There was only silence that lingered in the air after the table split in half like this.
The one that broke that silence was the bronze skinned demon who suddenly broke out laughing.
"Ha, ha, ha, you really are something special. I knew that I was right about you."
After laughing like this, he came forward and started slapping me on the back like we were close friends.
I just looked at him with a bitter smile since I didn't know what he was doing, but it didn't seem like the bronze skinned demon minded this at all as he kept slapping me on the back.
Eventually, Elizabeth came back to her senses and said with a cough, "Sir Ymir, I think that's enough."
I realized that this was the first time that I heard this bronze skinned demon's name.
Even with the way that I was acting, I was actually curious about this bronze skinned demon named Ymir. After all, I had felt a similar sensation coming from him when we had been arm wrestling just now.