Chereads / Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki / Chapter 101 - Shita-chan and Relic (1)

Chapter 101 - Shita-chan and Relic (1)

As Shino finished her story about her and a certain old friend. And since no one else had any stories to tell Yuuka asked Kaneki to tell a story which Kaneki hesitated but decided to just do it.

But the story he said he was going to tell shocked his Classmates.

Itsuki: Wait! What did you say?! Demon Knight Relic's and a Beast you befriended?!

Keiko: seriously?!

???: is this even real?

Ryueki: yeah right, do you even have one?

Kaneki: yup you wanna see the only relic I have?

Natsuki: Eh? You have one? (Well he said said he was interested of finding The Crown of Urizen so this is to be expected)

Everyone: Yeah! Show us!

Kaneki: Alright then.

Kaneki reached out his arm to the campfire.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(What is he doing?)

Kaneki: rotarebiL em ot emoC

Ryueki: Huh? What did you s-

Intense Crackling*

Yuuka, Miku and Shino's thoughts*

(He's doing it!)

The campfire began to make a loud and intense Crackling sound and.


Keiko: eeehhh! The fire turned black!

As the fire turned black Kaneki reached into the fire.

Kaneki: alright then here we go!

Ryueki: Hey! Don't put your hand in that!

Kaneki put his hand in the black flame then.


Natsuki: wait? Metal?

Kaneki: yup, behold The Liberator.

Kaneki pulled out his hands from the black flame and revealing The Liberator.

Itsuki: Seriously?! The Liberator?! I've heard legends about this relic! Where did you find it?!

Kaneki: well me and my best friend found it here in this forest when we were 5.

Everyone: When you were 5!?

Kaneki: yup.

Natsuki: that's impressive Higanbana-kun but why is this your only relic? All of us know you want more power and the Demon Knight Relic's are pretty powerful so why is this the only one you have?

Kaneki: I'll keep it short I made a promise to my best friend I'll keep it at that.

???: interesting

Kaneki: well anyways I have 6 stories which one do you guys want?

Natsuki: what are the options?

Kaneki: well I did say these stories will have something to do with my old friends so.. I guess the options are Sachi, Shita-chan, Miyu-chan and Miha-chan.

???: what kind of names are those?

Kaneki: Sachi's name is the only one who i remember the only name clearly I'm calling the other 3 by their nicknames.

Yuuka: alright then what about a story about Shita-chan?

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Why do I have to do this? Sigh~ if that's the case i might tell the story about her and That relic)

Kaneki: alright this happened around very recently around 2 years ago at middle school.


My best friend Miyu-chan is an absolute nerd when it comes to the demon knights and she wanted to find all the relics.

One day at our second year at middle school she called the 4 of us for a meeting.

Kaneki: what is it Miyu-chan?

Shita-chan: What is it?

Miyu-chan: i think I've learned where a new relic is.

Miha-chan, Shita-chan & Sachi: Ehh?? Seriously! Where?!

Miyu-chan: in a cave near Shimotsuki.

Shita-chan: that's great! Another one for your collection!

Miyu-chan: you know what ive been thinking i think this relic should be yours Shita-chan.

Shita-chan: Huh?! Why?!

Kaneki: to be fair all of us have relics besides you Shita-chan.

Flashback cut*

Kaneki: And before you guys ask yes Miyu-chan is the best friend I made the promise to.

Itsuki: the-

Kaneki: and yes each one of us 5 has Demon Knight Relic's.


Miyu-chan: yeah! I have most of the relics, Kahi-kun has the Liberator, Sachi has the dragon Scythe and Miha-chan has the Higanbana Sword

Shita-chan: yeah but...

Kaneki: hey its our tradition and a symbol of our friendship remember?

Sachi: Yeah! Don't tell me...

Shita-chan: no its not that! It's just finding these relics is very difficult and i might end up hindering you guys.

Kaneki: no you won't.

Shita-chan: how can you be sure?

Miyu-chan: well to be fair you've helped me and Kahi-kun getting confidence when we are down, you always practiced dancing and singing with Sachi, you scold Miha when she messes up.

Miha-chan: Hey!

Kaneki: yeah, and you're like a big sis to us and probably a mother as well.

Shita-chan: Okay! Okay! Stop praising me!

All 4: Hehe ~

Kaneki: so you wanna get a relic?

Shita-chan: knowing you 4 you probably won't stop bothering me fine then lets find this relic.

Miyu-chan: lets go tomorrow then! Since it would be a weekend we can find for a whole day!

Shita-chan: well I'll tell my mom.

All 4: sure!

Shita-chan: but what this relic this time?

Miyu-chan: you're gonna like this, its the Spider Sword!