Aki was counting the yen when he noticed a note. "Meet me in the forest behind your place tonight. I have important business to discuss." Aki read to himself. "Oh this should be fun, wonder what type of big heist he wants to pull now." Aki slyly remarked to himself as he counted yen and put some away. "He didn't say what time so I'll just wait till Chloe falls asleep tonight." Aki thought. Chloe ran up to her brother "Hey big bro wanna play!?" Chloe asked excitedly. "Of course, Chloe." Aki replied as he stood up from his chair with a smile. "What do ya wanna play?" Aki asked.
Later at night Chloe eventually fell asleep. Aki then put on his jacket and went out to the forest. "Jeez it's dark, that girl sure is a hassle." Aki laughed as he walked. A bit up ahead Aki saw a figure. "Well well well look what the birds dragged in." Aki jokingly remarked. A crow screamed at Aki on the plague doctor's shoulder. "Your late Aki, real late" The plague doctor replied. "Listen Jordan, you're the one who didn't say a time so that's on you for someone so tactical and good at critical thinking you sure do skip up on some stuff." Aki replied. Jordan paused for a minute. "Aki…its one in the damn morning thats pretty fucking late to meet up don't you think? Whatever lets just go I found a good job." Jordan said as a murder of crows surrounded them and they were in another forest. "I found out that there's a bunker in this forest that people are running and keeping and making drugs in." Jordan replied as he crouched behind a bush. "Why is it always drug missions with you?" Aki sighed as he crouched down and summoned golden bandages and covered the lower part of his face. "Quit whining and get us inside." Jordan replied as he adjusted his mask and gave Aki an earpiece "yeah yeah." Aki said as he took the earpiece and looked over the bush at the bunker and noticed two personnel. Aki's eyes then turn yellow as he thinks before they snap back to green and he makes air platforms up and above them as he then grabs the two with golden bandages and ties them up before hopping down and waving Jordan over. "Alright now you gotta get inside and open the door for me cause I don't have a keycard." Jordan said as Aki looked around and noticed a vent "bingo." Aki thought as he turned into sand and flowed into the vent. As Aki flowed through the vents "this would've been easier if those goons outside had keycards." he thought as he flowed out of the vent. "What the?" Said the person guarding the door. Aki then flowed up the guard's pant leg up the armor and to his neck where he then made him pass out. Aki then returned to normal form before searching the guy for a keycard. "Shit nothing" Aki muttered under his breath, frustrated at the lack of a keycard. Just then, he noticed a security room nearby and decided to check it out. As he entered, he found a startled guard monitoring the security cameras. Aki swiftly incapacitated the guard and hacked into the system, scanning through the various feeds with yellow eyes. Aki then knelt down to the guard "Got it," Aki whispered to himself as he extracted the card from the unconscious guard. With the keycard in hand, he headed back to the door where Jordan was waiting. "Took you long enough," Jordan quipped as Aki swiped the keycard, granting them access to the bunker. The duo silently made their way through the dimly lit corridors, avoiding security cameras and patrolling guards. As they approached the room containing the valuable merchandise, Aki could feel the tension rising. The plan was simple: grab as much as they could carry and make a quick exit without arousing suspicion. The room was filled with crates of illicit substances. Jordan then used his crows to teleport the goods quickly and efficiently. Just as they were about to make their escape, an unexpected alarm blared through the facility. "Looks like they've caught on. Time to move!" Jordan shouted over the noise as they sprinted through the corridors. The duo faced increasing resistance as they neared the exit, with guards converging on their location. In the midst of the chaos, Aki and Jordan split up, taking different routes to confuse the pursuing guards. Thanks to Aki's skill abilities he was quick to navigate through the facility's halls, evading capture at every turn. Finally, they rendezvoused at the exit, where a tense standoff awaited. Aki and Jordan were surrounded by armed guards, their escape route seemingly blocked. Just when it seemed like the end, Aki unleashed his ultimate, a glowing golden ankh symbol appeared on Aki's chest as he floated up his eyes then glowed a bright yellow. Golden bandages shot out from his body, disarming the guards and quickly embolizing them. Seizing the opportunity, Aki and Jordan burst through the remaining resistance "What the hell was that Aki?" Jordan said while running up to the entrance, "I actually don't know" Aki replied as they emerged from the bunker, their victory was short-lived. Sirens wailed in the distance as law enforcement closed in on their location. "Whatever Split up! We'll meet at the designated spot!" Jordan shouted, and the duo parted ways, disappearing into the labyrinthine forest. Aki, determined to lose any pursuers, went to the city and ascended to the rooftops.