Chapter 254 - Girls talk

After showing the suit that their team is going to use the Relic research/expedition team went back to class after lunch ended.

And after a while school ended. So Kaneki immediately left to get the materials.

Kaneki: hey you guys better pick up until tomorrow alright? Because once you guys pick I'll start making them.

Sachi: okay~.

Yuuka: Got it!


Kaneki: well then. See you guys, I'm gonna get the metal now.

Kaneki then left.

???: hey, so what did he show you guys?

Itsuki: it's a secret!

Yuuka: yeah, we can't really tell anyone.

???: seriously?

Sachi: yup! Well, see ya guys!

Sachi left.

And slowly everyone else left.

30 minutes later*

When Sachi, Shino, Yuuka, Miku and Chikao left school they all went to their secret base the tree house in the forest to talk.

Chikao: so why did you call us here Sachi?

Miku: yeah, is it about Onii-chan again?

Sachi: of course it's about Kaneki! He has a really cool armor! And he can make more!

Yuuka: to be honest I'm very surprised myself, and it looks very High-tech as well. I seriously feel like we don't really know him.

Shino: well, to be fair, he does keep a lot of secrets from us, for example his abilities.

Sachi: yeah, and he actually does train with actual people! We seriously need to know more.

Yuuka: yeah, but.

Sachi: I know, you girls need to fix your relationship with him first.

Shino, Yuuka, & Miku: yeah...

Yuuka: oh yeah, I actually forgot to tell you guys this but, remember when we thought Kaneki was crazy because he's talking to "Sword-san"?

Shino: oh yeah, I think it's just his coping mechanism after his mom died.

Sachi: yeah, but I think she's just an imaginary friend.

Miku: yeah. But I didn't really care.

Chikao: same here.

Yuuka: well this might be surprising but...

Yuuka took a breath before saying.

Yuuka: he's not really crazy, he actually talks to the Sword and it actually talks.

Sachi: Yuuka... Have you also gone crazy?

Shino: yeah, I mean its an inanimate object after all.

Miku: do you need help?

Chikao: have you gone crazy?

Yuuka: I'm being serious!

Sachi's thoughts*

(She looks really serious huh?)

Shino: did you actually talk to it?

Yuuka: yes! When I held it it began talking to me.

Miku: wait you held Sword-san?

Sachi: doesn't Kaneki usually doesn't let anyone hold her? Not even us?

Yuuka: well, yes but, I'll explain.

After explaining how she got Sword-san the girls understood the situation.

Sachi: I see.

Shino: I can definitely see Kaneki do that.

Miku: yeah, Onii-chan wouldn't want you in danger after all.

Chikao: yeah, Kaneki really does.

Sachi: but are you certain that Sword-san talked?

Yuuka: yes, and she even told me how she and I was able to talk.

Shino: really? How?

Yuuka: well... It's only because I'm holding onto her.

All 4: seriously? That's it?

Yuuka: yes! And she even knows about what me, Shino and Miku did!

Sachi: honestly that's not really surprising.

Chikao: yeah, since Kaneki actually had Sword-san on that day, she might've sensed on what happened and Kaneki might've told her.

Yuuka: good thing she actually is keeping our conversation a secret.

Sachi: yeah. Anyways enough about thatets pick our helmets for our armors!

Shino: I actually already made my decision.

Chikao: really? can you show us?

Shino: sure.

She showed them her pick.

Sachi: I see, the spider helmet.

Yuuka: as expected of Shino.

Shino: yeah, and look at the description it says "this helmet will provide your armor with very sensors that can detect danger nearby and will provide you with 4 spider legs for you to use to climb up high areas and it also provides night vision"

Sachi: that's a actually very good. Hmm which should I choose?

Miracle: Mira!

Sachi: hmm? What is Miracle?

Miracle Sachi's butterfly familiar came out of her bag and began talking to her.

Sachi: what is it?

Miracle: Mi!

Sachi: this one?

Miracle landed on the paper that had the helmet options she landed on the picture of a helmet.

Sachi: eh? The Fire rex helmet?

Yuuka: that actually sounds like a good choice.

Sachi: let's see it's description says "this helmet provides super strength and fire power and" I actually like that I guess I'll choose that. Thanks Miraclem

Miracle: Mira!

Miku: sigh~ it's really great to see that you and Miracle are getting along. Me and Mo-chan haven't talked in a long time.

Yuuka: well, we did rejected their idea of Kaneki wanting to talk to us after all.

Shino: yeah... At least me and Yanma are somewhat in good terms.

Yuuka: sigh~ I wonder where are buddies are now?

Miracle: Mira! Miracle Rami

Miku: seriously? They're just living in the tree in my back yard?

Miracle: Mira!

Yuuka: I see, well we should leave them alone for the time being.

Shino: yeah. Oh yeah, Yuuka do you think our Dads are helping Kaneki with the metal for the suits?

Yuuka: yes, most definitely.

Sachi: so your dad's are helping Kaneki?

Shino: well, we're not sure but the only Construction workers Kaneki knows is our Dads so it makes sense that their helping him.

Chikao: yeah. That's true, your dads treat him as if he's their the son they never had after all and they seem to spoil him a lot.

Sachi: yeah, I wonder how is everything going with him?

Miku: hopefully things go well for him.

Yuuka: yeah.. oh yeah! Miku I'm coming to your house later.

Miku: huh? Why?

With Yuuka's sudden request Miku was surprised what could she be planning?

Meanwhile at a warehouse*

Genta: hey Kaneki.

Jin: took you long enough.

Kaneki: sorry uncles.

???: so this is the kid you two were talking about huh?

Genta: yessir, he's the one.

???: so you want our scrap metal huh? Just so you know you have to convince me to give it to you.

Kaneki: I know.

With Kaneki meeting Genta And Jin's boss will he be able to convince their boss to give him the metal he needs?