River: *walks out with sandy*
Maya: *following river*
River: *sandy walks down a path and he continued walking*
Maya: so where are you going?
River: *jumps turning* to my area.
Maya: oh, can i come?
River: sure just be carful. *turns down a tunnel*
Maya: *follows*
River: *moves some plants to reveal a huge area surrounded by water and animals swimming around*
Maya: woah!!
River: be carful. We dont know if your weak to water yet. And i dont want to find out.
Maya: One way to find out! *walks over to the water*
River: lets not. *stands infront of her*
Maya: we wont know until we try!
River: yeah tell that to ember and star. Once you get their okay then we can.
Maya: They dont seem to like me that much.
River: its caused ember's people forced-adopted you and star aint happy your royalty.
Maya: Relity?
River: roy-alt-y. royalty.
Maya: Oh, what does that mean?
River: your a very important being in your home land.
Maya: ohh.
River: yup.
Maya: and force- adopted? I grew up there??
River: well, someone took your from said home land and hid you away making you believe you are one of them then they didn't want to deal with the consequences of their actions and put you here for us to deal with.
Maya: Oh/
River: yup.
Maya: Well why would i be taken from my home?
River: *shrugs* no idea. Maybe they want to start a war.
Maya: so they can blow up a planet?
River: maybe, then again that gives me and a few others more work trying to recreate it.
Maya: why would they want to blow up planets?
River: to show power.
Maya: thats stupid.
River: yup.
Maya: if they want to show power why nt just enslave all alien races?
River: some aliens can't live in other areas plus some races can defect them. But thats all in the past. Let's get you back to ember. *walks*
Maya: aw but i dont like her.
River: you'll fit in more there.
Maya: But they clearly dont like me!
River: thats the hard life here. Now come on.
Maya: Just let me stay here please! (ha nice
River: no its not the safest place for you and i have work to do. If you want i can see if leaf will take you.
Maya: i wont bother you i promise!
River: *sighs* alright but you better just sit still. *walks to a building*
Maya: i will i promise! *follows him*
River: *walks to an office and pulls a chair out by a table* sit.
Maya: *she sits on the chair*
River: *sits at his desk and works*
Maya: *she is looking around not moving*
River: *a kid appears by an open window*
Maya: *looks at the kid*
Wave: *waves*
Maya: *she waves back*
Wave: *motions for her to come to the window*
Maya: *she slides out of the chair and walks over*
Wave: it cant be fun sitting there. Want to come play?
Maya: but i promised i would stay still.
Wave: oh come on river is boring.
Maya: He's not boring, he is very nice.
Wave: he might seem nice to you but he is really mean to us.
Maya: i doubt that! Anyway, i'm maya!
Wave: wave! *river stands behind her*
Maya: But even if i where to say sure lets play, what game would we play.
Wave: uh, nevermindigottogo! *dissappears*
Maya: Huh, oh alright. *She turns around* AHH! *she covers her head*
River: woah relax!
Maya: *she uncovers her head* oh sorry, you scared me! Has no one told you that its rude to sneak up on people!
River: well, i didn't want to interrupt your conversation.
Maya: well, i normally dont talk to people so its new and exiting!
River: well, you moved so im going to take you to ember.
Maya: Fiiinnnee..
River: come on shorty. *walks*
Maya: *follows*
Shade: *appears* i need to barrow this. *disappears with maya*
Maya: Where are we going?
Shade: just to do some test.
Maya: oh alright.
Shade: *sets her down and gives her a lollipop* just sit still and if it hurts tell me. *walks out*
Maya: ooo, *she looks at the lollipop*
Shade: *they lightly shock her*
Maya: *she doesnt do anything*
Shade: *they shock her again with more power*
Maya: *still does nothing*
Shade: did that hurt or can we add more power?
Maya: Did what hurt?
Shade: the shock?
Maya: there was a shock?
Shade: pain immunity. *writes as they shock her again but with much more power*
Maya: hmm, that was something.
Shade: did it hurt?
Maya: No, but i felt it!
Shade: *they shock her again with more power*
Maya: Oo, that, i felt that!
Shade: what the f***.
Maya: What f***?
Shade: don't say that. You will get in trouble and get me in trouble.
Maya: oh okay!
Shade: yeah. *writes as they shock her again*
Maya:hmm, that was a little less then normal!
Ember: *kicks the door down* Where is she?!?!
Shade: *jumps sticking to the wall* geez ever heard of knocking! *looks over* what the f***.
Ember: Hey. dont say that!
Shade: there she goes! *points out the door*
Ember: *She turns around*
Shade: she's a runner, she's a trackstar!
Ember: *She runs out*
Shade: *blocks the door* shes gone.
Maya: *She peeks out* You sure?
Shade: yeah. *slides down the door*
Maya: i dont like them.
Shade: yeah shes scarry.
Maya: not.. Just.. her…