Chapter 106 - nightmare

After talking to Natsuki the two went back to camp and into their tents

Shino's thoughts*

(Alright! I have some confidence now! Tomorrow I'll make some progress! But first I need to tell those 2 first, i text them)

"Hey are you two still awake?"

Shino pulled out her phone to text her friends in their group chat.

And they both replied instantly.

"Yeah, What's up Shino-chan"

"I'm still awake, so Shino-Oneechan did you have any progress with Onii-chan?"

"Sorry i haven't made any progress yet"

"Dang it, well we still have 2 days and two nights left so you still have time"

"Yeah I know, but what can I do with him tomorrow?"


"I think I have an idea"

"Let us hear it Miku-chan"

"What about fishing? That was your and Onii-chan's hobby when we weren't practicing"

"I think that's a good idea but how should can I be alone with him?"

"Leave it to me! I already have an idea for you two to be left alone"

"Okay, I trust you Yuuka"

"Alright then, Goodnight you two!

"Okay! See you two tomorrow Shino-Oneechan! Yuuka-Oneechan!"

"Goodnight wish me luck"

"We will!"

"We will!"

As their conversation ended Shino started to fell asleep.

Shino's thoughts*

(I hope I can make some progress tomorrow, I hope I can see my childhood friend again..)

She then fell asleep.

Next day

Shino: Yawn~ oh its morning it doesn't sound like everyone is up yet well I should wake him up first.

Shino came out of her tent.

Shino: what?!

But upon leaving her tent she was in her house.

Shino: what am I doing here?! I was supposed to be in camp!

???: hey what are you doing Shita-chan? Did you have a dream?

Shino heard a voice coming from the window in what supposed to look like her room and decided to open it

Shino: Kaneki?!

Kaneki: yup its me!

She was shocked upon seeing Kaneki and was a bit sad she then began to tear up.

Kaneki: Shita-chan what's wrong?

Shino: oh nothing! It's just I'm happy to see you!

Kaneki smiled upon hearing that.

Kaneki: so are you ready?

Shino: ready for what?

Kaneki: seriously? You forgot? The entrance ceremony is today! And after the entrance ceremony we're going fishing!

Shino's thoughts*

(Oh yeah! Today is the day we officially become highschoolers! How could i forget!!)

Shino: wait Kaneki! I need to go change!

Kaneki: don't worry about food I'll treat you on some banana bread later on the way to Mato High.

Shino: thanks!

After changing to her uniform she met with Kaneki and Miku.

Miku: what took you so long Shino-Onee!

Shino: sorry i overslept.

Miku: jeez well lets get going!

Kaneki: lets go!

They began walking to Mato High and then they came across Yuuka.

Yuuka: hey everyone!

Miku: took you long!

Yuuka: sorry! I was doing research all night long so i kinda forgot about the entrance ceremony.

Kaneki: tsk Tsk its important to get a good nights sleep so you better turn of devices and lights 30 minutes before sleeping.

Yuuka: you don't have to remind me that.

Shino: hehe~ but you do tend to overwork yourself so you really do need to take a rest Miyu-chan!

Yuuka: yeah yeah lets go now!

Kaneki: well since we still have time lets go get some banana bread so you and Shino could get energy.

Yuuka: did she overslept again?

Kaneki: yup!.

Shino: mmm! Don't tell her!

Shino hit Kaneki softly.

Kaneki: hehe~ sorry please forgive me.

Shino: if only you get me more banana bread!

Kaneki: yeah I will don't worry.

Miku: lets go!

They went to the bakery and bought banana bread.

Shino: chomp! This is soooo good!

Yuuka: Yeah! The taste is so good!

Shino: I gotta admit Miyu-chan your brown hair so shiny!

Kaneki: of course! She's using the same shampoo I use.

Shino: yeah that's true and your hair is long as ever Kaneki.

Kaneki: yup! How else I can wear these ribbons?

Miku: alright! Now everyone lets talk later, we're near Mato High now!

Kaneki: really!! You two finish those bread now!

Shino & Yuuka: Alright! CHOMP!

they then arrived at Mato High.

Then the entrance ceremony began.

(Author: alrighty then from this point forward we'll be seeing all of Shino's thoughts for the rest of the chapters but the narrator will appear narrate some parts.)

Principal: thank you to our new students for choosing Mato high where you would learn and grow.

Shino: too bad we couldn't sit together.

Me, Yuuka, Miku and Kaneki were separated because we were assigned seats so we couldn't sit with each other.

Principal: and now let us welcome our scholarship student Ryueki Itadori.

(Author: t'is about to go downhill)

Ryueki: hello everyone I hope i would get along with all of you and I hope we all can become friends.

Wow that guy looks handsome and he looks stro- wait what am I saying?!

Shino: what the?! The entrance ceremony ended?!

Ryueki: hello there my name is Itadori Ryueki but you can call me ita or Ryu if you want.

Shino: Blush* yeah sure.

Wait what am I saying?! Wait isn't this?! Where is Kaneki?

Shino looked around to find Kaneki but.

Where is he?! Where is he?!

Shino was trying to get Kaneki in her sight.

There he-

She saw him but he had a face she never saw before a very sad sad face.

Shino: Kaneki!

She then ran towards Kaneki.

But no matter how much she ran she was not getting closer to him but he was going farther and farther away.

Shino: Kane-!


What! I'm here in the classroom now?

She was for some reason was in her seat in the classroom.

Wait! The entrance ceremony and this classroom.

She began to look around the classroom and then she saw him again.


She then tried talking to him again.

Shino: Ka-

Ryueki: hey there Tanaka-san! I want can we talk?

Shino: not now! Kaneki!

She once again tried to get to him but.

Shino: No! Noooo! KANEKIIIII!

She couldn't get closer to him and he was getting farther away from her.


What the! My house?! No this can't be!

She then realized where she was

Yesterday was the day Kaneki started to change and today is!

Kaneki: why? oh why? did you leave me? didn't we promise each other that we'll always be friends?

The day I lost my childhood friend... I CANT ACCEPT THAT!

Shino: Kaneki! I will always be your Childhood friend! I won't ever leave you alone!

She yelled those words at the Kaneki infront of him.

Kaneki: who are you?

No is he forgetting me?

Shino: its me! Your childhood friend! Shino Tana-


Shino: !!!

Kaneki: you are NOT Shita-chan

Shino: no its me! I'm your-


No... I'm your... childhood friend.


Shino: I'm sorry! I'm sorry I left you alone! I regretted it ever since this day! Please forgive me!


Shino: NOO! Kaneki!

No! No! No! Please don't leave! Please! Come back! I don't want this!.

Kaneki: i... Hate... You... I wished I've never met you.

As he said those words his body began to change into something monstrous.


Shino: Nooo!

Natsuki: Tanaka-san?!

Shino: Mizutani-san?!

Natsuki: what happened? Why are you screaming? And why are you crying?

Oh... I see it was a dream... But it felt too real.

Kaneki: what the heck Tanaka-san screaming in the morning? Did you have some kind of nightmare?


Yuuka: i think we should leave her alone you should start Cooking Higanbana-kun.

Kaneki: yeah sure.

Shino's thoughts*

(Am i... Am I even worthy of being his friend?)

She gotten a new found confidence but because of the nightmare she had lost it.

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