Chereads / Broken Bridges and Chocolate Chips / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5: Appreciating Nona

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5: Appreciating Nona


There weren't many customers coming through the door, but the ones that did, were actually pleasant. It was a breath of fresh air when every table I had was polite, patient, and overall just a joy to have. I'd take days like this all the time if I could. What I lacked in tips, outweighed the customers that chipped away at my already broken soul. I swear it was a talent being able to keep my bubbly appearance up most days at Nona's, especially with some of the clientele that frequented the area.

Ashley popped in the door thirty minutes late, per usual, and Tanya called ten minutes after to say she'd be an hour late. Nona told them it wasn't a problem. It only meant more money in my pocket, and on a slow day like this, I needed it. Danielle came in on time at eight, and all three of us split the diner evenly for the rest of our shift. Tanya never showed. As per usual.

With my last table's check in my hand and a reletively easy shift done, I made my way to Nona at the register and handed the money to her. "Last table, hon?" I merely nodded and accepted the change from her.

"looks like I owe you thirty five, and you owe me twelve." That was another thing I appreciated about Nona, she already had the numbers done up by the time her servers were ready to leave. I fished twelve dollars out of my apron pocket and placed it on the counter to accept the money Nona already had in her hands. "Thank you, Nona. I'll see you on Monday." I spoke, smiling softly, and went to gather my things from the back.

I had more energy than I knew what to do with and when Rusty saw the look on my face, even he looked scared for a minute. Sue me, I had a good day, and for some reason that old fart made it better.