it!

Sachi: yeah! Eat it!

Kaneki: okay.

Kaneki then grabbed the mortar and began eating the paste.

1 Minute later*

Kaneki ate the entire mortar of paste but nothing happened.

Kaneki: seriously?! Nothing happened?!

Yuuka: dammit, what are we gonna do now?

Ryueki: obviously go bom this was a waste of ti- wait why are your eyes like that?

Everyone looked at Kaneki's eyes and noticed something different.

Kaneki: what?

Sachi: umm, you're eyes are shaped like a compass.

Kaneki: you're lying.

Shino: I can assure you, she's telling the truth Kaneki.

Yuuka: here look!

Yuuka handed Kaneki a mirror for Kaneki to look at.

Kaneki: okay?

Kaneki looked into the mirror.

Kaneki: What?! What happened to my eyes?!

Itsuki: I think that compass eyes will show us the way to the gate.

Keiko: yeah that might be why your eyes are like that.

Yuuka: try looking at different directions.

Kaneki: okay.

Kaneki started looking at different directions and when he faced north east.

Kaneki: wow that felt weird.

Emi: Kaneki-wan your eyes are now green.

Yuuka: that's probably where the gate is! C'mon let's go! We don't know how long it'll last!

Kaneki: you guys heard her let's go!

Everyone got into the van quickly.

Kaneki: everyone here?

Sachi: present.

Shino: present.

Miku: present.

Yuuka: present.

Chikao: present.

Itsuki & Keiko: present

Natsuki: present.

Azusa & Emi: present.

Batta: all insects are in.

Ku-kun: Ku!

Mo-chan: Mo!

Yanma: Ya!

Heike: Hei!

Miracle: Mira!

Ryueki: present.

Kaneki: good! Let's go go go!

Kaneki then started driving to the gate.

Will they find the gate? Or will they fail?