Chapter 54 - New hope

Yuuka and Natsuki went to the cafe where Kaneki and Natsuki became friends and Yuuka revealed she knew about their secret and they talked about Kaneki then Natsuki said something Yuuka never expected.

Yuuka: wait he had a crush on his old friends?

Natsuki: well not really I just thought about it, I mean yesterday after playing at the arcade we went to a restaurant to have dinner and we talked a lot.

So they went to a restaurant after playing huh.

Natsuki: he mostly talked about his friends he praises them a lot his 2 childhood friends, his best friend, and one girl he thought of as a sister.

Yuuka: really?

Natsuki: yeah although he forgot the faces of the three of those girls Sachi Saki's face is the only one he remembers now.

Yuuka: Huh! why!?

He... forgot our faces?

Natsuki: well he told me many things about his friends he always "loved" them as his friends but he also told me 3 months ago Sachi left Shimotsuki so she could attend a different school and his other 3 friends estranged him.

so he told her about that.

Yuuka: that's horrible why did they estrange him?

I'm sorry.

Natsuki: he said he didn't know why but he only thinks it's something he has done.

you blamed yourself?

Natsuki: he even told me that on that day he felt so much pain he described it like "being pierced in the heart with a hot sword over and over again".

you felt so much pain because of us... we're sorry.

Natsuki: why are you crying?

oh shoot I couldn't control my emotions.

Yuuka: hearing that story that Higanbana-kun told you made me feel really sad for him.

Natsuki: hehe~ you're really kind Mirai-san even though you don't know him that much you get sad for him. I'm glad you became my friend.

You're wrong, I'm not kind I've hurt him and I just watched him suffer. but this time it's different I'll make things right.

Yuuka: so he must really hate his old friends huh? leaving him and estranging him probably made him hate them.

Natsuki: not really, he told me he doesn't hate them he also said if he sees them again he would give them all a hug and actually cry.

He... doesn't hate us? so does that mean there's still hope of us being friends again?

Natsuki: honestly I wish to help him but I also want to rip those 3 girls a new one, they've hurt him, he cared and protected them all his life and that's what they give in return! if I were to meet them i would make sure they would regret what they did to him.

of course she probably likes him and she wants him to be happy in that case.

Yuuka: do you want him to be happy?

Natsuki: of course he helped me in my time of loneliness so I want to help him.

Yuuka: in that case what about helping him make new friends?

Natsuki: wait wh- wait that's actually a good idea it might make him feel like he's with his old friends.

Yuuka: in that case I'll help you.

Natsuki: really!

Yuuka had an idea and she was going to spring it into action.

Yuuka: yesterday at lunch our class decided to go camping all of us only you and Higanbana-kun didn't participate since we couldn't find you two and since we might not have class tomorrow we could all go camping tomorrow at the forest.

Natsuki: that's a good idea in that case once you get everyone to agree text me and I'll invite him if it's an invite from me he'll definitely show up.

Yuuka: sounds like a plan if you want him to be happy I'll help even if it means being his friend.

Natsuki: Yeah! thank you Mirai-san! this was fun but I'm heading home now I hope things go well!

after Natsuki left Yuuka felt relieved.

So things are going great now so that means I'll be his friend again... alright then I have to tell Those 2 about my plan. this camping trip is a great opportunity for one of us becoming his friend again even if it's only one of us it's ok one step at a time.

Yuuka was more determined because she managed to convince Natsuki to join the camping trip.