Chereads / Danmachi: Demigod / Chapter 18 - Training Ais and gifts

Chapter 18 - Training Ais and gifts

Akira just got to the twighlight manor and the guards just let him through they have seen that he is friends with the executives of their familia so it's all fine

Akira just made it to the training grounds and found Ais training with her rapier Akira didn't wait and attacked from behind with a sword of the same quality as hers

Feeling a chill Ais turned just in time to block Akiras sneak attack he lowered his stats to match hers so she can get better after that they continued the match for a few hours before they stopped Ais was sweating heavily and was completely out of breath and Akira didn't even break a sweat

Ais pouts and said

Ais: how are you so strong?

Akira: it has to do with my skill Ais

She pouts more and said it's not fair Akira chuckled and agreed he's a cheat after all

After that they discussed the expedition and what happened with the Demi spirit Akira said he'll keep his eyes peeled for any clues she nodded before they had more small talk and parted for the day again

As Akira was heading to his house he thought he'd make something for Ryuu he has an idea what to make too a new sword for her would be good so he went to his forge and started going at it

after a few hours he was sharpening a beautiful double edged sword that was white and had tree branch designs along the centre of the blade but the tree branches weren't just for looks they were filled with complicated runes to add affects like self repair, magic booster, chant annulment, durandal and last but not least he made it have its own magic spell called wind blade it's pretty self explanatory but it shoots a wind blade on command from the user it can use stored mana for it so it's basically a free spell as long as you fill it with enough mana before the fight he also dropped a bit of Ryuu's blood on it he already asked for it incase he needed to bind a weapon to her she didn't care it was only one drop of blood anyway

As he finished he created the sheath aswell which was a pure white with golden accents he was happy with it and couldn't wait to give it to Ryuu

He also decided to make something for Hephaestus he was going to make a necklace that can dispel any curse it will definitely get rid of her cursed eye and he was sure she'll love it he'll give it to her next week and ask her out too

Akira was a bit stumped on what to do now he had nothing so he decided to store the weapon and necklace and create something for Rose he was going to ask her out as well she has been waiting for it too he's hopeful his gift makes up for it

Akira was on his way to the guild with a beautiful box with fancy design it wasn't magic but what's inside was his gift for Rose it was a pair of earrings with a shield and self healing enchantment on them he was gifting this to keep her safe and they were pretty stylish too not that she needed it

Akira walked into the guild with the box behind his back it didn't take long to find his target as always she was not busy because of the massive scowl on her face so he walked right up to her and said

Akira: Rose can we talk in the room over there?

Rose seeing Akira her expression warmed a bit and nodded after getting in the room Akira proceeded to gift her the earrings and explained what they do to say she was stunned was an understatement she blushed and smiled at him

Rose: Thank you this will help with my work and keep me a bit safer when I'm out

Akira: Also would you be free for dinner tonight with me?

Rose was stunned again she thought he'd never ask her since he's with Ryuu

Rose: what about Ryuu?

Akira: she actually was asking me to just accept a harem she doesn't believe I'll be able to stay with just one woman

Rose sighed and agreed polygamy is normal here after all there is way more girls then boys considering most men in the city become adventurers and die in the dungeon

Anyway after that she went back to work and Akira went to book a restaurant before going back to pick her up he was a bit stunned to see she had a line of customers because she was smiling like an idiot the rest of her shift she kept playing with her earrings they looked beautiful on her fluffy ears even on the way to the restaurant she was all smiles and Akira just chuckled and linked her arm and took her to the restaurant

Rose and Akira had a nice dinner and got to know each other more and after the dinner Akira walked her home before leaving though he kissed her and laughed at her stunned face and then he waved goodbye

The next day Akira woke up in bed again with Ryuu as he was stroking her hair she woke up and buried her head into his neck before asking how his date was

Akira: you saw us huh?

He chuckled and she nodded Akira explained how it went and then decided to get breakfast ready after they ate and Ryuu was about to leave Akira stopped her and gave her the sword he made for her while explained how it works

Ryuu was so happy she threw him back in the bedroom… Akira thought he should make her gifts more often.

After this he was thinking to go to the dungeon for his own expedition he loved fighting after all so he was planning for it tomorrow as he was sitting in his workshop he got a couple unique visitors they were one Bell cranel and Haruhime Akira smiled knowingly at Haruhime and she blushed atomic red with a bit of smoke coming from her head

Bell being Bell didn't realise what was wrong and kept asking if she had a fever and checking her temperature with his forehead Akira whistles and mumbled

Akira: Wow how bold

Haruhime being a renard heard what he said and directly fainted Akira laughed out loud and took her to the sofa on the side before turning to Bell

Akira: What can I do for you Bell

Bell: umm.. sir I just wanted to thank you for helping my familia and letting the girls join

Akira chuckled and admitted to himself that this is a nice kid he's dense and naive but very kind

Akira: it's fine kid how goes your crush with that Leyfia?

As he said this he wiggles his eyebrows at bell and bell blushed and stammered about saying

Bell: it's not like that!

After some small talk Bell asked if it's okay to look around and I asked him what he thought a shop was for? He was embarrassed but keeped quiet and looked around all until he saw Excalibur and his eyes shone with excitement he has heard rumours about this sword they say whoever can weild it would become a hero and that's always been his dream

Akira: Kid go ahead and try pick it up I believe out of everyone I've met here you have the best chance at holding that sword

Bell turned and looked at me with wide eyes before saying

Bell: Yes sir!

Akira: just Akira no need to be formal

Bell: Right! Akira then

After that bell grabbed the sword and all the letters started to glow and you could hear some fae laughing but he couldn't pick it up he was disappointed but I cut him off

Akira: That doesn't mean you can't hold it kid it's the opposite you just can't use it because you aren't strong enough yet that sword doesn't react at all if you aren't worthy you have to remember the little notes beside all my works it's all level 5 or up

Bell got excited and thought he just needs to be stronger and he'll be able to become a hero with this sword and then he saw the price tag and fell on his face 5 billion valis was too much

Akira: hahah! I'll give you a discount if you can really pick it up kid the price there is because I don't want people to buy it if they aren't worthy

After all what point is there to buy a 5 billion valis sword that nobody can pick up it's a waste and everyone who's seen it agrees

After a while Haruhime woke up and hugged and thanked Akira for finding them the perfect familia before they left Bell took one last look filled with determination towards the sword and Akira smirked and imagined a scene of Bell shouting EX calibur at the one eyed black dragon he doesn't have to lose an arm this time.