Chapter 206 - W.S.S.F

After Sachi was embarrassed because of her punishment, class has begun and Querxes has some interesting news too.

Everyone: SERIOUSLY?!

Querxes: yup, from this day forward Monday, Wednesday and Friday will have more time for P.E classes.

Ryueki: and why's that Sensei?

Querxes: Chikao, please do the explanation since I already told you yesterday.

Chikao: alright.

Chikao stood up.

Chikao: as you all know, next month was supposed to be the school's sports festival right? Well there was a change in plans.

???: ehh?

Yuuka: what do you mean?

Chikao: I meant to say Shimotsuki was chosen as the hosey ofthe WSSF or World Super Sports Festival.

Everyone: EHHHHHH!

Miku: really?!

Querxes: correct, that means the entire school will be holding P.E classes for half a day to train you all for the WSSF.

Kaneki: how long exactly are we going to do P.E?

Querxes: we'll start P.E at 1.00 p.m after Lunch break.

???: I can't believe it, Shimotsuki has been chosen?

???: yeah, am I dreaming?

Keita: itsuki! What are we going to do? We have no chance!

Itsuki: no worry, we can do this.

Yuta: but we'll be up against a few schools from around the world and worst of all Hellhound High and Atlan High!

Keiko: well, let's not panic we can do this!

Sachi: that's right! Instead of worrying about losing, let's think of the fun!

Miku: your very fired up Saki-san.

Sachi: of course! It's not everyday you get to challenge someone from Hell or Atlantis.

Natsuki: do you think you can win?

Sachi: nope, but it'll be fun!

Natsuki: I hope so.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(I wonder how what Kaneki thinks of this?)

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Oh great I'll see some familiar faces soon, I just hope those idiots actually made progress)

Ryueki's thoughts*

(This is good! With the WSSF I can show off to Natsuki more and the plus side more people would pay attention to me so Natsuki is bound to get more jealous!)

Querxes: oh yeah and another thing everyone!

Kaneki: what is it Sensei?

Querxes: Many challenges will be in the first day it'll be a lot so be sure to get your stamina up and also the next day will be different from previous WSSF's

Shino: how come?

Querxes: because on the second day at the newly built Shimotsuki stadium a tournament will be held.

Everyone: SERIOUSLY?!


everyone: ...

Querxes: sorry, anyways the tournament will be a battle tournament where you guessed it participants will battle.

Ryueki: this sounds fun.

Querxes: good that's all.

Sachi: sensei what about the first term exams?

Querxes: ehh? You don't have any.

Sachi: what why?

Kaneki: we already had the exams a month ago Bananachi.

Sachi: eh? Really?

Natsuki: yup.

Sachi: ehhh~

Querxes: alright with that out of the way let's get into our lessons.

And so they started their lessons.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Tournament huh? I wonder if I should join)


(Hmm? My phone?)

Kaneki looked into his phone to see a message from Natsuki.

"Let's do our best in the WSSF! We shall win!"

(Hehe~ same here)

At class 1-B

Mitsuha: alright students later we'll be joining class 1-C in P.E so do your best not to cause any trouble got it?

Azusa: yeah yeah.

Azusa's thoughts*

(Alright now to wait)

A few hours later*

Natsuki: that was some really good Hamburg steal Kaneki-kun.

Sachi: yeah, best Chef as always.

Chikao: yeah, it's so good.

Kaneki: thanks, but you girls ate everything!

At lunch break Kaneki and Natsuki went to their usual spot and Bananachi and Chikao secretly went there as well.

And they all shared each others bento's but the girls ate all of Kaneki's lunch.

Kaneki: ...

Sachi: sorry about that, you know how I like Hamburg steaks.

Chikao: same here.

Natsuki: don't worry Kaneki-kun you can have our Bento's if you want.

Sachi: yeah, here.

Chikao: here.

Kaneki: wait! But aren't you all supposed to-

Sachi: don't worry we're already full.

Natsuki: yeah, you do put a lot of rice and steak in your bento after all. I'm honestly surprised it was that much.

Chikao: so here eat, Ahh~

Kaneki: sigh~ fine.

And so they ate shared each other's lunch.

At the cafeteria*

Shino: you two find anything about the family that serves the Demon Knights?

Yuuka: nothing.

Miku: nope, it's honestly really hard to find them.

Yuuka: well let's do our best.

The 3 were talking about The family that serves the Demon Knights but someone was listening.

At a table near the 3*

Emi's thoughts*

(What?! Why are they trying to find that family?! This isn't good!)

It was Emi-kun from Class 1-B and the public morals committee.

30 minutes later*

Querxes: all right everyone! Time for P.E!

Mitsuha: do your best everyone! And please don't get hurt!

Everyone: Yes!

The two classes has started their joint P.R class.

Azusa's thoughts*