Opening the door to my apartment would seem like an easy enough task. However, with the looming biker behind me, I found it more difficult. My keys fumbled at the lock a few times before they clicked inside.
Pushing the door open, I threw my bag on the ground and stomped over to the kitchen. Heavy footsteps followed behind me as I climbed the counters to reach my stash.
"Get down from there." Twelve's voice broke my focus, and I lost my footing.
"Jesus, Twelve. Give me a second," I mumbled, regaining my balance, and closing the cabinet.
"Kinny, seriously, go lay down." Abrasive words poured from his lips.
Anger surged through me at his demand. I hopped down from the counter, and strutted over to the balcony., nudging him with my shoulder as I passed.
I figured ignoring him until I've smoked would result in the least amount of damage. I was agitated, in pain, and tired. Having the day off wasn't the 'Hail Mary' Twelve thought I needed.
What I needed was the distraction from the pain. Opening the sliding door, I pulled out a joint and sparked it. I lifted the joint to my lips, and spotted the broken-ish chair in the corner. Testing my luck, I made my way over and crouched onto it. Twelve, appeared in the doorway moments later.
"So help me, God, Kinny." His anger was kind of hot, but mine burned with intensity.
"Why are you still here, Twelve?" Venom coated my voice, and smoke leaked from my nose.
He looked shocked at my words, but instantly recovered.
"I'm here because you refuse to take care of yourself." He huffed and took a step closer to me.
I ashed the joint over the side railing, and brought it to my lips again. Inhaling, holding the smoke, and exhaling before speaking. The plastic chair creaked with my subtle movements.
"I have been taking care of myself for years, Twelve. I don't need a babysitter. What I would like, is to be left alone. I appreciate the whole caring thing you've got going on, but you overstepped big time with Nona-"
When he made a move to interrupt, I held my hand up and continued.
"I cannot, and will not, put my job at risk. For anything. They are few and far between for people like me. Don't do it again." I narrowed my eyes as I finished.
"People like you?" His question had me freeze.
The blood drained from my face, but I cleared my throat and let the words flow out.
"Didn't graduate highschool. Can't really get much further in life, and there's few positions that aren't so shitty, like at Nona's" The lie was smooth, and believable. God only knows how many times I've told it.
"Somehow, I doubt that. That's besides the point. You are injured, pretty badly. Nona would be okay with you-"
I cut him off, "My landlord wouldn't if I was late with no pay. Nona, sweet as she is, didn't have to pay me for time off. I'm sure that's gonna hurt her somewhere now, too. Twelve, please, it's not all peachy because I'm getting paid. Just, don't do that again. Let me handle shit regarding my life. That's all."
I wasn't in the mood to argue further, and I wasn't expecting an apology. I knew all too well, a biker's ego wasn't one to deflate itself. I sat up from the chair, and pushed past him.
A rough hand closed around my wrist when I made it through the door. When I turned my head, and met his eyes, I froze.
"I'm sorry, Kinny. Really. Won't happen again." The words weren't harsh, but his eyes were. My stomach dropped, and I nodded.
There was nothing further for me to say, and I was sure Twelve wanted to leave. I ushered him over to the door, and he gave me a once over before stepping through the threshold, and over to the stairs. I watched as the doors closed behind him. Guilt festered in my gut, and I shook my head, locking the door to the apartment.
"Lottie! Where are you?!" A thunderous voice boomed. Footsteps descended the stairs with brutal force, and I looked at Mama.
"Baby, go hide, now." Mama whispered, gathering me in her arms.
"Mama, please-"
"Hush! Baby, go hide, now." Her rushed whisper was halted as the door flung open.
A whisky bottle crashed against the concrete walls, and I shrieked, cowering behind Mama. I clung to her shirt as she backed us into the corner. The man's rage was clear on his face. furrowed brows, slitted eyes, and fists clenched so tight I was sure I saw bone.
"Cover your ears, Kin. Please." She begged, kissing my head, and stepping away from me.
"Lottie you know the deal. Get the fuck over here!"
His shouts echoed about the basement, and Mama flinched. She sucked in a deep breath, glancing back at me, before being dragged out of the basement by her hair.
*End of flashback*
I shot up from the bed, eyes blinking the memories away in desperation. The room was still dark, and I knew that it hadn't been too long since Twelve left, but I was feeling more alone than I ever had. The dream, and the attack had fucked with my head.
I clambered out of bed, and stumbled to the kitchen. I flicked the lightswitch before opening the fridge, and I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye.
A gasp escaped me, and I turned all the way to see Twelve, holding a cookie, and a mug.
"What the fuck?!" I yelled, closing the fridge.
"Kinny, calm down," He said, backing up a bit.
"Calm down? Are you serious? Have you ever seen an argument where a man has said 'Calm Down' to a woman? Do they work out well? I don't think so!" I was shouting, and getting louder with each word.
"I have a really good explanation, I swear." He defended himself, throwing his hands up.
"Oh, really? Please, enlighten me, Twelve. Why did you decide to break into my apartment?" I couldn't contain the sarcasm dripping from my voice.
"I was hungry." He offered, as he shrugged his shoulders, and took another bite of the cookie.
"I have half a mind to call the police, Twelve." I threatened. It was an empty threat, but one I'd hoped would get him to leave.
"Do it, Kin." He replied, smirking at me. My cheeks paled at the nickname, and I knew he was calling my bluff.
"I will." I pushed further, crossing my arms against my chest.
"Do. It. Kinny." He enunciated each word, as he stepped closer and closer.
I sucked in a nervous breath, and walked over to my phone. A cheap, pay by use, throwaway. When I made a move to dial the numbers, my hands started to shake, hard. Not even a second later, Twelve took hold of them gently, and placed the phone on the counter.
"I was worried about you. Until those fuckers are dead, I wanted to keep an eye on you. I saw that you had shitty locks, and took it upon myself to guard you tonight." His voice held sincerity to it, but I was still unsure of his intentions.
"That's a sweet thought, but you couldn't have knocked on my door? Let me know my locks are shitty?" I asked, giving him a pointed glare.
"You're right, I should go about doing shit like this different. I just didn't really think it through." His sheepish smile melted me, and I shook my head.
"I'm going to go back to bed, take the couch tonight. Tomorrow, we're gonna get better locks, and you're going to think a little bit more. Got it?"
He relaxed at my words, and gave a thumbs up. This man was going to be the death of me. He plopped himself down on the couch, and swung his legs over the side. I chuckled when he pulled the fluffy yellow blanket over himself and snuggled deeper into it.
"Goodnight Twelve. Get some sleep." I whispered, and turned to make my way back to my room.
"Goodnight, Kin." Was his soft reply. I'd have to do something about that nickname, but the way it rolled off his lips, it felt natural.