Chereads / Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki / Chapter 226 - Meeting Grandparents

Chapter 226 - Meeting Grandparents

After getting breakfast and eating Kaneki and Yuuka continued on their trip to Kyoto to visit Kaneki's grandparents. And they finally go there around 6:30

Yuuka: Wow! HELLO! KYOTOO!

Kaneki: what the hell are ya doin?

Yuuka: hehe~ sorry, I was just very excited and look the sun rise is so beautiful.

Kaneki: yeah... Alright we walk from here.

Yuuka: let's go!

They then began walking.

Yuuka: so where exactly is Wakagaeri Higanbana hotel anyways?

Kaneki: it's near the foot of mount hiei, which isn't very far from here.

Yuuka: great!

Kaneki: alright it's almost time to act so you better act very well to convince them alright?

Yuuka: I'm the one supposed to say that to you! After all you might get a kiss from me.

Kaneki: !!! I don't want to become a parent!

Yuuka got a bit confused.

Yuuka: what are you talking about?

Kaneki: doesn't kissing result to a baby?!!

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Oh my, he has no idea I better keep it that way but I guess I should tell him that isn't true because there's no way our act would work if we can't do that)

Yuuka: no Kaneki that's not how it works.

Kaneki: Huh? No way! You're lying.

Yuuka: I'm not.

Kaneki: then how do you get babies?

Yuuka: oh storks.

Kaneki: eh? Seriously?

Yuuka: yup! When you get married after 9 months a stork will come and deliver parents a couples child.

Kaneki: I see, I better tell Itsuki then.

Yuuka: huh? Why Hayakawa-kun?

Kaneki: he thinks kisses makes babies.


Kaneki: anyways, let's focus on getting to the Hotel.

Yuuka: okay!

10 minutes later*

Kaneki: well we got here quick.

Yuuka: so this is the hotel?

Kaneki: Yup...

Yuuka: ITS SO BIG!

Kaneki: sigh~ I don't know about this! Can we back out? Its been a while since I've visit I don't know what to-

(He's panicking, well that's to be expected he hasn't seen his grandparents in a while and he probably thinks they hate him for no visiting.)

Yuuka: calm down Kaneki I bet they're glad to see you.

Kaneki: Sigh~ sorry about that.

Yuuka: it's alright. Anyways we should probably hold hands that will probably convince them more that we're a couple.

Kaneki: alright.

Kaneki then held Yuuka's hand.

(Heh? What Kaneki actually did it without any hesitation?)

Yuuka thought Kaneki would feel embarrassed about handholding but to her surprise he wasn't.

Yuuka then looked at Kaneki's face.

(He isn't embarrassed at all? We're holding hands! This is too much!)

Yuuka's face then became red.

Kaneki: ready?

Yuuka: Y-Yes.

Kaneki: alright let's go.

They then entered the Hotel

Kaneki: alright let's go to the receptionist.

Yuuka: okay.

They then walked to the receptionist.

Receptionist: hello, what brings you two kids here made any reservations?

Kaneki: yes, we're here to meet up with the owners of this hotel.

Receptionist: really? In that case can you give us your name for us to check?

Kaneki: Kaneki Higanbana.

Receptionist: H-Higanbana?

Kaneki: nods*

Receptionist: okay follow me then, I'll take you to your grandparents.

Yuuka: here we go.

Kaneki: yeah...

They then followed the receptionist to the top most floor of the Hotel.

Receptionist: this their room young sir.

Kaneki: thanks.

The receptionist then left.

Kaneki: you ready?

Yuuka: yeah.

Kaneki: alright, time to enter hell.

Kaneki went for the door nob and opened the door.

And then.


Gramps & Granny: Welcome back ad Congratulations Kaneki!

Kaneki: ...

Yuuka: Huh?

Gramps: So this is the girlfriend you were talking about yesterday huh? She really does look beautiful.

Granny: she reminds me of myself when I was younger. So who confessed first?

Yuuka being confused took Kaneki's ear and whispered to it.

Yuuka: this is your grandparents? They look very sweet.

Kaneki: just wait.

They then looked back at his grandparents.

Kaneki: Gramps, Granny can you two introduced yourselves please?

Haruto: I'm Haruto Higanbana but you can call me gramps.

Shiori: I'm Shiori Higanbana but you can call me Granny.

Yuuka bowed and introduced herself.

Yuuka: I'm Yuuka Mirai, it's a pleasure to meet Kaneki's Grandparents.

Haruto: you found a really cute girl once again Kaneki.

Shiori: yeah, he's pretty much a chick magnet.

Kaneki: what is even that?

Haruto: anyways, Mirai-san have you been taking care of Kaneki?

Yuuka: Yes I have!

Haruto & Shiro: Good, YOU BETTER BE!

Haruto and Shiori made a scary hostile face while saying that.

Yuuka: !!!

Yuuka hid behind Kaneki.

Kaneki: Can you two stop it your scaring her.

Haruto: Hahahaha.

Shiori: sorry, we just want her to be loyal to you.

Haruto: well then, you two are probably tired on your way here, we've already prepared a V.I.P room for you two so here.

Haruto threw a Kew at Kaneki.

Kaneki then caught it.

Kaneki: thanks.

Haruto: let's meet at the dining hall later but after you two put away your things in your room be sure to use the private onsen, you know where it is Right Kaneki?

Kaneki: yup.

Shiori: be sure to wash each other alright?

Kaneki and Yuuka both blushed.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(I'm gonna wash with her? Seriously?! This isn't good!)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Yes! Let's go!)

Kaneki: U-Um alright.

Shiori: once you we've eaten breakfast, let's all go for a walk shall we?

Yuuka: can't wait! C'mon Kaneki let's go!

Kaneki: wait a minute!

Yuuka then dragged Kaneki out of the room.

Haruto: this is going to be so much fun right dear?

Shiori: yeah I can't wait to spend the day with them as well.

Haruto: lets prepare the surprise too.

Shiori: Yeah.

The finally met Kaneki's grandparents but what will happen? And will they find the hint they're looking for?