Chereads / Natsuki-chan likes the power hungry Kaneki / Chapter 97 - Kaneki's first dish

Chapter 97 - Kaneki's first dish

With Ryueki's disgusting food being rejected by everyone Kaneki stepped in and cooked for everyone, curious on how he's so good at cooking Itsuki asked him why and Kaneki said it was his friends.

And now they are way more curious so they wanted to hear a story about his cooking.

Itsuki: c'mon man just tell us now Kaneki.

Kaneki: i said after we eaten dinner because our food might get cold.

Natsuki: I agree with Higanbana-kun we should eat first then lets listen to his story.

Chikao: yeah I agree too.

The others also agreed so they all ate their food and after 10 minutes everyone was done eating.

Miku: Soo~ gooood!

Shino: are feeling better Miku-chan?

Miku: yup!

Yuuka: great!

Itsuki: Hey Kaneki! Can you tell us about how you go so good at cooking?

Kaneki: tsk! Such a pain fin I'll tell you guys but don't be annoying alright?

Keiko & Itsuki: we won't!

Kaneki: alright lets begin then it was when I was 6 years old.


Miha-chan: Ugghh I'm sooo Hungry!

Shita-chan: what can we do? Our parents are still finding jobs and we don't have any snacks or cooked foods at our homes.

Miyu-chan: and we can't go out to buy food because we might get lost.

Kaneki: what to do?

Sachi: What about we cook our own food!

Miyu-chan looked at Sachi.

Miyu-chan: No, no we can't do that! We don't have any data about how to cook.

Flashback cut*

Itsuki: your friend sounds weird.

Kaneki glared at him.

Kaneki: Shut up and don't insult her!

Itsuki: S-Sorry.


Sachi: but look I have a cookbook we can use it to make food.

Shita-chan: We can't! We don't know how to use gas stoves we might end up burning this place!

Kaneki: yeah, I agree with Shita-chan, plus we have some other problems too 1: we might get burnt if we touch hot metal, 2: we might end up burning our food, and 3: the food we make might not be edible since non of us knows how to cook.

Sachi: have you guys forgotten? We're in Sasachi's house! We an electric stove and we have proper protection for our hands and we have a cookbook too!

Miha-chan: she's not gonna stop insisting is she?

Miyu-chan: knowing Sasachi she'd probably keep insisting.

Shita-chan: true.

Sachi: c'mon everyone aren't you Hungry?

Shita-chan: we are but...

Kaneki: give me that cookbook.

Sachi: oh here.

Kaneki grabbed the cookbook.

Kaneki: if you keep insisting then I'll do the cooking.

Sachi: really?!

Shita-chan: you don't need to go that far Hikane-kun.

Kaneki: well I'm hungry too and I might eat you 4 if i don't get any food soon.

Miyu-chan: Haha~ seriously Kaneki those jokes of yours are weird.

Kaneki: hehe~ yeah I know but i ain't a cannibal so you 4 are safe.

Sachi: so what food do you want to make first?

Kaneki: hold up I'm going to check the book.

I searched through the book and then I saw something really appetizing.

Kaneki: what about this you girls want Omurice?

Sachi: good choice!

Shita-chan: just be careful alright?

Miyu-chan: remember the information you get from cooking Omurice so you don't mess up.

Miha-chan: Goodluck Onii-chan.

Flashback cut*

Keiko: Wait hold up!

Kaneki: what?

Keiko: did Miha-chan call you Onii-chan?!

Kaneki: yeah why?

Keiko: seriously! You have a younger sister?!

Kaneki: yeah I do, but Miha-chan isn't my actual sister she only considers me as her brother.

Keiko: wait seriously? If she's not your actual sister where is she?

Kaneki: she's not part of this story so i won't say. And if you're just gonna keep interrupting me I won't co-

Keiko: sorry, we don't bother you.


Kaneki: alright, then i should start getting the ingredients.

I looked around Sachi's kitchen for ingredients and when i found them I began to mix them all together.

And when I started cooking it didn't really end well.

Kaneki: so umm..... Here girls.

Shita-chan: this doesn't look like the Omurice that we eat.

Miyu-chan: yeah it doesn't.

Miha-chan: wait why don't we try it first who knows? It might be better that it looks.

Sachi: i agree with Mi-chan!

Shita-chan: yeah maybe.

Miyu-chan: alright then lets all take a taste together.

Kaneki: you girls sure?

Sachi: c'mon Kaneki-chan lets taste the very first dish you made.

Kaneki: alright if you girls say so.

All 4: Itadakimasu~

You know I was hesitant on tasting it, it didn't look like Omurice on top of that It looked like some kind of spoiled food but.

When i tasted it it was tasty.

Sachi: Oh my! It's so good!

Shita-chan: Yeah! It really does taste better than it looks!

Miyu-chan: this is some great data! Even though it looks disgusting it taste so good! Well done best friend!

Miha-chan: I knew you could do it Onii-chan!

Shino: if you keep cooking Hikane-kun you might make very delicious and good looking food in the future!

Sachi: yeah! Not only we might become a great idol group we might even have a great chef too!

Shino: yeah Hikane-kun! But you don't need to if you don't want to. But your cooking is the best!

End of flashback*

Kaneki: so after that I actually still kept cooking, i when our parents aren't home we would cook for ourselves and we kept improving and then I began making my own secret recipe too.

Chikao: yup! Because of those praise's you kept sharpening your Cooking skills.

Keiko: interesting!

Itsuki: I'm kinda tempted on eating your very first dish Kaneki.

Kaneki: i can cook it for you guys tomorrow.

???: really?!

Kaneki: yup, but do you guys want it to look like and taste like my very first one or not?

Keiko: sure! We want it to taste like your very first one!

Natsuki: I am quite curious on how it taste like so could you do your the very first one?

Kaneki: alright then! But remember don't judge a book by its cover or in this case a food by its looks!

Shino: we won't!

Some of his classmates were excited, but for Ryueki.

Ryueki's thoughts*

(Wait so he's a former harem protagonist! If so than this is bad!)

Itsuki: but man must be nice having a harem when you were yo-

Kaneki pointed Sword-san at Itsuki.

Kaneki: Oi, take back what you said about them! Don't you dare insult them!

Kaneki for some reason was mad upon hearing his friends being called his harem.