Chereads / Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki / Chapter 169 - Studying the mural (3)

Chapter 169 - Studying the mural (3)

Kaneki, Yuuka and Natsuki has arrived at the Mural and now they will start studying it.

Yuuka: Woah! Its beautiful!

Yuuka was clearly excited after seeing it.

Kaneki: i couldn't agree more, and its very well made too.

Natsuki: yeah, but the writing is kinda confusing, the language is japanese but it's really hard to read.

Yuuka: yeah, and it looks like it's a mixture of old Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji but completely mishmashed together.

Kaneki: well except that one over there.

Kaneki pointed to a corner of the Mural.

Yuuka: hey you're right!

Natsuki: that looks like modern Kanji, Katakana and Hiragana.

Kaneki: that's probably because it is.

Yuuka: that's because it is, though it is still mishmashed.

Kaneki: yeah, but i already deciphered it.

Natsuki: really? What does it say?

Kanek: it says "to enter the fortress, the red flower of death is needed".

Natsuki: red flower of death?

Yuuka: Ohh~ I see.

Natsuki: you know what that is?

Yuuka: oh yes, its The Higanbana.

Natsuki: pffft! Seriously?!

Natsuki was in disbelief and is about to laugh.

Kaneki: yup, we need at least 20 of them so I asked Itsuki and Keiko to get at least 25 of them.

Natsuki: wait if we need 20 why get 25?

Kaneki: that's a secret.

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Oh of course haha~ he's going to eat them haha~ he really hasn't changed that much huh? I'm glad he really is still the same best friend I had...)

Natsuki: ehh?

Kaneki: anyways lets get to studying it! But first.

Kaneki reached his hand out to Yuuka.

Yuuka: hmm? What is it Higanbana-ku- wait what's that?!

A big smoke ball suddenly appeared in front of her.

Natsuki: Kaneki-kun what are you doing?

Kaneki: what else? Setting up our workshop.

Kaneki then put his hand in that big smoke ball and the pulled it out quickly.

The smoke then exploded.

Yuuka: A-Achoo!

Natsuki: Cough! Cough! Oh what was that- heh?!

Yuuka: where did that come from!

A big tent with equipment in it appeared after the smoke cleared out.

Kaneki: there we go, workshop set. Hey what are you two looking at?

Yuuka: where the heck did all that came from?!

Kaneki: i rather not tell. Anyways I need you two to wear these gloves.

Kaneki hand out some gloves to them.

Natsuki: wait are we starting now?!

Kaneki: yup, I'll just check its carbon date first.

Yuuka: how do you even plan on doing that? (Now that I think about it how did he carbon the other stuff in previous research?)

Kaneki: with this.

Kaneki pulled out a Gun.

Natsuki: a Gun?

Kaneki: well you could say that, its called the carbon dater gun. I just need to scan the Mural and done the carbon date will be found out.

Yuuka: I see, well then do what you need to do!

Kaneki: kay.

Kaneki then went out the large tent and pointed the carbon dater gun at the mural.

Kaneki: Bang.

He then activated the gun, and it started to scan the mural.

Kaneki: so uh, i forgot to mention the scanning will take around 3 minutes so can you two wait for a bit?

Yuuka: sure.

Natsuki: alright.

3 minutes later*

Kaneki: alright done.

Yuuka: that was quicker than i imagine. So? How old is it?!

Natsuki: well? How old is the mural?

The two girls were excited to know how old it was.

Kaneki: alright alright, it says here it is.... Wait seriously?!

Yuuka: hmm? How old is it?

Kaneki: i don't know.

Yuuka & Natsuki: huh?! What do you mean you don't know?!

Kaneki: the carbon dater gun didn't register it.

Yuuka: seriously?!

Natsuki: dang it!

Kaneki: i wonder why it didn't register it... Unless...

Kaneki walked closer to the mural.

Natsuki: hey what are you doing?



Natsuki: Kaneki-kun that's not healthy!

For some reason Kaneki licked the Mural.

Kaneki: of course, so that's why.


Kaneki: Hey! What was that for?!


Kaneki: I was just testing something.


Kaneki: I was tasting it if it was made from Demon Knight blood iron.

Yuuka: wait really?

Kaneki: yup.

Yuuka then went on her knees and.

Yuuka: sorry for yelling at you I am an idiot for not-

Kaneki: wait wait wait!

Natsuki: you don't need to apologize.

Yuuka: but I yelled and called Higanbana-kun a dumbass for no good reason.

Natsuki: its alright Yuu-

Kaneki: fine then but seriously don't yell at me again ya blonde hair bitch.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Kaneki-kun that's a bit too much!)

Yuuka's thoughts*

(Oh now I've done it he hates me... I'm such an idiot....)

Natsuki: wait Kaneki-kun you didn't need to treat her so harshly!

Kaneki: heh? What do you mean? I just made us even.

Natsuki: Huh?

(Wait what?)

Kaneki: I don't care if she insulted me alright and considering she does feel bad so i thought I should make us even so she wouldn't feel too bad, i honestly feel bad for calling her a blonde hair bitch.

Yuuka: wait so you don't hate me for insulting you?

Kaneki: please if you think your insult is bad my best friend and I used to call each other the most offensive shit we could think of so don't worry about it. And also sorry for insulting ya.

Yuuka: p-pfffttt! Hahahahaha! Seriously! Higanbana-kun your so unpredictable!

(Of course, when i get angry at him and insult him so bad back then i would always feel depressed for insulting him so he would insult me too so we could be even, honestly our relationship as best friends is seriously messed up but I'm glad he doesn't hate me)

Yuuka: in that case sorry for calling you a dumbass Higanbana-kun!

Kaneki: apology accepted.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(She looked like the Yuuka from back then...)

Natsuki: phew~ i honestly thought you two can't get along. Thank goodness you're very kind Kaneki-kun even though the way you show it is weird.

Yuuka: same here.

Kaneki: yeah me too well anyways, i think finding out how old this Mural is impossible.

Natsuki: and why's that?

Kaneki: it's made of Demon Knight blood iron carbon dating it is kinda impossible.

Natsuki: but doesn't iron have carbon?

Yuuka: well not Demon Knight blood iron.

Natsuki: really? Why?

Kaneki: to make it short, its because of Demon Knight blood.

Natsuki: huh?

Yuuka: I'll do the explaining.

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