Chereads / A Place You Remember / Chapter 158 - Resurgence

Chapter 158 - Resurgence

-----Kaede's POV

Waiting outside like this, I heighten my senses to listen in on whatever they're talking about. It's muffled so I can't really tell what it is, but at least I know that things are still going good.

That is until I heard a heard a bang, followed with Luna seeming to be quite distressed. I wait no time as I barge inside to see that Yui had collapsed, leaving Luna to hold her up.

Luna: "E-Ellen?"

Kaede: "Luna, stay back."

Luna: "Kaede? What's wrong with-"

Suddenly, Yui pounces onto Luna, pinning her to the bed as I recall flashbacks to when she did that to Mell. Without a moment to waste, I yank Yui away from Luna just as Yui was about to go for her neck. It was then that I saw her eyes yet again. They were dyed red, with her face showing no signs of the Yui I know.

Actually, I haven't thought about this until now, but Yui and I have different classes. How could we have forgot about that?! Either way, I guess I'll have to explain this to Luna as she just lays there on the bed, watching us.

Kaede: "I'll explain everything shortly."

Luna: "O-okay."

Feeling Yui struggle in my arms like this, I breathe a heavy sigh. This is the only way I can think of that will solve this issue... But I don't like it...

With Yui squirming non-stop to get free, I let go of her as she immediately reverses the roles, pinning me down instead. I move the collar of my jacket to the side a bit as she immediately lunged forward, sinking her teeth into my neck. The pain is just like last time, as her rough and desperate actions are causing pain to shoot through my body, much different to when I drink from Yui, but I guess she hasn't gotten used to it yet.

Luna: "E-Ellen?!"

Kaede: "I-it's okay. I'll explain."

My hope is that with this, Yui will be able to move more freely and not be bound to me like she is now. Like maybe her body needing to be close to me is a sign of her body needing my blood? It's just a theory, but we need to quickly experiment with this before classes start back up.

After a couple more minutes of Yui desperately drinking my blood, she finally loosen her grasp on me.

Kaede: "Yui?"

Yui: "...Mmmm~ Hmm?"

Almost immediately upon realizing, she moves off of me, taking her teeth out of my neck as I begin to heal the wound left behind.

Yui: "W-wait. Did I just-"

Kaede: "Yes. But don't worry. I let it happen."

Yui: "But!"

Kaede: "I want to try something, but before that. Luna."

Yui: "Ah! Luna! I'm sorry!"

We both turn to Luna as Yui had finally realized that we're not the only ones in the room.

Luna: "W-what's this all about?"

Yui: "It's nothing, really I-"

Kaede: "When she went with me to Azalea, things happened during the battle. And to make a long story short, she has sudden urges to drink blood."

I still don't know whether it's blood in general like it is with me, or if it's specifically my blood. But with how she nearly attacked both Mell and Luna, my guess is that it's any blood.

Luna: "That sounds like-"

Kaede: "A vampire? Yes."

Yui: "..."

I know Yui didn't expect this sort of outcome, but I think now's the perfect time to just be completely transparent with her.

Luna: "How did- that happen?"

Kaede: "She ingested some of my blood."

Luna: "What?"

She was still shocked about what just happened, but now she's looking to be more confused than anything.

Luna: "How would that make Ellen like this?"

Kaede: "We only learnt about this until after the fact. But it's because... I'm a vampire."

Yui/Luna: "..."

I could feel the nervousness emanating from both Yui and Luna as I said that.

Luna: "I... I thought vampires don't bleed?"

Kaede: "They don't. I'm half vampire, half human."

Luna: "What?! I've never heard of such a thing before."

Well, that may be because the only record of someone like me was born amongst monsters and was quickly killed off, so humans would have no idea.

Yui: "It's true."

Luna: "But then. What happened to you then?"

Yui: "We're still figuring that out. From what we've gathered, I'm still human. It's just that there are some differences. The biggest difference is that my body shuts down when I'm not around Kaede."

Luna: "Really?"

Kaede: "Actually, regarding that. I just gave you my blood just now, right?"

Yui: "I- guess?"

Kaede: "I'll step out again and see if there's a change."

Yui: "Wait! But... Oh-"

Seems like she's caught onto what I'm thinking.

Luna: "What's happening now?"

Kaede: "We found out that Yui can't stay too far away from me. But I'm going to see if that's still the case after giving blood to her."

Luna: "I'm confused... But okay?"

Kaede: "Just yell out if something happens."

Luna: "Okay..."

Kaede: "Yui? How are you feeling?"

Yui: "I feel fine. Just a littler nervous about this."

Kaede: "Well we have to figure out something. We aren't in the same class after all."

Yui: "Ah! You're right!"

Guess she didn't think of that until now either.

Kaede: "Fufu~ Then I'll step out now."

With that, I remove myself from the room, closing the door behind me as I lean back against the wall in the hallway. I'll wait here for a bit before moving further away to see if anything happens.

-----Yui's POV

It's been about a minute since Kaede left the room. I'm still nervous about this little experiment, but for now at least, I don't feel that pain like I did before. All I can feel, or well, taste, is the sweet taste of her blood inside my mouth.

Luna: "This is crazy."

Yui: "I know."

Luna: "So- Kaede's a vampire, huh?"

Yui: "Yeah."

Luna: "So all those times when you two ran off somewhere..."

Yui: "Mm... It was to give Kaede my blood."

It's bad enough talking about this with Luna. I was hoping that a day like this would never come! So I'm for sure not telling her that I secretly find pleasure from it as well!

Luna: "Ah~ It all adds up now. So that explains why you always looked pale."

Yui: "Y-yeah."

Luna: "Here I thought you two were doing something more... Bold."

Yui: "..."

I'm not going to comment on that. Nope!~

Luna: "So~ You still feeling okay?"

Yui: "Yeah. It might be too early, but I think this is working."

Luna: "I'm glad."

Her smile does wonders for me as it washes away my nerves.

Luna: "But... Could we continue where we left off of?"

Yui: "Huh?"

To be honest, I completely forgot what we were talking about earlier. I started to get too focused on suppressing the pain until my vision just went blank. That is until I woke up to the sight and smell of Kaede underneath me.

Luna: "Like when I was talking about us. Back when we, kissed and, before and after when Kaede showed up."

Yui: "Ah, right."

I do recall something along those lines, but my memory's still a little foggy.

Luna: "Well, like I said. When Kaede came back into your life, I thought it was fine for me to take a back seat and just watch you two. But I now know that was wrong. I realize now that I never properly conveyed my feelings to you, so... Yui. I love you."

Yui: "Ah-"

I struggle to find the words for moment as I watch Luna pour her heart out to me. She's clearly nervous, reminding me of when I first confessed to Kaede in our past life. She's right, we never really touched onto this subject when Kaede and I reunited. I was aware of her feelings, but I should've settled this ages ago, and not let it brood in Luna's heart. I won't deny that a certain part of me does have feelings for Luna. We did kiss after all, and even considered doing other things. But it'd be wrong to give her the wrong idea, thing's have changed.

Yui: "I'm happy you feel this way about me-"

I take a moment to hold onto her hand, trying to ease some of the tension that's building up in her body.

Yui: "I won't deny that I share the same feelings. But Kaede is back, and my feelings for her haven't changed. Back when we kissed, I never thought that Kaede would be in this world. It was jarring for me to hear about it, and I can only imagine how painful it was for you. But my feelings for you are genuine! It's just... I can't reciprocate your feelings for me, I'm sorry."

Luna: "Hah~ Thought so."

Yui: "Hmm?"

I was a little confused to see Luna still smiling while staring up at the ceiling. I did turn her down properly, right?

Luna: "I already knew that it'd turn out this way."

Yui: "Then why do you look happy?"

Luna: "Because I finally feel like the hole that was eating away inside me has finally been filled. It hurt every time you looked at Kaede, every time you held hands, everything that we used to do together. I hated the idea of not being able to do those things with you again."

Yui: "Well, it's not like we have to stop holding hands, haha."

Luna: "Hehe, I know. But back then, I just thought I'd get in the way between you two. But now that I've come to terms with my feelings and properly been turned down, I can finally try and move on."

It honestly hurts for her to say this. I never wanted to turn her down, but this is the only option I can think of. Of course the other option would be to turn down Kaede and be with Luna, but I just can't see myself doing something like that. Maybe in some other kind of universe maybe I chose Luna, but at least in this one, I know where my heart lies.

Luna: "Thank you."

We share a nice, warm embrace, wrapping our arms around one another. The sweet smell of Luna does wonders for my nerves as I close my eyes, wanting this moment to continue for a while longer.