Chapter 91 - Blood ritual.

After getting Natsuki and Shino found his Gun Kaneki thanked them and went to a big tree nearby camp but he felt something he didn't felt before.

Doki Doki!*

Kaneki: what was that? What am I Feeling?

Sword-san: [maybe you felt something when everyone said they were thankful to you?]

Kaneki: i honestly don't know.

Sword-san: [well, I'm glad your childhood friend helped you out]

Kaneki: ..., I'm going to do the blood ritual now so don't disturb me.

Sword-san: [sure.]

(I hope Kaneki-chan would reconcile with his friends, you hope too right? Sayo-chan? Moni-chan?)

Back at camp*

Yuuka: alright everyone! Does everyone have any swimwear?


Yuuka: wait everyone didn't brought any swimwear?

Miku: hehe~ i forgotten to bring one.

Shino: same here

Everyone else: yeah i also forgot.

Yuuka: well, I guess we'll all swim in our current clothing then, but we do need to clean and dry them.

Keiko: boo~ why?

Yuuka: to be sanitary of course.

Natsuki: makes sense... I think we should go to the river now.

Chikao: wait weren't we supposed to wait for Kaneki?

Natsuki: well when he zipped through the trees he went that way.

Natsuki pointed at the direction where Kaneki went.

Natsuki: and that's also the way to the river i mentioned, so we can just pick him up once we see him.

Ryueki: Yeah, But he might not be there so why find him? Plus he might not want to go swimming.

Itsuki: well she didn't mention finding, she said "once we see him" .

Chikao: yeah, plus for what I know he seems to be looking forward to this camping trip so he actually might want to swim with us.

Keiko: yeah good point.

Yuuka: alright then, everyone should we go now or wait for Higanbana-kun?

Everyone: lets goo!

Yuuka: you heard everyone, Mizutani-san you take the lead since you know where the river is.

Natsuki: U-um S-Sure.

Natsuki felt nervous but she thought of swimming with Kaneki so she decided 5o lead everyone.

Everyone started to walk to the river Natsuki found, though the members of the H-O-H-A club are searching for Kaneki.

Keiko: dammit where is he?

Itsuki: I don't see him anywhere!.

Chikao: where are you Kaneki?!

???: what're you three doing?

Chikao: we're trying to look for Kaneki.

Ryueki: don't be silly he is probably far away.

Chikao: yeah, but I don't want to leave him alone so i would try to find him.

???: I'm quite curious why are you attached to him Yuri-san

Chikao: that's because I'm his fa-

Natsuki: Shush* everyone! Be quiet!

???: what is it Mizutani-san?

Natsuki: look over there.

Natsuki pointed a big tree and on the ground was Kaneki.

Shino: its him!

Itsuki: wait but what is he doing?

Chikao: he did say he was going to do a spell but what kind is it.

Ryueki: (what the hell?!)

(Onii-chan is doing a blood ritual?!)

(Kaneki you're doing a blood ritual? I'm more impressed now)

(My former research buddy is doing the blood binding ritual)

Blood binding ritual is a ritual where a person bleeds on their desired item with blood with specific emotions so they wouldn't lose it.

His classmates were watching him while he was doing the ritual which has already started.

Kaneki: through my sorrows and regrets i pour this blood binding me to this weapon for eternity.

His classmates were listening to him silently.

Itsuki: he's actually doing a spell.

Natsuki: shush he might hear you.

Kaneki: and may my blood burn those who try to steal or take this weapon without my permission.

As he repeated saying those words 3 times he finished the ritual by using his demon power.



Everyone: !!!

He slit his hand causing his blood to spew out of his hand and merge with his Gun.

As his blood merged with his gun the injury he made to his hand healed quickly.

Kaneki: is this the right way Sword-san?

Sword-san: [yes Kaneki-chan]

Shino: he's talking to his sword again.

After 20 seconds the ritual was completed and his blood completely merged with the Gun.

Kaneki: Alright the ritual is done so how do I test it?

Yuuka: he's going to test what now?

Sword-san: throw it

Kaneki: I see Sword-san thanks but i blame you if I lose it.

Everyone: what is he planning?

Kaneki took his Gun off the ground and he looked at it before.

Kaneki: alright! Yeet!

Kaneki throwing his Gun up in the air.


Kaneki: Return!

As he said return his Gun flew back to him.

Natsuki: no way, it came back!

Chikao: amazing.

Everyone was in shock seeing how Kaneki was able to use what they think is magic.

But for Ryueki

(What the hell! He's supposed to be a mob character! He's getting more attention than me! If this continues he might become my rival, and I don't want that!)

Everyone didn't move so they wouldn't notice be noticed by him.


Kaneki: what are you guys looking at?!

Everyone: !!!

Kaneki: don't try to hide i literally see you guys behind that small bush!